Vibrator Torture Stories

Vibrator Torture Stories


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When I opened the pretty pink box with the word “Womanizer” on the side, I was like, “Aw, what a cute vibrator! ” I mean, it was pink and had roses on it and even a big Swarovski crystal. It was about the size of a computer mouse, and it seemed so lovely, innocent even.
I did a quick skim of the directions: nothing complicated. Just put the little end thing on your clitoris and play with the settings. I lay down to give the Womanizer a try
… and, when I finished, I almost passed out. I thought about shouting downstairs to my husband, “Call the police! This thing should be illegal!” Instead, I t exted all of my girlfriends and told them I’d found the end-all, be-all of female sex toys .
I got on the phone with Womanizer spokesperson Morgan Rossi, and I think she understood most of what I was saying, in between my hysterical vibrator worship. Apparently, the Womanizer was invented in Germany by Michael Lenke, tinkerer and generally brilliant dude. Always the inventor, he never really delved into the sex market until wrapping his head around a “pleasure air” idea, without really knowing what application it would have. He and his wife figured it out after, I assume, much hands-on experimentation. (Lucky wife.)
So what’s the deal? How does a contraption that looks like a computer mouse leave me screaming and half-conscious? Here’s your tech lesson of the day…
“There are lots of clitoral stimulators out there,” Rossi said, “but there’s the problem of numbing, desensitization and over-stimulation. A huge amount of vagina-owners can’t use that direct stimulation. It’s just too much. With the Womanizer’s pleasure air technology, it’s so gentle, so effective and ultimately, it’s kind of touchless. Air flow and air pressure are doing all the stimulation.”
She continued, “If you were to crack open our product, you would see all these little chambers. What they’re doing is pulling in air and blowing air out simultaneously. That’s what you’re feeling, almost a pulling sensation. It’s not actually coming into contact with the clitoris or rubbing it. It’s the air flow that creates the sensation.”
See? When I was joking with my girlfriends about the Womanizer being a clit vacuum , I wasn’t completely joking. Let’s face it: Many people with vaginas can’t get off without clitoral stimulation. Sex feels good, but intercourse isn’t always great. The Womanizer bypasses this problem by focusing solely on the clitoris , and the effects are astounding.
Rossi said, “I’ve heard of many women writing to us, letting us know that for some of them, it’s the first time they’ve had an orgasm. They’ve never found a product or partner who can deliver quite like this.”
That said, Rossi was clear: The people at epi24 are not trying to make men obsolete in the bedroom. The Womanizer can easily be used with a partner, as well. She said, “Just because a woman could achieve an orgasm in less than sixty seconds with the Womanizer doesn’t mean you have to.”
(Pause in awe of a product that’ll make you orgasm in 60 seconds and leave your whole body twitching.)
“You can use this product on the clitoris to warm up,” Rossi said. “It doesn’t have to be on the clit. You can use it on nipples, too. By no means is it limited to ‘gotta get to work, get in, get out, quick orgasm.’ It can certainly be integrated into couple’s play,” as evidenced by some very helpful sexual position suggestions on the Womanizer website.
So are we calling this a miracle product? No. OK, maybe. I mean, listen to this testimonial, one of Rossi’s favorites about the Womanizer: “A woman who had gone through chemotherapy got in touch. She said through all of her treatments, her libido was down. She didn’t feel like having sex. She’d tried other products really to no effect. Nothing was working. She came upon the Womanizer, and she felt the need to contact us because she hadn’t had that pleasure in six years, and it brought her to tears.”
The look of the product is actually one of spokesperson Rossi’s favorite things. She said, “I have to hand it to the designers. It’s so innocuous. It’s very approachable. Aside from the amazing technology and effectiveness of the product, I do love the design.”
This can be important for women especially when, say, traveling through airline security, but also for people who’ve never owned a vibrator before . Thankfully, we’ve moved past the huge penis shapes of old. As Rossi pointed out, “ Vibrators have been changing over the years: less and less of those phallic vibrators and more things that are aesthetically pleasing. The Womanizer is not intended to be an affront in any way. It’s something you can feel comfortable owning and not embarrassed about.”
For me, sex toys are never embarrassing , so I don’t have such a high interest in aesthetics — I want a vibrator that’s going to get the job done.
But for people who want a very pretty toy that also meets my criteria, I can’t tell you enough that the Womanizer gets the job done .
