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Four: The Transfer (Kindle Single) (Divergent Book 1) Kindle Ausgabe
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4,5 von 5 Sternen

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More Four! Fans of the Divergent series by No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth will be thrilled by ‘The Transfer’, the first of four new short stories told from Four’s perspective. Each brief story explores the world of the Divergent series through the eyes of the mysterious but charismatic Tobias Eaton, revealing previously unknown facets of his personality, backstory and relationships.
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Divergent Series Ultimate Four-Book Collection: Divergent; Insurgent; Allegiant; Four
Free Four: Tobias Tells the Divergent Knife-Throwing Scene (Divergent Series-Collector's Edition)
We Can Be Mended: A Divergent Story
Four: The Traitor (Kindle Single) (Divergent Trilogy Book 4)
Four: The Initiate (Kindle Single) (Divergent Book 2)



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Katherine Tegen Books (3. September 2013) Erscheinungstermin


3. September 2013 Sprache


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I have to admit that after other authors started coming out with some short stories slash spin-offs of their books, I was a little hesitant about reading any of the Divergent Stories... More than a few of the books that I really liked did the same thing, and it was a total let down. I found myself wondering how an author could make such a great novel, and turn around to produce something so far from that writing style that held me captive in the other stories. I adored the Divergent series and it was mainly in part due to the author's ability to pull me into her world, create characters that I truly cared about, and just generally wrote in such a way that I couldn't help but be addicted to. I really didn't want to ruin my love of the characters or the author by reading sub-par stories like has been the case too many times before... but my curiosity and love of the Divergent series won out. And I am so happy that it did! Veronica Roth does not disappoint in The Transfer! Although this story is told from a different perspective than the Divergent Trilogy, the author doesn't change the style of writing that reached through the pages and grabbed me in the novels. The whole story has a familiar feel about it, like curling up in your favorite chair... so there's no transition period where you get used to what's going on, you're just seeing the same world from a different set of eyes. Now that's not to say that you'll be bored or unsurprised! Roth still kept me mesmerized and instantly gave me an attachment to the characters. Somehow, this story managed to only enhance my love of the trilogy and the characters within it. It gave even more depth and interest to those characters I felt I knew so well, loved so much. I found myself reading The Transfer and feeling refreshed that Veronica Roth was able to add that extra layer to a character that was so well defined in the novels... and still make me want more! The story itself is great - from the personal struggle within to the triumph of personal victory, it's just a really great read. I don't know how so much was captured in such a short story. If you liked the Divergent Series, you'll truly love The Transfer!

SOO good people! If you are a FAN of Veronica Roth and the Insurgent Trilogy, then this is well worth it. If you're worried about your $2.00 then you're obviously not the type to be into extras anyway. So there's no need to comment! Nay-sayers, Poo! MY $2.00 was well spent this morning as I read with my morning coffee and I peeked into the past of Four. I loved reading the description he gives of himself when he looks in the mirror and his thought process on choosing his faction. The snippet about his mom...nice foreshadowing (or whatever you would call it after you already know the facts). I love the realization of strength and power he receives in these 30 pages. The Transfer clears up why Tris would not have know him even though they were in the same faction and their parents worked together. Of course Veronica Roth delivers on her writing style and pace and she keeps the same "feel" to the story as the main novels. Veronica, I will gladly give you $2.00 for insight into Four. I mean go ahead, have a cup of tea on me! (But...I'm not even sure if this will cover it)

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More Four! Huzzah!! The Transfer is the first in a set of novellas by Veronica Roth that features our favorite Dauntless! Or one of them anyway! This is the story of Tobias's Choosing Ceremony and how he ended up with the Dauntless. We also get a glimpse of the terrible home life he had with his father Marcus. Suffering from abuse of all kinds, no wonder he chose the faction that would upset his father the most. I would too! Although...not sure I would survive the ruthless initiation tests they have! Tobias goes through the same trials we saw Tris complete. Jumping onto the train, jumping off and onto a rooftop, diving off said rooftop to a hidden net below...all of it! Then of course we watch him go through his fearscapes and see his fears and how he was given his nickname Four! All in all, a great origin story!! Apparently, the word I heard is that eventually all these novellas will be complied into one book! So I might be waiting for that one instead of continually paying $2 for each one. Besides, I do love my print books! Overall Rating 5/5 stars

