Very Young Twinks

Very Young Twinks


Very Young Twinks
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Celebrity · Posted on May 15, 2018

MJ Rymsza-Pawlowska


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"What is a twink?" —straight people, yesterday.
*It was honestly called "bob apple," which sounds pretty gay to me!
Look, I’ve lived in Illinois and seen a lot of Lincolns in my time but this is maybe one of the most unusual? C. 1940 sexy New Deal Lincoln at the DC Office of Public Records
Now excuse me while I hang out in the comments watching all you gays argue about who is and who is NOT a twink.
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Somewhere a mother is yelling, "Get out of the damn house! What, are you going to waste your whole summer sleeping? And turn down that damn music."
Walter Jenkel captures perfectly the lazy, humid mood of endless summer days, hanging out with friends and doing nothing worthwhile. Putting pants on takes too much energy. 
In Barcelona, photographer Walter Jenkel’s photos of non-art-directed, carefree guys have a spontaneous magic. You might remember his photos from this gallery earlier this year: " All Creatures Great and Small. "
See much more of Walter Jenkel’s work on his Tumblr , Twitter , and Facebook pages.
We are going to fake sick tomorrow, so don't look for us here. 

Young boys experimenting with each.
This is a really awkward subject but I am just wanting other people views please. My son at 9 and his friend at 10 (male) have been experimenting with each other. They learnt about sex education in school and come home to his friends and decided to look for stuff on the internet. After watching this they decided to try it out. Obviously this didn't happen as at 9 and 10 they had absolutely no idea what they were doing. This happened twice. Apparently they were just doing it messing around and it's never happened again or been spoken about. I am really really upset by it. I havent shown this to my son. I have spoke to him like a grown up and explained about sex and that it should be with your partner when you're in love and in a relationship. But I am worried that I may of damaged them both. It did happen a year ago and neither have shown any signs of being bothered about it. I think it's more me and the other boys mum that are horrified. After googling it. It does seem like it's a pretty common thing to happen. I am just so shocked by it all!
I guess dont overreact Sent from my iPhone using Netmums
I'd actually be more worried about the fact that they were allowed unsupervised access to the internet for long enough that they were able to find and watch anything of that nature. As well as how they were able to try it out twice. They'll both likely be fine, and it is fairly normal at that age so please try not to worry too much, you're obviously shocked by it but both boys will pretty much forget it in time, and won't be damaged. What you said to them sounds fine to me, you've carefully explained, haven't shown them how much you were upset by it, and you dealt with it as reasonably as any mother could have done. On to the thing that bothers me the most though, how were they able to access that on the computer? Because that's really concerning. Where exactly were the other boys parents, and why weren't they supervised?
Thank you for your replies. Both boys I pads are completely blocked but they used another computer I believe. It wasn't at my house so I am not sure. It was at my sons friends but she is always up and down checking too. I always pop up when he has friends round and to be honest my three year old daughter terrorises them too much for them to have any peace. I am just glad to hear it is normalish behaviour. I think sex ed in year 5 was so young. And we didn't get any warning about it either!
Hello Anon, I am glad you have already had some support here, and I hope this has offered you some reassurance? It is clear that you have already taken steps to limit your sons internet access, and that you have been able to talk to him openly about sex. Was he able to talk with you about what happened? You mention it was a year ago, has it just recently come to light? How was it disclosed? Looking for information about sex, seeking facts and being curious about what they discover is very typical for this age group. There is more information on healthy sexual behaviour here: [...] ng-people/ The NSPCC also has a helpline, which parents can use at any time to discuss any concerns or to seek advice on how to approach things Emma
He was actually really honest about it. I could see he was uncomfortable but I don't think either of them really understood what they had done really. My friends son had been asking about sexually transmitted diseases as it had been brought up in lessons at school. So he thought he may have one after what had happened so he told his mum. Even though that didn't happen he was just worried and confused I'll have a look at that link now thank you. Xx
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Hi Anon, It is great that he was able to be so honest with you, and it sets a good foundtation for the future too Hopefully the link will offer some further reassurance too Emma
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