A version of this story was published June 2016.
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Some of the content is fake but there are true parts. This is for everyone who likes reading wedgie stories. Btw the names have been changed. DAY 1 Hi my name is Raven and I thought I should tell you a bit about myself before I continue. I have Raven coloured hair green blue eyes, glasses, I'm 15 and I live with my 17 cousin Matt who is always out to torture me. I race home as quick as I can, I can't let Matt see I'm not home yet. As I turn the last corner I see my house, I sprint up the front steps, my fingertips brushing against the door handle before I am lifted by my blood red panties. "Owwww!!" I yell. I am a decent foot off the ground with a basic wedgie that is deep in my round ass. "Look what we have here boys. I thought I said be home by 3:30 or there would be consequences. " Matt says smiling smugly at me clearly enjoying the pain that this wedgie has brought me. Matts two other friends Jake and Paul come into view. "Hahahahahaha look at this geek. Bet she'll like this. " Jake says. I feel a pair of cold hands slide down the front of my school skirt and yank my panties up high into the air. Not a melvin!! "Owwwww!!! F**k put me down you a******s!!!!" I moan with both pain and pleasure. "Tst tst tst. Naughty girl your going to get a spanking from that." Matt says nodding towards Paul. I see Pauls eyes light up in glee as he slowly approaches me. "No!!!!" I yell. I try to wriggle out of their grip but it just causes the wedgie to dig further into my a** and p***y. "Ohhhh!" I moan in pleasure. I feel Pauls hands on my waist as he slowly tugs my skirt down. I know there will be a wet stain on my crotch and I try everything to cover it up. "Look the little slut is getting turned on by this boys!!" Paul says. He begins to firmly smack my ass each slap causes a wave of pleasure to go through body and to my throbbing pussy. After about 50 slaps Paul stops leaving my ass bright red and my panties soaked. "Hey boys looks like Ravens getting a bit hot maybe some ice will help. " Matt says. Jake and Matt bounce me in the wedgie and I scream in pleasure, I'm carried over to Paul who is by the sink. Jake lets the font of my panties go and the fabric shoots back over my sensitive clit into my ass cheeks. I almost pass out from the amount of pleasure. Matt puts me down on the ground and holds the back of my panties open, I feel 4 cold ice cuddles slide over my burning ass and 3 more dropped into the front of my panties. Jake comes over and slowly drags the front of my panties up causing the icecubes to firmly press against my sex. I stand on my tip toes to help bear the coldness but it only causes Jake to pull highly. Matt then slowly begins to pull the fabric back up through my ass and I feel the icecubes going deeper and deeper. They continue this for a couple more minutes before they both grab the from and back of my panties suspending me in the air. The pain is too much and I scream. "Let me down Matt!!!!!" I scream through tears. "You heard her. " Matt says. Pauls comes over and grabs onto both of my legs and pulls me down while Jake and Matt are still going higher. I scream and pray that the panties will rip but they are stronger than they look. After a couple minutes the pain turns to pleasure and I have already cum twice. The boys get bored of trying to rip my panties so they let me down. It's over I think. I begin to pick my wedgie out but Matt slaps my hand away. "Oh you didn't think we were done did you?" Matt says mockingly. He grabs the back of my panties and drags me up the stairs and into his room. He opens his closet door and drops me. Before I can react Jake is holding my arms back while Paul has his phone out already taking photos. "Welcome to wedgie hell!" Jake whispers in my ear. Matt yanks the front of my panties up and attaches it to my bra then Jake grabs the back of my panties and hangs me over a hook leaving me dangling off the floor. "Oh ow oh!" I moan. They all take their phones out and start taking photos of me. One by one they hang off my legs trying to get my panties to rip. "Let's go boys. See you later Raven come down when your done. " The boys say in unison before closing the closet door. I am left in the dark hanging by a wedgie half naked with cum soaking my pussy and dripping down my thighs. Suddenly the door of the closet is yanked open. "Wait I almost forgot this is for you. " Matt says holding a vibrator. He slips it into the front of my panties and turns it into the highest setting. I start moaning instantly but am gagged by a pair of my panties. "This is only day one of your wedgie torture!" Matt says. He takes one more photo and slaps my ass for the last time before leaving me in the dark hanging from a monster wedgie. If you like this story and you want to read more of Ravens wedgie torture comment below and I will write another story.



