Very Teen Sex 13yo

Very Teen Sex 13yo


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Can hardly believe I'm writing this but after a week of hardly no sleep and relationship at breaking point, I need more outside advice.

My daughter turns 14 in December. At the beginning of May this year, 5 months ago, she started her first relationship. This boy is 2 school years above her, it works out about 18 months older than her.

They had been "talking" on and off for about 6 months prior to going official, so by the time they went official, they were already pretty close. I met him almost immediately, we are a large, close family and I always wanted my kids partners to be welcomed and for us all to get on. Especially with her only being 13, I needed and wanted to get to know this person well, who she was starting to spend a lot with.

I am a very open and honest mum and have always spoke openly with my kids about anything they wanted to talk about.. My thinking has always been, if they are asking, they are wanting to know, and if they can't ask me, they will ask someone else, who may not know themselves.

I warmed immediately to this boy and he fit really easily into the family. It was like he'd always been here. I genually care about him. I spent a lot of time with my daughter and boyfriend, we all got on great. We were always chatting about anything and everything. I was able to speak openly to both of them about her only been 13 and said that they could come to me about anything and I would be supportive. They both constantly reassured me that they weren't ready for anything sexual and they felt comfortable enough to talk to me when they felt things were progressing.

I must admit, I found myself stressing out numerous occasions, worrying about what if etc and when this happened, I would speak to them about what was on my mind.

I truly, 100% believed that I had done everything in my power, to connect with two love struck teenagers and constantly prided myself on the fact that we had a great relationship. I felt lucky that my daughters first love, wasn't an absolute nightmare, but a boy who genually wanted us to like him and be part of the family.

Last Wednesday night I was driving him home, only us two as my daughter wasn't feeling well, when out of the blue he said he needed to tell me something. He confessed that they were having sex. That they had been the entire time and he couldn't carrying on lying to me anymore. He said that by the time he met me and got to know me, they had already had sex and by the time he realised they could of actually talked to me, the lies had got bigger and it was too much. Also my daughter had promised him never ever to tell me as I would stop them seeing each other. Apparently a condom broke on them (don't even believe they have been using them) and they had to do a pregnancy test.

My world literally stopped that night. I felt like I was in another universe. I can't believe this is happening to us. The amount of lies my daughter has told me, is actually unforgivable. I just can't look at her in the same way at all. We just don't lie and the amount of lies she's told me, is just totally heartbreaking.

I've spoke to her once about it, I was calm, matter of fact and blunt. When I really wanted to slap her, scream in her face and call her every name under the sun. She didn't speak just listened and then went upstairs crying.

The next day I took her to our doctors, who put her on the pill and I made her do a pregnancy test, which was thankfully negative.

We haven't spoken since. I just can't. And she hasn't tried. My hurt is running so deep inside me, it's like its changed me and how I feel about her.

I've asked the boyfriend not to come round as seeing them here together just reminds me of what I thought we all had, and the amount of lies they have told.

I have still been allowing her to his house, which is causing me some dilemma. I don't want to ban them seeing each other as they go to the same school anyway, plus they are that consumed with each other, I worry if I push them apart, they may do something stupid.

I just can't see a way forward at all. The boyfriend has contacted me since and strangely enough, although I'm angry and upset they have done this so young, and the lies he has told me hurt, I can actually see his point of view. He was in a difficult position and not many 15 year olds would confide in their girlfriends Mum about this, I don't think.

It's just the daughter. When I'm dropping her off, I'm thinking about, am I dropping her off for sex? When I'm picking her up, I'm thinking has she been having sex. Doing her washing and seeing a mark, thinking is it semem. I feel like I'm truly loosing my mind and can't think straight.

Does anyone ever accept the fact their kids are having underage sex? Anyone that has gone through this and come out the other side, I would so appreciate your advise.

This is the longest we have gone not speaking and I don't know how we can ever get it back.
Hi Kirsty, sorry but reading this it really seems you are the third wheel in their relationship.

I think you need to back off a little, it's done now, you can't turn back time and erase the fact they have been having sex.

I think it's amazing that actually you have taken this boy in and while yes she is 13, she is having sex in a relationship and now, protected.

You will never be able to stop them having sex I'm afraid unless you break them up! Which i wouldn't say is the best idea.

Life is too short not to speak to your daughter.

