Veronica Radke Headphones

Veronica Radke Headphones


Veronica Radke Headphones

With my 4 year old. :) Yes these would be very great.

Would love to win for my son, and could definitely use head phones!!

Wont have to do too much shopping, been putting stuff away since last christmas.

I have a few things I put aside for my kids for Christmas. I have not shopped for anyone else yet.

I Have! For My Daughters First Christmas!

I have started my shopping! I'm not getting very far though....

This would be awesome for my nephew! Thanks!

I've bought some PJs for some of the kids.

I have completed my holiday shopping for our 22m old daughter. This would make a great addition to her special gifts :)

Yes, I'm actually almost done. My kids would love to have a Vtech Innotab under the tree, those headphones look pretty cool too! :)

I've actually done quite a bit already - gotten a few things for my daughter, parents & I'm already done for my niece & 1 cousin

I havent started shopping yet, but i have gotten some ideas!

I haven't even thought about shopping yet. I hate to shop!

So great that technology like this is available for little ones now!

I have not as yet started shoppingβ€”I'm usually a last-minute type of shopper!

I just started and bought my first gift.

I am about half way done with my Christmas shopping :)

I have no friends or family, so I will not be shopping for the holidays.

Not really started yet, I am in a lot of trouble for waiting.

yes we shop year round at great sales

I pick up items throughout the year, but haven't started the big push yet. Spoz I better get on that?

I, unfortunately, am soooo broke, I can't do any holiday shopping till the very last minute this year. I don't want to add charges to my credit balances until I really have too...It's stressing me out.

I have barely even started to shop. I am kind of dreading it this year.

I have a few presents, but so much more to do still! I am waiting for Black Friday and hoping there are some great deals.

I have just started my Christmas shopping and my grandson would love this. I try to finish my shopping by the first week of December so I can enjoy the season!

Not even close to starting all I got is wrapping paper so far.

I get presents throughout the year.

I have started. I hate waiting until the last minute!

I haven't but need to start real soon. Time is just flying by!

I have bought a few presents, I'm trying to spread it out a bit so we aren't hit all at once with all that money going out.

A little but I still have a ways to go. :)

No, I have not started Christmas shopping yet :(

I have not started my shopping yet but I have started my price comparisons. I think I may wait and shop on black Friday, crazy I know!

I have about half of my Christmas shopping done, but most importantly I have it all done for my kids!

no I just got through Halloween this is getting to silly shopping so early time to slow down.

I have not started yet but I have been planning. I have won a few things though.

Have not started yet, but I need to very soon!

I have a lot of my shopping done already.

Yes! I have started my Christmas shopping!!

I made some things for Christmas, so that's a start.

I am done for dd with the exception of her bed from Santa that dh will have to drive 4 hrs to get! Haven't even started for dh!

I have not started christmas shopping. I always say I'm going to get an early start but I never do. =)

I've gotten a few things for my daughter & granddaughter already

I have not, but I'm on the look out for good deals

Yes, I've started my shopping..probably about 1/3 done!

If this giveaway doesn't count, no I haven't started shopping :)

Gah! Holiday shopping?! No! I was feeling pretty good about having boxed up the Halloween decorations today. And I don't have the heart to haul the slowly rotting pumpkins back to the compost yet--they need to decompose further so that journey is a true adventure. (Just don't remind me Hanukkah is early this year because I will definitely flip out.)

I have a few gifts put away for christmas,

We don't really do presents, but we've gotten some awesome new decorations!

Have not started yet. Would love to win this for my kids
And tuck it away for Xmas!

I have started Christmas shopping because I have already found some good deals online.

OMG ! I still can't believe it's almost Christmas. I haven't done anything yet which is crazy because I usually have a third of my shopping done by now. Thanks for this amazing giveaway.
Carol L

I was just thinking I would like some headphones for my little guy! With my hubs being ill we are probably doing handmade gifts this year no shopping ;)

I haven't started yet, but headphones for my son are at the top of my list!

No we have not and may not be able to this year due to breast cancer

Yes I have started but have a long way to go.Merry Christmas

I've started shopping. I have to or it won't be pretty. :)

I have started Holiday shopping. I take advantage of the Michael's 40% and 50% off one regular priced item coupons, and I also take advantage of Target's after Halloween sale. This toy would be a great Christmas gift, and also a great item for longer road trips and flights. Thanks

I haven't started shopping yet, BUT it's on my mind. I've trying to decide what to do for everyone this year and keeping an eye out in case I come a cross a sale item that fits someone just perfectly. ;-)

I have bought a few gifts, but I will really start after Thanksgiving

I haven't started yet, but probably will within the next week or two.

yes I shop all year long,with 6 grown kids an spouses,an 11 grandchildren I have too

Yes, we cannot afford to do it all at once, so I do get started in Oct.

I love the head phones but my kids of course can break anything! Yes, I have almost all my shopping done, just none of it wrapped!

