Входная Контрольная Работа Ответы Английский Язык

Входная Контрольная Работа Ответы Английский Язык


Входная Контрольная Работа Ответы Английский Язык

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Опубликовано 07.12.2020 - 19:57 - Овчинникова Евгения Анатольевна
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Входные контрольные работы по английскому языку 5-9 классы
Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс ФГОС
Yesterday afternoon John’s mother was at work. John was at home with his father. They watched TV together. Then his father said: “Let’s cook dinner for Mum and we can all have dinner!” And they went to the kitchen. The father wanted to have some soup but John didn’t like it. They decided to have fish. The father took the fish and they started cooking it together.
Then John went to his bedroom to do his homework. His father went to his room to read a book. They didn’t go to the kitchen again.
After an hour, John’s mother came home. She was tired. But when she opened the door, she ran to the kitchen and cried: “Oh, no!” The kitchen was very dirty. They couldn’t eat the fish because it was black! John’s mother wasn’t happy. John and his father were sad, too.
But then, John and his father cleaned the kitchen and cooked a pizza for dinner.
a) “Let’s cook dinner for Mum together”.
b) “Let’s do your homework together”.
a) John went to his bedroom to read a book.
b) John went to his bedroom to watch TV.
c) John went to his bedroom to do his homework.
5. John’s mother was unhappy because…
c) John and his father cooked a pizza for dinner.
2. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Вычеркни его .
a) boots, shoes, trainers, trousers
c) granny, postman, grandpa, dad, brother
e) Maths, PE, Thursday, Reading, Russian
3. Вставь пропущенные слова  is  или  are .
1) There_________a big grey carpet on my floor.
2) There ________ three windows in our living room.
3) There ________ a lot of books on the shelves.
4) There ________ a nice armchair in Tiny’s house.
5) There ________ no chairs in my bedroom.
4. Прочитай текст, раскрой скобки постав глагол в прошедшее время Past Simple.
Cinderella lived with her father, stepmother (мачехой) and two sisters in the country. She was kind and beautiful.
Cinderella  _0) got (get)  up at 5 am. She  1) ______   (clean)  the rooms. Then she  2) _____(feed)  the animals and  3)_______ (water)  the flowers. At 8 o’clock she  4) _____ (go)  to the kitchen and  5)______ (cook)   breakfast for her stepmother and sisters.
At half past ten she  6) _______ (lay)  the table. After breakfast she  7) ______ (make ) her sisters’beds and  8)______ (do)  the washing up.
Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку
Our friends often visit the theater.
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Here I 1) ______(be) in sunny Greece. The weather 2) _________ (be) fantastic. We 3)  _________________ (have) a wonderful time. At the moment I 4) _______________ (sit) beside the pool with my friend James. I 5) _______________ (sunbathe) and James 6) _______________________ (drink) lemonade. We 7) _____________ (sunbathe) and
8) ____________ (swim) every day and at night we 9) ___________ (eat) in a restaurant and then we 10)___________ (dance) in the disco. I 11) _____________ (have) a good sun-tan. I  12) ____________________ (look) forward to seeing you next week when we come home.
  A see                B saw                C am seeing
  A sleeps        B is sleeping        C slept
  A is reading                B reads        C read
  A now        B ago                C then
  A speak        B am speaking        C spoke
  A is meeting        B met         C meets
  A is speaking        B spoke        C speaks
  A is snowing        B snowed        C snows
  A she doesn’t        B doesn’t she        C she does
  A she cries                  B she is crying                     C is she crying
  A loses        B is losing        C lost
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1. Mr Jones …………………….…….(paint) his house last month.
2. ……………………..…..(you/meet) Paul the day before yesterday?
3. She …………………..… (leave) Paris in 1987.
4. He never ………………..… (drive) fast.
5. The baby ……………….………..……..(not/sleep) now.
6. It …………………….. (be) hot yesterday.
7. What ……………………………. (you/do) at the moment?
Задание 1. Проверка знания правил образования и употребления Past Perfect.
Задание 2. Дополните предложения так, как это показано в примере. Используйте глагол, данный в скобках.
Example: Mr. and Mrs. Davis were in an airplane. They were very nervous as the plane took off because they  had never flown before  (fly).
Задание 3. Соедините части предложения из правой и левой колонок таблицы.
Задание 4. Составьте грамматически верное предложение, употребив Past Perfect (I had done) или Past Simple (I did).
Example: 'Was Tom there when you arrived?' - 'No, he  had gone  (go) home.'
'Was Tom there when you arrived?' - 'Yes, but he  went  (go) home soon afterwards.'
1. I _____ her for everything she _____.
A) thanking / did  B) thanked / had done C) have thanked / has done  D) had thanked / had done
2. When I got to the office, I _____ that I _____ to lock the front door.
A) had realized / forget  B) realized / had forgotten C) realized / forget  D) had realized / had forgotten
3. Lisa _____ me a lift because I _____ the bus.
A) gave / missed  B) have given / have missed C) gave / had missed  D) had gave / missed
4. I _____ you at 8.00, but you _____ just _____ out.
A) call / have / gone  B) called / have / gone C) called / had / gone  D) have called / have / gone
We had translated the article by five o’clock. He bought a new watch yesterday as he had lost his old one. We had finished our work when he came. By the end of the year he had learnt to speak French. We had shipped the goods by that time.
Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса  
         17-22 баллов – «3» (удовлетворительно)
         16 балл и менее – «2» (неудовлетворительно)
Translate from Russian into English (5б):
Критерии оценивания результатов: за каждый правильный ответ учащиеся получают 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов - 37.
1. Jane introduced her new friend to her grandparents and he made a good impression on them.
2. I think that a person’s appearance is not so important as his character, behavior, tastes and manners.
3. They spent a lot of time in search of a cheap hotel.
4. I couldn’t manage the lock and rang the doorbell.
Входной контроль позволяет проверить остаточные знания по предмету после долгого каникулярного периода, спланировать дальнейшую работу с учётом неосвоенного материала по выявленным темам....
Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс...
Данная контрольная работа составлена по УМК О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой для 9 класса по теме "Страницы истории"....
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ТЗадания для проведения входной контрольной работы по английскому языку в 9 классе....
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She was listening to music the whole evening.
They are reading a story at the moment.

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