Vicks Vapor Rub On Anus

Vicks Vapor Rub On Anus


Vicks Vapor Rub On Anus

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Though three out of four adults in the U.S. experience hemorrhoid problems, many find them embarrassing to talk about. As a result, most patients prefer discreet treatment remedies to limit any need for discussing hemorrhoid problems.
Vicks VapoRub is a temporary remedy you can use to discreetly deal with hemorrhoids. Though it is not a hemorrhoid cream, some have reported temporary relief by using this over-the-counter remedy to treat hemorrhoid symptoms.
Even though Vicks VapoRub is a cough suppressant, some patients have also reported it can temporarily relieve hemorrhoid symptoms. You can minimize hemorrhoid symptoms like pain and itchiness if you apply a generous amount of Vicks directly to the problem area. For many patients, this easy-to-find, at-home treatment makes it possible for them to get through the day with reduced discomfort.
Vicks VapoRub contains three active ingredients .
These three ingredients combine to reduce inflammation and temporarily soothe hemorrhoid pain. Moreover, the increased circulation ensures that the soothing effects of Vicks VapoRub last several hours.
Vicks may cause momentary stinging once applied, followed by its well-known cooling sensation and several hours of pain relief. 
Like most other at-home hemorrhoid treatments , Vicks is a temporary solution to treat your hemorrhoid symptoms. The only way to eliminate hemorrhoid symptoms is through treatment from a physician. 
Luckily, some procedures provide more permanent relief. However, before we get into those treatment options, we will first discuss when you should use Vicks for hemorrhoid relief. 
You should not rely on Vicks for prolonged hemorrhoid relief. Like other home remedies for hemorrhoids, Vicks works best when you use it as a complementary treatment to longer-term solutions. You should also avoid using Vicks VapoRub on broken skin. Here are some situations when Vicks VapoRub serves as a temporary option for hemorrhoid relief. 
You may experience hemorrhoid problems on the weekend, after hours or at a time when you can’t see a doctor right away. Even if you schedule an appointment to see a doctor at the first sign of hemorrhoid problems, you may be unable to get immediate medical attention. In these situations, Vicks VapoRub can relieve hemorrhoid symptoms as you wait to see your doctor. 
Some hemorrhoid treatments may take a while before you experience all the benefits. Others may even cause some irritation in the area before the effects kick in. If you do not experience pain relief shortly after treatment, Vicks VapoRub could be a stopgap solution. However, make sure you speak with your doctor after treatment to ensure Vicks is a safe option for pain relief after your procedure. 
Depending on what you are dealing with, hemorrhoid treatments may only provide partial relief from your symptoms. Moreover, many treatment options need multiple sessions before you experience the full effect. Thus, in cases when a doctor-prescribed remedy does not offer full relief, Vicks VapoRub can be a beneficial add-on to get through your day. Make sure you speak with your doctor after treatment to ensure Vicks will not interfere with your existing treatment.
S everal hemorrhoid treatments provide long-lasting relief from hemorrhoid issues.
Hemorrhoid banding is non-invasive and one of the most effective hemorrhoid treatments. The process of hemorrhoid banding involves placing a rubber band around the affected tissue to cutoff the blood supply. The methods of hemorrhoid banding have consistently improved since the introduction of rubber ligation banding in the 1950s. Today, the most successful form of hemorrhoid banding is modern suction banding.
Modern suction hemorrhoid banding, such as with The CRH O’Regan System, is the least invasive process for hemorrhoid banding. Instead of using metal forceps to place the rubber band, doctors use a small, disposable suction device known as a ligator to attach the rubber band. After easy insertion into the anus, doctors can place a rubber band on the affected hemorrhoid without using clamps. This process is painless and only takes 30-60 seconds to complete. 
The CRH O’Regan System is the first of this kind and boasts a 99% success rate. Furthermore, over 95% of patients with internal hemorrhoid problems can receive treatment with the CRH O’Regan System. 