Lots of teenagers are out sleeping around and doing whatever and she isn't!
Hi, I agree with Sarah. What's done is done now and don't let this get in the way of the fantastic relationship you have with them both.
At least you know him and she's in a caring and loving relationship.
Would you rather it happened this way or when she was older with someone you've never met or just doing it because everyone else was.
I know it's easier said than done to let it go but I'm sure she couldn't tell you as she didn't know how you'd react or she didn't want to hurt you.
Talk to her and trust her, it'll make your relationship even stronger. The last thing you want her to do is to start deliberately lying to see him.
My mum was devastated when she found out I was having sex. She too found out through my then boyfriend. She was more hurt I didn't tell her and I didn't tell her because I wanted to stay her little girl. And now, we're so close - I tell her everything I still even now in my thirties want to be my mums little girl and hate disappointing her x
You will get through this x
12 yr old daughter has had sex. Help!!!
Found out 15 year old daughter has had sex with 16 year old boyfriend
I'm sorry you are going though this.
I would find it very hard with a 13 year old having sex too. But I don't agree that it's the norm nowadays.
Agree with above, you shouldn't push her away now.
It's done, she obviously felt too scared or ashamed to tell you. And although I thinks it's FAR to young, you've done the right thing getting her on contraception.
Good on him for being sensible (ha) enough to tell you before she did end up getting pregnant, give him abit of credit for being honest.
I also think if this was my daughter I would rather she were having safe sex, she's going to do it whether you like it or not.

But in saying that, I can imagine how you must feel, I would want to lock my daughter in her room!!
Your 13 year old sounds to be in a wonderful relationship which is rare for their age - going on a year long! Sure they had sex, but as much as you want to be open with your mum it's pretty embarrassing to find the right time and say they've done it - especially at such a young age. They dug themselves into a hole, one came clean, and now she's protected and you're aware.

So move on? She knows you're mad she lied, but honestly she was in a pretty awkward situation. Teenagers hide stuff even if they don't need to, they're hormonal and they're embarrassed and as cool as parents say they will react - they might be scared of how you will actually react when it's told.

They both clearly wanted to tell you but had dug themselves into such a hole, and then when the truth finally comes out you want to slap her? You're scaring her off from telling you stuff in the future, when instead you should be saying how glad you are that the truth is out etc etc.

Stop punishing your daughter for being a teenager.
Hi Kirsty,

I think you have handled the situation very well. I would be the same, absolutely devastated at the lies and deceit - more so than the act itself maybe?

These types of threads are always very divisive, some people think that 13 isn't too young, as if it's happened, it's happened. Personally I think it's way too young. I know it does happen, but at 13 it's not the norm. Most teenagers that age do not have sex.

You can only go with what you believe is right. Personally I would stop her visiting his house, yes they can see each other in school, but that would be enough until she is older. If they are meant to be, they will still be together in a years time when she us 15 and you might reconsider. If he is as mature as he sounds, he will be ok with this.

Good luck.
Thank you everyone for their comments.

Must admit some felt quite harsh but I guess that's what happens when you put yourself out there, when you are at your most vulnerable.

I have taken on board people's comments regarding me pushing her away. It was just my way of not saying something I couldn't take back. So this morning I made an effort over breakfast and complimented her hair and spoke about things in general. A very small thing, but a step in the right direction hopefully. And just before the school run she shouted me into the bathroom to tell me her period had started, so I took a deep breath and went for her contraceptive pills which she now needs to start. Maybe if we hadn't chatted over breakfast, she maybe wouldn't of dared mention her period? So this morning has gone well.

Small steps every day I guess.
I have to agree with Anne.

My feeling is that 13 is way too young for a sexual relationship. I have teenagers too and very few ( in fact I struggle to think of any) of their friends were having sex at that age. Fifteen perhaps, but even then sexually active kids are not in the majority.
Technically it's rape, as a 13 year old is not mature enough ( still being a child) to give consent.
Caught my 14 yr old Daughter having sex in my house
13 year old daughter and boyfriend?
I have to agree with Anne.

My feeling is that 13 is way too young for a sexual relationship. I have teenagers too and very few ( in fact I struggle to think of any) of their friends were having sex at that age. Fifteen perhaps, but even then sexually active kids are not in the majority.
Technically it's rape, as a 13 year old is not mature enough ( still being a child) to give consent.
Technically, it's not rape - at least it's not statutory rape. That would only apply if she were under 13. And if it's consensual, it isn't rape anyway.

This is a bit of a grey area. The Crown Prosecution Service has this to say:

Consensual sexual activity between, for example, a 14 or 15 year-old and a teenage partner would not normally require criminal proceedings in the absence of aggravating features.