Almost finished - one or two more small things to pick up.

I havent started yet but I better start soon because a couple of my grandkids are old enough now to know what they want. On my list so far is an easy bake oven, a spider web shooting spiderman glove and a Dora mermaid whatever that is. Id love to win this to get back my ipad.

I've purchased a few online gifts for relatives and my sweetie so far.

I haven't started shopping yet, but I've started making lists. This would be a great gift for my boys!

I'm about halfway done with my holiday shopping already!

I've started some of my holiday shopping. Not a lot though. I need to get on the ball, but working 2 part time jobs can be hard so I'm thinking I'll do half online shopping just maybe!

I am about 1/3 through with my holiday shopping.

I not yet, I wait until the last minute every year!

yes! i holiday shop all year long for great deals or sales!

We have gotten a few things but that's about it

I have officially started shopping! I just placed my first Amazon order last week.

Yes! I bought a rattle for my youngest yesterday

I haven't started Christmas shopping but I'd love to give this to my son for Christmas!

I have 11 grandchildren - I have already started shopping.

I havent started yet hoping to to start my shopping this weekend!

I honestly, have not begun shopping.. im dreading it! I will have to get my butt moving though!

We haven't started shopping.... it requires having money to spend!

I have started my shopping. I hate waiting until the last minute, so I try to be done by Dec. 1.

Not yet, but plan too this coming week!

I started shopping :) I love buying presents :)

No I haven't...I am starting VERY late this year :(

I have three young grandchildren and would love for them to have one. I love the educational properties!

nope, not yet. I plan on doing it all online this year.

i have yet to start holiday shopping.

I have not started my holiday shopping yet. I will wait until after Thanksgiving.

I haven't done enough to mention :p

I have a few things purchased, but not much!!

I win my Christmas presents to save my money. I get stocking stuffers but try to win the bigger stuff. Thank you :)

I bought some of the smaller things and the general "White elephant" gift, but nothing big yet.

Oh man, no I have not started my Christmas shopping. We live check to check and I have. wait a week here when my husband gets a small Christmas bonus from work to buy my four girls anything.

I have started my Christmas shopping and I am going to outlets tomorrow to do a bunch more hopefully.

I just started yesterday, but I wish I would of started sooner LOL

I have not started my holiday shopping yet I am scared to even think about it I know I have to though!

I have almost completed my Holiday Shopping. I have health issues and always start early in case I am not able to do it when the weather is bad here. The last item I am hoping for is the Innotab 3S.. I have three young grand-children and would love one for each, but that isn't possible. So maybe one to share would be really nice. I keep watching for them to go on sale, but so far the same price everywhere. I did purchase the early reading system for my youngest grandchild, and will keep hoping to win one, or be able to find one a bit cheaper. Thanks for the opportunity!

I have started my Christmas shopping this year! :)

I usually wait until Dec 23rd to start my shopping! Maybe I will get an earlier start this year :)

I am just about done shopping for my 3 kids still need to do a few other people though. I try to shop throught the year

shelly sawicki lash neuhouser says:

I am about half way done with my holiday shopping!

I am almost done holiday shopping. Yay me!

I'm halfway done with all of my shopping!

I've gotten a few things, but I never really go shopping before Thanksgiving.

I have started my shopping. Trying to get it done early for once!

I have been holiday shopping all year - bought 1 more today.

I have been doing a little bit here and there since summer!

I started my shopping many months ago ..

I have picked up a few things here and there, but still have a lot of shopping to do!

I just started yesterday purchasing some movies for my grandson.

I have started...but then I ran out of money! So, I will pick it back up asap!

I have bought a few things along the way but nothing big. So I still have all my MAJOR shopping to do! :) ahhhh!
I love the headphones! Wouldn't they also go nicely with that Ani Mates Bear?

I have, I holiday shop all year round!

I started and I am almost finished for my Husbands side And most for mine!

yeah my holiday shopping is almost done, im just working on finishing my husbands gifts, he is a hard one cause he has everything

I always wait until the last minute!

No not yet. We have birthdays to get through first! My 2 daughters and I have December birthdays.

I have started my Christmas shopping! Have a ways to go yet, but got a good start! Each year I say I want to be done by December 1st so I can enjoy December....but always seem to still be shopping for those last minute gifts the week of Christmas! So, we will see if I can get it all done by December 1st this year! :)

No but I plan to on Thanksgiving (Black Friday).

I am way behind in my shopping as to where I normally am at this time of year.

I have not started my shopping yet.I'm waiting on black Friday to start.

i HAVE started, but mostly for myself - HA!

I am about half way through my holiday shopping.

No, but I have bookmarked most of the websites from which I will be shopping. It is all about preparation, the actual purchasing is secondary to the looking and finding, and deciding.

I am almost done shopping, just have a couple more gifts to buy

I start my holiday shopping in the beginning of October. I do not like to be last minute shopping. I have a huge family and I need all the time I can have.

I've got about half of my shopping done.

