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Video Vido

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As a free user you'll enjoy access to over 18,000+ free stock video clips and motion graphics, animated backgrounds , and hundreds of free sounds effects.
We source this content from trusted providers, as well as produce the content in-house, so you can be sure you are getting access to the best quality 4K and HD stock footage clips that are safe to use in your creative projects. If you choose to upgrade to a Premium plan, you'll unlock access to over 500,000 premium stock assets with Royalty-Free licensing.
When it comes to licensing our content, simplicity has always been our main goal. Our free video clips are licensed under our own Videvo Attribution License or Creative Commons 3.0, allowing you to use the content in a wider range of productions, even commercially.
When you upgrade to a Premium plan, the license for free video and audio content is upgraded to Royalty-Free, meaning you no longer have to provide attribution to the author.
Furthermore, Royalty-free licensing allows you to use the same clip over again in multiple projects, now or in the future, without having to pay for that clip again.
Our extensive library of 500,000+ stock media clips is continuously growing, with new video clips, sound effects and music tracks added daily. Our dedicated team of in-house producers source this content from around the world, brining you a diverse and unique selection of free videos and sounds for your projects.
We are always on the hunt for new contributors, so if you have a passion for shooting great visual content we want to hear from you!
Want to tell a story? Are you on your own? These free tools can make it all possible. Everyone has stories to tell. As the industry ...
You probably didn’t start podcasting to spend all of your time with a digital audio workstation. Some people enjoy the details and ...
Chill to the ultimate montage of high-definition sunset videos and chill, downtempo beats in our latest Videvoscape, “Pastel ...
Videvo was created with one simple mission: to make stock footage more affordable, and in doing so empower creators worldwide to produce awesome visual content. Originally started as a free stock footage service, we've added sound effects and music tracks into the mix too, as well as an extended collection of 500,000+ premium stock assets.
We only work with a select number of trusted providers for our premium content, and we give each a bigger cut of the pie, so that earnings are not diluted across thousands of contributors. By working with fewer, more well established contributors, we can also be sure that the content has been sourced responsibly and is safe to use. Furthermore, our content is provided in 1080p HD minimum resolution, and most of our content is now provided in 4K.
Headquartered in rural Oxfordshire, UK, we're a small and passionate team who love to chat. If you're ever this way, look us up, or you can contact us by submitting a message through our contact page , or by emailing us at .
Videvo offers free stock videos and motion graphics for use in any project. You may use these video clips free of charge, in both personal and commercial productions. Video clips that carry the Creative Commons 3.0 license must be attributed to the original author.

If you have any suggestions for the site, or would like to make a request for free stock footage please contact us at: and we'll do our best to help.
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