In rare cases, hemorrhoids are severe enough to require surgery . We often see this with hemorrhoids that extend outside the anus, or prolapse, but do not retract despite manual efforts. These hemorrhoids are also known as Grade IV hemorrhoids. Severe external hemorrhoids — those that occur outside of the anus — may also require surgery.
Hemorrhoid surgery, which is available in various forms , is highly effective, but it is also invasive. As such, it is generally a last resort for hemorrhoids that will not sufficiently respond to any other treatment option. 
With infrared coagulation , doctors expose enlarged hemorrhoids to infrared light. This exposure forms blood clots in the affected veins and creates scar tissue. The scar tissue and blood clots cause the hemorrhoid to shrink and excess tissue to die off.
IRC is effective on small internal hemorrhoids — generally Grade I, II and some III hemorrhoids. In contrast, hemorrhoid banding can treat Grade I, II, III and IV hemorrhoids. The distinctions are as follows:
If you would like to learn more, talk to your doctor about Vicks VapoRub and other home remedies for hemorrhoids, as well as physician-administered banding procedures. For the most effective and least invasive hemorrhoid treatment, find a clinic near you that uses the CRH O’Regan System .

The People's Perspective on Medicine
Vicks for relief of hemorrhoids is a controversial remedy. Some love it, but others hate it. We have gone from cautious to DO NOT USE Vicks!
Is Vicks Dangerous Against Hemorrhoids?
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Terry Graedon, PhD, is a medical anthropologist and co-host of The People’s Pharmacy radio show, co-author of The People’s Pharmacy syndicated newspaper columns and numerous books, and co-founder of The People’s Pharmacy website. Terry taught in the Duke University School of Nursing and was an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology. She is a Fellow of the Society of Applied Anthropology. Terry is one of the country's leading authorities on the science behind folk remedies. Read Terry 's Full Bio .
We are always astonished at the remedies people use to treat hemorrhoids. We once made the mistake of sharing one of those remedies on public television. Ooops! We are stating for the record: Do Not Put Vicks VapoRub On Your Hemorrhoids! No everyone believes us:
Q. I am 13 weeks pregnant. I was constipated for two days, but today I had bad diarrhea. As a result, I developed a super uncomfortable hemorrhoid.
Two over-the-counter medicines didn’t work. The pain was horrible and the area was both itchy and swollen. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I told my dad about my problem. He said that my grandpa used to apply Vicks VapoRub.
I could hardly believe this, but I figured what the heck. To my surprise, it worked. I feel so much better!
A. Vicks VapoRub is an unorthodox hemorrhoid remedy, but many readers agree with you that it can soothe pain and relieve itching. Others, however, have complained that it produces a feeling of spontaneous combustion in the nether region. One reader described his butt discomfort this way: “ Mayday, tail on fire! ”
As a result of such comments we have discouraged use of Vicks on that area of the anatomy. The makers of VapoRub state quite clearly that it is “for external use only” and should not be used “on wounds or damaged skin.”
Q. I read a message on your website about someone who put Vicks VapoRub on his hemorrhoids. He complained that “ Vicks on his hemorrhoids felt like napalm ” and described the sensation as “ spontaneous combustion that made me feel like I was a jet fighter with afterburners. Mayday! ”
My experience has been quite different. I have used Vicks on my hemorrhoids and it works amazingly well. Vicks is, however, for external use only. What that means is that if there is broken skin involved then lift-off can be achieved. Vicks on broken skin is not a happy feeling.
A. We have been surprised at the number of people who report benefit from Vicks VapoRub on hemorrhoids:
“Tried Vick’s vaporub as haemorrhoid remedy It worked immediately, effectively and without pain.”
“OMG…Vicks is brilliant. It shrinks them too. A star all the way!”
“Vicks is great for hemmies. Granted if you are extremely sensitive I would avoid it but if you aren’t and are looking for relief it’s a must.”
“I have had hemorrhoids for 40 years. About 35 years ago, while living in England, I was able to treat them with an ointment I found that was sold there. I brought some back to the U.S., but could never find it here. The two principal ingredients listed on the tube were camphor and menthol.