I follow the three guards into the interrogation room and sit on the chair provided. The head guard who I know from his name tag is David sits across from me while the other two guards leave the room.

I shiver and bring my hands to cover my exposed boobs.
"Can I please have a shirt?" I timidly ask.

"You will be provided with a shirt when you tell us what happened and who did it to you? Then and only then will you be escorted back to your pod and given a shirt." David says sternly, his eyes flicke
Being a first timer in jail is hard.
I have been here for only a few hours and I already want out. I share a cell with two tall strongly built women, Sarah (who has dark chocolate coloured hair) and Jess (who has light blonde hair). To say I'm scared would be an understatement. I am currently in a large state prison which has various sections but are called pods. I am in F pod.

I was just finishing up my tray of food for lunch when a piercing screams rips through the pod. I look up shocked to find that Sarah (who is obviously the leader of the pod) giving another girl a brutal atomic wedgie. The girl has tears running down her face but Sar

I wake screaming as I feel my panties rip through my ass which is still sore from the pain I endured yesterday. My ass is raised high into the air before the panties rip dropping me hard on the ground.
"Oh!" A low moan of pain passes through my lips.
"Morning slut! I laid out your clothes for the day get reading fast or there'll be consequences" Matt says smiling evily.
"Did you hear ME!??!!" Matt screams at me. I nod rapidly. Matt walks out of my room shutting the door behind him. I slowly make my way over to my bed, each movement sending a spasm of pain through my curvy ass. A hot Pink thong, matching bra, ripped booty shorts
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love this-totally going on favorites

Up to now, Miss Spiteful had worked to my tolerances but not exceeded them. That was about to change!
I was lying spread-eagled, my arms and legs tightly secured with ropes that dragged them wide apart. I was gagged and she had connected my genitals to her electrical device. She had moved a chair to sit beside me, the device on her lap. The session was only just half way over. "This is what you came for, slave" she smiled, "Electrical Torture!" She caressed and teased my nipples and I saw them grow firm and hard in anticipation of what she was about to do to me. "You remember my web site, slave - no concession for wimps?" I nodded and grunted to indicate agreement. "You also remember that my electrics can go from "barely perceptible" to "screamingly dreadful?" Again I grunted. "Well, it's now far too late for you to have regrets." She laughed, "Now I am going to really hurt you. It is going to be dreadful - and you will scream!"
Her hands moved to the device's controls. "First we'll establish your "limits" She switched on the device. "I want you to grunt the moment you feel any sensation." She turned the intensity control a fraction and I grunted as I felt a barely perceptible tingling in my genitals.
"Good. Now I want you to remain silent until you really can't take any more!" As she advanced the control the sensation turned from pleasant trembling to pain and then to unbearable pain. I cried aloud behind the gag in wild protest as the shocks grabbed my genitals. She noted the setting on the dial and nodded, satisfied, and switched it off. Instantly the pain vanished.

"I am just going to check your ability to stand that much, slave." She turned on the device again and once more advanced the intensity until I was begging desperately for her to have mercy. "Did I hear you trying to beg for mercy, slave? I'm afraid I shall enjoy this far too much to even consider giving you any mercy!" She switched on the device again, allowing the shocks to be stimulating without real pain. "This time the level will go beyond your limits so that I can check how much is needed to have you screaming!" The needle on the dial moved up.
I begged her to stop, to grant relief from the pain ripping my testicles and penis. She smiled, pleased. The needle went on moving. My body began jerking and struggling in its bondage. I was screaming, the agony truly unbearable. Screaming again and then again! The pain stopped and I lay gasping and shuddering. "One more thing for you to learn, slave," she snapped, "there will be pauses between the sequences of pain and during those pauses you will not attempt to speak or plead. I only want to hear you whimpering or sobbing: nothing more. Do you understand?" I tried to say I did but the gag distorted the words into muffled sounds. "Good," she said, "because if you disobey I shall punish you."
She paused and looked at me, her face seraphic and smiling. "Just so that you will know what to expect for disobedience, know what my punishment will be like"
Her hands moved on the controls altering the sustained setting she had used while experimenting to find my "limits"; she set the control to manual, the setting at the level at which I screamed and - .
I shrieked wildly as a jolt of current slashed my genitals.
A second, third and fourth shock rippled them. I screamed each time; screamed again and again as she demonstrated how I would be punished for trying to plead for reprieve or release.
"I did warn you, slave, that I have absolutely no compassion for other people's feeling because I enjoy torturing them far too much to consider any but my own! And you did ask to be taken beyond your tolerances with electrics, that you had longed to submit to a Dominatrix who revelled in cruelty, was genuinely sadistic and expert and who had no mercy. So what happens now is going to be quite atrocious suffering - for my enjoyment!"
She ran a hand tauntingly between her thighs. As one of her gallery pictures had been titled - a "Strange Love", an outrageous sexual delight.
"I am going to start by watching your body "dance" for me and your s
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