Since the OPs daughter is nearly 14 the above would probably apply.

In Canada it is legal for a 12-year-old to have sex with a partner who is no older than 14. Although I have never met a 12-year-old who seemed mature enough to make that decision I'm not going to stick my neck out and say it's impossible. Probably most 14-year-olds I've met (a lot) are capable of such a decision. Fewer would decide yes.

Fourteen European countries have an age of consent of 14. I would prefer to keep it at 16 and do as Canada has done - a proper close-in-age exemption to decriminalise something which is perfectly natural.
13 year olds are children.

Nothing will convince me otherwise. They need our protection.
According to the Sexual Offences Act 2003, it’s a criminal offence for any kind of sexual activity to take place between two people where one or both participants is under 16.
Let's face it. If it's happening it's not going to stop because her mother says so.

I would rather know what was going on within reason rather than them hiding stuff, or meeting up in alleyways or parks.

You could lock her up until she's 16 as it's a sexual offence as pp has pointed out.

I'm sure she will thank you in her 30's!
13yo daughter had sex with one and 'Sexting' another - HELP ME
13 year old son refusing to go to school
Are the parents the boy happy with the situation?

That this lad is having sex with a child? I would be very concerned if my son was having sex with a 13 year old.
So Sarah are you suggesting that a parent has no control over what a 13 year old gets up to?

That's it's going to happen anyway, so we may as well accept it.

Does the same go for a child drinking, smoking, shoplifting?
Am I pregnant or could it be a false positive?

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A Queensland man manipulated and preyed upon the vulnerability of an underage girl to have sex with her repeatedly, even arranging for an abortion when she was just 13.
Knowing his actions could send him to jail, Wade Walter Massey pressured the girl to keep their relationship secret from her family, despite causing her pregnancy, which was later terminated.
It wasn’t until 2017 – more than a decade after the offences were committed – that the victim finally reported Massey’s predatory behaviour to the police.
Massey, 41, pleaded guilty at Brisbane District Court on Friday to a raft of charges, including maintaining an unlawful relationship with a child, indecent treatment of a child under 16, carnal knowledge of a girl aged 12-16 and deprivation of liberty.
Wade Walter Massey (left) began a relationship with a young girl, who was 13 at the time, in 2003. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Josh Woning.Source:News Corp Australia
The court was told Massey commenced a relationship with the girl in Acacia Ridge, south of Brisbane, around 2003 when she was 13.
Crown prosecutor Rebecca Marks said Massey, who was almost 11 years older than the girl at the time, had sex with the girl “almost daily” over the course of their relationship until around 2006.
In messages discussing waiting until the girl was 16, Massey said he couldn’t wait and was “going to f*** her”.
At times the pair had sex in secretive areas like bushland and a shack at the back of the girl’s property but other sexual engagements occurred in her home and in a public pool on one occasion.
When the girl fell pregnant with her first child, Massey arranged for the girl to stay at his home until an abortion had been organised.
“His behaviour was predatory and manipulative,” Ms Marks said.
“While the complainant engaged in sexual conduct consensually, it must be seen in the context she was at a very young and impressionable stage of her life.
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“He preyed on the vulnerability of a young teenage girl.”

Throughout the relationship, Massey urged the girl to keep the relationship a secret and not tell police.
Massey, flanked by supporters, leaves Brisbane District Court. He will be sentenced on Monday. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Josh Woning.Source:News Corp Australia
In 2006, Massey drove the girl to the Gold Coast and prevented her from leaving his car.
During the drive he touched the girl on her vagina, made inappropriate comments about her shaving her legs and accused her of “sleeping around”.
Tendering a victim impact statement, Ms Marks revealed the girl suffered “long-lasting consequences” that left her with sleep issues, anxiety and depression.
The statement revealed the victim spiralled further into drug use after the abortion.
Massey and the girl continued to see each other on and off until 2017.
Massey’s defence lawyer Janice Crawford said her client had expressed deep regret for the offending.
She said Massey knew the relationship was wrong but insisted he loved the girl.
The court was told Massey suffered from mental health issues that caused delusions and psychotic episodes and had suffered a brain injury that was causing cognitive decline.
“He has no history of sexual offending apart from this,” Ms Crawford said.
“There have been periods in the community where Mr Massey’s mental state and support services have been stable enough.”
Judge Leanne Clare adjourned Massey’s sentencing until Monday to consider the submissions.
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Very Teen Sex 13yo

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