“I now use Vicks VapoRub. Regular use relieves the itching as well as the swelling for me.”
“I’ve used Vicks since childhood and recently carried it on my backpacking journey across the world. As I recall Vicks was available in most countries. It works on bug bites, some fungus infections, hemorrhoids, ‘dings & nicks’ and as a chest rub. I wouldn’t be without it – ever!
We grant you that such testimonials are compelling. But there is a dissenting viewpoint. It is the one expressed by John Welter, writing in the Durham Herald-Su n, March 24, 2001:
“…in a clinical setting where no one could see me, I scientifically applied a sufficient amount of VapoRub to the inflamed area and waited for results. I’d like to report to Joe Graedon that almost immediately, I could breathe better. In an essay I’m writing for The New England Journal of Medicine , I state that: ‘After applying VapoRub to the hemorrhoids, I had no respiratory problems in my pants.’
“What really happened is that the active ingredients in VapoRub–which I think are menthol, camphor and napalm–instantly engulfed my hemorrhoidal locality in spontaneous combustion. The warmth of VapoRub on a congested chest might be comforting; applying it to the most sensitive escape route in the human abdomen made me imagine I was a jet fighter with afterburners. I moved distractedly through the house like an F-15 pilot saying: ‘Mayday! Mayday! I took a direct hit to my tail section! Eject! Eject! There’s a fire in my cockpit!’ Well, not the cockpit, really. I forget the military term for butt.
“The use of VapoRub for hemorrhoids was supposed to be a home remedy, although obviously it has military applications… I must politely report to Joe Graedon that while it’s possible that a few people might benefit from VapoRub on their hemorrhoids, I think most people will respond with such well-known expressions as, ‘Shots fired! Officer down! We have casualties!'”
We would love to hear about your hemorrhoid treatments. Please comment below. If you find such stories interesting, you will find our eGuide to Favorite Home Remedies a must have. You will find it in our Health eGuides Section .
We're empowering you to make wise decisions about your own health, by providing you with essential health information about both medical and alternative treatment options.

The short answer to this question is not a very straightforward one. Thorough research and scientific studies have not been conducted or are not available in concluding that the application of Vicks Vapor Rub on hemorrhoids is of safe or effective use.
The only data and information corroborated concerning Vicks Vapor Rub and hemorrhoids are sourced from Internet forums and beauty blogs.
Although science has backed ingredients used in Vicks Vapor Rub like eucalyptus oil as an effective means to reduce inflammation, this doesn’t mean the formula as a whole is guaranteed to work with your skin.
Although it appears safe for some people, there is a chance Vicks could result in burning. Whether or not Vicks is safe for your skin can only be known through applying it directly to your skin with the potential risk of additional inflammation or adverse skin reaction.
The last thing you want to do is put Vicks on bleeding hemorrhoids .
One treatment, in particular, is using Vicks Vapor Rub on external hemorrhoids . Vicks Vapor Rub is an ointment designed to aid in the relief of coughing and other flu symptoms.
The original use for Vicks Vapor Rub recommends that a thick layer is applied to the chest and throat to alleviate bouts of coughing as well as aches and pains.
While there should be some concern when applying Vicks to such a sensitive area as means for a treatment to relieve hemorrhoid pain and its associated symptoms, it is worth noting that ingredients in Vicks Vapor Rub are considered safe to use for small children as young as two. Despite this, we always recommend you consult your doctor when giving a child any over the counter products.
Additional concern over the strength of the ingredients applied to the anal area in Vicks Vapor Rub should try using Vicks BabyRub, which contains mild ingredients for babies three months and older.
In our office we band enlarged hemorrhoids and commonly use prescription anti-fungal creams for peri-anal skin infections. Hemorrhoid treatment is no longer to be feared or something to be embarrassed about. Get the help you need and deserve now.