I have not started shopping yet but should have by now

I try to shop all year long, for things that I know my Family will need/want. That & layaway are what really help me give our Kids & Grands a wonderful Christmas. My Grandson would LOVE this tablet, & I think it's fabulous that he could txt me right from the device!!! We live 5 1/2 hrs away & don't get to see them as much as we would like, this would be a fabulous feature!!! Thanks for the chance, great review!!!

I have a few gifts stored away. Much more to go

Yeah, I shop all year round so I have a few gifts already.

I haven't even started my shopping yet. I'm not even sure what to get for my family.

i have started my holiday looking for ideas, no actual shopping yet.

I have looked at a few things for my boys for Christmas. I really want to get them an educational tablet like this one.

I have started shopping!! Hope to have it all done the end of Black Friday!!

I haven't started yet. I usually do on Black Friday.

I have not started holiday shopping yet

I've not started at all.... I am scared my kids will find their presents if I start too soon!

I have started and I am even wrapping!


yes, I have started my Christmas shopping.

i havent started my holiday shopping money..;(

Yes, I'm well on my way with my Christmas shopping

Still need stocking stuffers and teacher gifts.

Yes! I have a good start on it actually. My youngest is a December baby, so it forces me to get organized early.

Yes, I start early with my holiday shopping!

I am almost finished thanks to layaway :)

OMGosh well THIS would also solve the ipad issue in my house. Now what are the chances I can win them both?! LOL Hey I can dream, right?

i haven't started my christmas shopping. i'm awful. i do it at the last minute online.

No way! I dont start until after Thanksgiving.

Jennifer P - Vicki Vix on Rafflecopter says:

No I haven't started christmas shopping yet. To be honest my budget is very tight this year so I'm not going to be doing much shopping. Thanks for the giveaway.

Yes, I have started my Christmas shopping. =)
Thanks for the giveaway! =)

I'll be kicking off the holiday shopping with the rest of the nuts on Black Friday!

I have ordered a few things online and I have some wrapping paper and misc stuff I bought on clearance last year!

I have not started my Christmas shopping yet.

Yes, I have some of our shopping done.

I've bought a couple of things so far

Omigosh all I've done is THINK about holiday shopping. Haven't even begun to actually shop!

coriwestphal at msn dot com

I bought a few gifts yesterday but that's it so far .. would love to win this prize for my friend's 2 1/2 y/o son J.J.~thanks!

I haven't even thought about my holiday shopping yet

Yes I have started my holiday shopping

Only have a few items so far, I will probably be doing most of my shopping in December!

Yes, I started my holiday shopping two months ago.

i have started some of my holiday shopping

Yes but I only have one thing so's something right!

I started shopping yesterday. thanks

Sorta, I pre-ordered the Xbox one for the kids but that is about as far as I have gone.

Holiday Shopping is almost done just waiting on Black Friday to finish it up

Yes, I'm about half way done christmas shopping for my kids. Still need to buy for relatives though

i have started but probably won't finish until the weekend after Thanksgiving.

Yes, but only a little bit of it is done

I have stared my Christmas shopping but this would make great gift!

I have not started holiday shopping.

I have only completed the list, now the work begins.

Started mine back in July!

brich22 at earthlink dot net

I started buying stocking stuffers.

I probably won't start until the week before! My usual lol

I haven't started yet but will soon!

I start gathering ideas for gifts pretty early, but I just started buying last weekend.

I actually just ordered my first gift a couple of weeks ago thanks to Rue La La! :D

I have always wanted an Innotab for my boys!
priscillabenavides at yahoo dotcom

No, I haven't. Probably will wait til mid December.

I have not, this though, this would be the perfect gift for my niece. I have been looking at them to get her one

NO! Haven't even thought about starting yet

I have not started my holiday shopping yet, I usually wait till after Thanksgiving.

I just started shopping a few days ago for the holidays..I should have started earlier

Yes, I've actually already taken care of most of my Holiday shopping. I've been planning my gifts for months and did most of it online. Still got a few last minute things to get!

I have done a bit of shopping. I am not doing much this year as the budget won't allow it!

My mom has been in the hospital for 9 weeks now so I have not had a chance to start our Christmas shopping. I have some ideas though!

Toni Marie Caravello (Feimer) says:

I have not started shopping - I haven't even made a list yet. Yikes!

I've done very minimal shopping for the kids, but yeah I guess since I've done a little I have started.0

I just started a few weeks ago. My son would live this:)

i havent, i have won a few gifts though.

No I have not started yet, not sure when I can.

I have already started my holiday shopping.

I have picked up a few things here and there. I am trying to get things when they are on sale.

Love to win this for my Grandson. Just started to check out add for Christmas shopping. Tight budget

Yes I have already started shopping for the Holidays!

I keep thinking about starting, but have to wait for the income.

I am almost done with my shopping this is on my list so I am hoping to finish it with a win :)

I have started and I am almost done.

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