Version 2 Chat

Version 2 Chat


Version 2 Chat








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"dependencies" : {
"ts.chat2" : " 0.2.0 "
var msg = Alloy . createModel ( 'Message' , {
content : "Hello world" ,
emitter : Alloy . User . get ( 'id' ) , // Alloy.User is an object we created in alloy.js, for example
created_at : new Date ( 2015 , 12 , 31 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
} ) ;
< Alloy >
< Window id = " chatWin " title = " My Chat " >
< Widget id = " chat " src = " ts.chat2 " />

Alloy.Collections.discussion = Alloy.createCollection('Message');

var validateSender = function ( model ) {
return model . get ( 'emitter' ) . get ( 'id' ) == '' ;

$ . chat . init ( {
messages : Alloy . Collections . discussion ,
validateSender : validateSender
} ) ;
$ . chat . init ( {
messages : Alloy . Collections . messages , // required
validateSender : validateSender , // required
delay : 700 ,
backgroundColor : Alloy . CFG . COLORS . WHITE_DARK ,
backgroundColorLeft : Alloy . CFG . COLORS . WHITE ,
backgroundColorRight : Alloy . CFG . COLORS . BLUE ,
colorLeft : Alloy . CFG . COLORS . BLUE ,
colorRight : Alloy . CFG . COLORS . WHITE ,
backgroundColorBottomBar : Alloy . CFG . COLORS . BLUE ,
sendButton : {
title : 'Send' ,
color : "white" ,
borderRadius : 5 ,
backgroundColor : Alloy . CFG . COLORS . BLUE ,
backgroundFocusedColor : Alloy . CFG . COLORS . BLUE_DARK ,
backgroundSelectedColor : Alloy . CFG . COLORS . BLUE_DARK
} ,
typingArea : {
color : Alloy . CFG . COLORS . BLUE ,
backgroundColor : Alloy . CFG . COLORS . WHITE
} ) ;
$ . chat . on ( 'newMessage' , function ( newMessageEvent ) {
var message = Alloy . createModel ( 'Message' , {
content : newMessageEvent . message ,
emitter : '' ,
created_at : newMessageEvent . created_at
} ) ;
Alloy . Collections . discussion . add ( message ) ;
newMessageEvent . success ( ) ; // Mandatory, to acknowledge sending the message successfully
} ) ;
$ . chat . on ( 'moremessages' , function ( ) {
// Fetch a remote server and add data into Alloy.Collections.discussion
} ) ;
function close ( ) {
Alloy . Collections . discussion . reset ( ) ;
$ . chatWin . destroy ( ) ;
$ . destroy ( ) ;
< Alloy >
< View class = " container " >
< View id = " chatWrapper " >
< Widget id = " chat " src = " ts.chat2 " >

".container" : {
width : Ti.UI.FILL ,
height: Ti.UI.FILL

"#chatWrapper" : {
height : Ti.UI.FILL ,
width: Ti.UI.FILL

You can’t perform that action at this time.

You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.
You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

[unmaintained] A simple chat widget - version 2

This is a small chat view (list of messages and text area to send new ones). The widget is being given a collection. Its only job is to display the collection. The collection order is preserved so you have to sort it manually, on your side, if you intend so. When the user writes and sends a message from the text field, an event is fired (' newmessage '). Another kind of event is fired when the user scrolls to the top (' moremessages ').
You have a full demo example project in the sample branch
Opposed to version 1 of, we need no more dependencies :)
The model must have, at least, those 3 properties:
You will want to use the chat in the whole window so you can do this in your view:
Assign it an ID that you can use in your controller. E.g. id="chat" You can now access the Calendar via $.chat in your controller.
Following the example from the sample branch, you need to define your Model in the app/models folder (create the folder if it doesn't exists). You can have more than the basic fields, but at least the 3 properties described in "Basic model info" must be defined.
Go to app/alloy.js file and define the Collection you will attach to the chat there (see sample brach)
You are ready to use the data. You can read the current messages and add to the Collection from any source you want or start empty.
Anyway, once your Collection is ready, you must initialize the chat:
This will show all your messages and the chat is ready for interaction. The two properties are required ( messages and validateSender ).
validateSender is a function in where you say to the chat who is the user that "emits" the messages (the other will be the receiver). Basically, return true if model is the emitter, otherwise false .
You can customize the widget a lot more:
Here, the given values are just examples. Please check out the sources for more information about each property.
If you will reuse the Collection for other chats, remember to reset it when closing the view. Also free resources:
Feel free to enclose the chat in a view and style it a little bit in your tss file:
For the other available parameters, see above or directly the sources.
In addition, you can listen to two triggers to do some actions.

[unmaintained] A simple chat widget - version 2

Function that takes one argument, a model. Must returns TRUE if the message is from you and then has to be displayed on the right side, otherwise it returns FALSE.
Remove all internal listeners. Free the resources.
Disable the inputs (text field and button)
Enable the inputs (text field and button)
Hide the bottom bar (text field and button)
Show the bottom bar (text field and button)
Allows you to send a new message. Triggered when user press "send" button.
$.chat.on("newMessage", function (newMessageEvent) {...});
Allows you to add a bunch of messages to the Collection. Triggered when user scrolls to top of the calendar
$.chat.on("moremessages", function () {...});

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MultiChat 15
Communication Journey: Aphasia
4 Basic
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Spanish Vocabulary Files

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NEW! Chat Editor 2.0.0

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PRC-Saltillo response to COVID-19:

We only use strictly necessary cookies for this website. Please see the privacy policy for more information.  Got it!
The PRC-Saltillo offices will be closed on Jul 04 in observance of the holiday. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
Ability to support different devices (Nova Chat, TouchChat, & WFL) on one Chat Editor
 Update from NOVA chat Editor 1.13.0: 
There will be two new shortcuts on your desktop one for the Chat Editor , and one for its Import folder. 
To open Chat Editor, double click the short cut for the Chat Editor application. 
Create a configuration that matches device
Chat Editor will support various configurations of systems. If you support multiple devices you will want to create configurations to match each devices configuration. I.e. Susan might use a NOVA chat with English and Spanish vocabulary files with both PCS and SymbolStix images and Holly might use TouchChat with SymbolStix only. 
To change the configuration when ChatEditor is already running :
Transfer a vocabulary file from Nova Chat Editor to the Chat Editor: 
NOTE: Once files are moved to the Chat Editor, they will no longer work in the Nova Chat Editor and only work in devices running 2.0.2 or higher

Create your profile through which people can chat with you anonymously!
You won't be able see who they are, so it will be always fun. We promise ;)

You can also choose to chat anonymously.
Follow your favorite friends to stay connected and to be notified when they're online and available for chatting.

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