The fungus or bacterial infection occurs because enlarged hemorrhoids open the rectum which leads to leakage of fluid. The area becomes difficult to keep dry and clean. Excess cleaning leads to traumatizing the skin. Our office banding treatment shrinks the hemorrhoids which allows for less leakage and better hygiene. The shrinking of the internal hemorrhoids allows for the rectum to close more efficiently. We will use topical Clotrimazole and 2% hydrocortisone, a prescription anti-fungal cream to help treat the itching, rash, and infection until the hemorrhoid banding can be completed. Mupirocin may be used if a bacterial infection is suspected. Our doctors can help you with custom compound medications. Occasionally, a skin culture is needed. The banding shrinks the hemorrhoids, which leads to less leakage and a cleaner dryer bottom.
Skin tags may trap stool particles and make proper hygiene difficult. They can be removed under local anesthesia. Banding cannot be done on external hemorrhoids or tags because of the large number of painful nerves on the skin of the rectum.
Rectal itching is a symptom, and it is important to find and treat the underlying condition.
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Home treatments are popularly shared and discussed when hemorrhoid problems are concerned. Several home treatments have been tested and researched by professional teams, such as the use of which hazel for external hemorrhoid problems and other superficial skin irritation problems.
Other home treatments such as gentle application of aloe Vera to sensitive spots, including anal for hemorrhoid pain and itch have shown positive outcomes in relieving symptoms of discomfort and skin problems.
Due to the short of evidence and conducted a study on the application of Vicks to hemorrhoids, its suggested that you use caution if you plan on utilizing this product as a part of a home cure to relieve hemorrhoids. Your anal area is a sensitive part, even without the further pain caused by hemorrhoid symptoms, and applying Vicks might further induce irritation of this highly sensitive area.
The final verdict is that unless a particular way of hemorrhoids cure has been researched and tested, youre treading into an unfamiliar and undocumented region. Vicks might be rightly safe to use for most, but the fact of the matter is Vicks is not made for use on hemorrhoids, so theyre no safety measures in place if your patient skin has an adverse reaction. When in doubt, ask your health provider if youd use Vicks as a cure option for your hemorrhoids.
Inactive ingredients include cedarleaf oil, nutmeg oil, petrolatum, thymol and turpentine oil. The ointment is generally safe when used as directed, but allergies or misuse of VapoRub can cause potentially serious side effects. VapoRub should never be ingested because the ingredients, particularly camphor, can be toxic 5.
Vicks Vapor Rub for hemorrhoids? Could it really work? The menthol based rub is most known for its uses as a cough suppressant. But, it has been reported to be effective in the temporary relief of hemorrhoid symptoms. Since many people already keep Vicks Vapor Rub in the medicine cabinet, the at-home treatment may be just what you need to reduce bothersome symptoms when they strike.
Treatment Options Available for Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are a pretty common condition. They fall into two categories: internal and external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are often not associated with symptoms. They usually resolve on their own and cause little to no pain unless they become prolapsed or thrombosed. External hemorrhoids are the hemorrhoids that are most commonly associated with pain, bleeding, itchiness, burning, and discomfort.
The most common causes of hemorrhoids are:
While most hemorrhoids can be treated at home, some cases require additional medical treatment if they become severe or symptoms are too much to handle. The best way to treat hemorrhoids is to prevent them from occurring. Simple lifestyle changes can help speed the healing process and prevent future recurrence of hemorrhoids. Lifestyle changes include:
If lifestyle changes do not help, you may want to look to other medical treatments for hemorrhoids.
Apple cider vinegar has been a popular folk remedy for years. Recently, its become increasingly popular on the internet as a home remedy for just about anything.
Its made by fermenting the sugar from apples using a two-step process that turns the sugars into acetic acid. Thats the active ingredient in vinegar.
Acetic acid is astringent. Astringents shrink organic tissues, such as skin. Apple cider vinegar has also been shown to have antibacterial properties, which may help certain skin conditions.
Proponents claim apple cider vinegar may suppress inflammation, too. So, theoretically, it may relieve the swelling and irritation of hemorrhoids.
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