Man do I love me some Four! Veronica Roth has done it again. She has managed to enthrall me in less than 50 pages. That is a very difficult task for any author, but trust me, this Divergent series novella will leave you begging for more. I absolutely loved being able to read from Four's POV, and seeing his backstory. This novella, which is only 30 pages (far too short in my opinion), gives us the story of how Tobias Eaton became Four. We start with him just wrapping up from his test, and end with him earning the nickname we have all come to love. This was seriously just an amazing experience. Ms. Roth has allowed us to enter the exciting world of Four, and find out new things about him. And let me just say, I really, really hate Marcus. He is a royal SOB, and Four definitely made the right decision to choose Dauntless (not like that's a spoiler or anything haha). Four equals love, and for any fan of the Divergent series, this novella will not disappoint. I can't wait to read more from his POV, and find out more about him! 5+++++ stars

(This review is only for the first segment of the quad.) I enjoyed it. It was nice to gain a little more information regarding the background of Tobias, and why and how he became Four. The Divergent series provides hints and snippets of how he came to be who he is, but I felt this was a bit more insightful. Especially when the audience "sees" just how abusive Marcus was/is. It makes the character of Tobias all the more brave, considering he chose Dauntless after being afraid for so long. This series (and the Four collection) is an excellent example of being brave, going after what you want, and living and loving to the fullest, all the while knowing it might not work out. If you like the Divergent series, do yourself a favor, and check this one out. I think you'll find you like it. Happy Holidays.

4,0 von 5 Sternen

Insight into Four's brave decision

A great short story from Veronica Roth. To read about Four's own initiation from his point of view is refreshing and adds a new layer to the series, letting fans see more of the characters and world in which Roth has created. Nicely written, leaving readers wanting more...

3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
5,0 von 5 Sternen

An eye opening glimpse into Four's former life

This was a fascinating, heartbreaking, thrilling look into Tobias's life before Dauntless, and it changes my perspective on his character - in a good way. From Tris's perspective, we didn't get to see Tobias's vulnerability when she met him, or understand where he was coming from. He seemed basically strong and aloof at first. This excerpt from Tobias's life made his interest in Tris so much more understandable; Even though Tobias may seem like the more likely candidate for a Dauntless on the outside, you start to understand how weak he feels, and why he must have been drawn to Tris's inner strength when they first met. It was also just a totally engrossing little piece, and I'm excited for more.

5,0 von 5 Sternen

Un plaisir de suivre l'histoire de Tobias

The Transfer est une nouvelle du point de vue de Tobias / Four, de la veille de la Cérémonie du Choix, jusqu'à son arrivée au siège des Audacieux. Dans Divergent et dans Insurgent, on connait un Tobias fort, dirigé par ses valeurs Audacieuses, si ce n'est par lui-même. Mais alors qu'ici, on apprend à connaître Tobias dans son environnement Altruiste, aux côtés de son père, puis à son arrivée chez les Audacieux, on voit que le Tobias de Divergent a fait un long chemin pour arriver à sa personnalité. Ici, Tobias est un garçon encore jeune, qui garde un peu l'innocence de son enfance, et qui est dirigé par son père. C'est étrange de rencontrer un Tobias fragile, craintif et vulnérable; un côté de lui que l'on voit peu dans les romans. Puis peu à peu, on assiste à la naissance de Four, le masque de Tobias, et sa prise d'assurance. The Transfer permet aussi de comparer les parcours de Tobias et de Tris, avant pendant et après la Cérémonie du Choix ; et de voir les débuts Audacieux de personnages secondaires, comme Zeke, mais surtout Eric. 30 pages, c'est vachement court quand même!

He is not the typical gougeos-boy, he has a deep soul and he shows it mosty in this story, with his "war" against himself. I love him mostly because is just like normal people: because sometimes he's afraid and thanks to Veronica Roth I understand that we don't have to be ashamed of ourselves!

Als Fan kauft man sich diesen Teil natürlich. Es ist einmal interessant etwas aus Tobias Sicht zu lesen aber so viel Information gibt es nun auch nicht wie man sich wünscht. Es kommt aber bald noch mehr als Vorgeschmack ist es ganz nett.

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Four: The Initiate (Kindle Single) (Divergent Book 2)
Four: The Son (Kindle Single) (Divergent Book 3)
Four: The Traitor (Kindle Single) (Divergent Trilogy Book 4)
Free Four: Tobias Tells the Divergent Knife-Throwing Scene (Divergent Series-Collector's Edition)
We Can Be Mended: A Divergent Story
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Veronica Roth lebt in Chicago und studierte an der dortigen Northwestern University Creative Writing. Im Alter von nur 20 Jahren schrieb sie während ihres Studiums den Roman, der später "Die Bestimmung" wurde und den Auftakt zu ihrer internationalen Bestseller-Trilogie bildet. Nun hat ihr Buchhit auch die Leinwand erobert. In der Verfilmung der preisgekrönten Romane begeistern die Stars Shailene Woodley als die tapfere junge Heldin Tris und Theo James als deren große Liebe Four.

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