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Paco Plaza (screenplay) Fernando Navarro (screenplay) Coral Cruz (story editor)
Paco Plaza (screenplay) Fernando Navarro (screenplay) Coral Cruz (story editor)
Paco Plaza (screenplay) Fernando Navarro (screenplay) Coral Cruz (story editor)
When the children first enter the restaurant where Ana ( Ana Torrent ) is working, she promises Antoñito ( Ivån Chavero ) two Euros. The Euro did not become legal tender in Spain before 1999 and notes and coins were not introduced before 2002. However the film is set in 1991, ten years before. Instead the Peseta was used, and she should have promised ESP 300-400.
Featured in FoundFlix: Veronica (2018)
Maldito duende Performed by Héroes del Silencio Courtesy of Warner Music Spain S.L. Lyrics and Music by Pedro Andreu (as Pedro Andreu Lapiedra), Juan Valdivia (as Juan Valvidia Navarro), Joaquín Cardiel (as Joaquín Cardiel Gericó), Enrique Bunbury (as Enrique Ortiz Landazuri Yzarduy) © Copyright by Warner/Chappell Music Spain S.A., Disilogan SL, Buen Tao SL ©(R) Copyright by Servidor de Nadie, S.L. Version licensed to Ediciones Musicales Clipper's, S.L.
Nothing innovative, still an excellent film!
Let me start off by saying I have certain difficulties with foreign films, having been raised on Hollywood standards and conventional cinematics. I consider this to be a personal flaw and the result of early age conditioning, which honestly should have been broken by now following masterpieces such as Ju On (Japanese) and Martyrs (French). Unfortunately, this flaw often makes me delay watching foreign Horror even when it's conveniently and immediately available on Netflix. Thank heavens I eventually get to it, or I would have missed on Veronica, which is in my opinion simply an excellent and fun film. It is noteworthy to mention that virtually nothing about Veronica is innovative or original, save for certain aspects of the evil spirit's behavior and methods. From the painfully overdone story (teenagers using Ouija board, evil follows, haunting commences) to the portrayal of the haunting itself (poltergeist effects apparent in the house, mouth agape beyond what is physically possible for humans etc.) Veronica resembles any of the dozen plus ghost stories proceeding it in the past decade. And yet, something about the different atmosphere, the unique and almost idiosyncratic features of the spirit and the added value from witnessing the heartwarming relationship between the protagonist and her younger siblings simply makes Veronica a rewarding and fun viewing experience from start to finish. Acting is right on the spot even by young IvĂĄn Chavero making a very impressive debut, soundtrack and cinematography accompany the story and characters just as they should, and everything simply fits together perfectly. The ending is slightly disappointing (as is the case with many Horror films), with a failed and completely unnecessary attempt at a plot twist (the film would have fine without it). This combined with the aforementioned lack of innovation makes me somewhat surprised and confused as to how much I honestly enjoyed this film. Like I said, everything simply comes together perfectly regardless to most of the features which are usually required to make a good Horror film great. All I can say is that I wholeheartedly recommend Veronica to any Horror fan, even if some of you might find it to be mediocre and average at best. I certainly haven't.
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Madrid, 1991. Ein junges MĂ€dchen wird von einer bösen ĂŒbernatĂŒrlichen Macht belagert, nachdem sie Ouija mit zwei Klassenkameraden gespielt hat. Madrid, 1991. Ein junges MĂ€dchen wird von einer bösen ĂŒbernatĂŒrlichen Macht belagert, nachdem sie Ouija mit zwei Klassenkameraden gespielt hat. Madrid, 1991. Ein junges MĂ€dchen wird von einer bösen ĂŒbernatĂŒrlichen Macht belagert, nachdem sie Ouija mit zwei Klassenkameraden gespielt hat.
Hermana Muerte : You know when you go inside a house and they've just made French toast? It's easy to tell the smell. That smell of cinnamon... fried bread... warm milk. If you close your eyes, it's like they're on a dish in front of you. You could almost take a bite. I was a Language and Lit teacher. The French toast is a metaphor. What grade are you in?
Hermana Muerte : So you know what a metaphor is, right? And you also know we aren't talking about desserts.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sandra Escacena Claudia Placer Bruna GonzĂĄlez IvĂĄn Chavero Ana Torrent
Apache Films El Expediente La PelĂ­cula AIE

Sandra Escacena as VerĂłnica
Bruna GonzĂĄlez as LucĂ­a
Claudia Placer as Irene
Ivån Chavero as Antoñito
Ana Torrent as Ana
Consuelo Trujillo as Sister Death
Sonia Almarcha as Doctor
Maru Valduvielso as Josefa
Leticia Dolera as History Teacher
Ángela Fabiån as Rosa
Samuel Romero
Carla Campra as Diana
Veronica (Spanish: VerĂłnica ) is a 2017 Spanish supernatural horror film directed by Paco Plaza which stars Sandra Escacena alongside Claudia Placer, Bruna GonzĂĄlez, IvĂĄn Chavero and Ana Torrent .

It is loosely based on true events from the 1991 Vallecas case where Estefanía Gutiérrez Låzaro died mysteriously after she used a ouija board . [4]

The film opens in 1991 in medias res , with emergency services responding to a call from a young girl. She sounds panicked and screams about her brother Antoñito, and something "coming to get him", before the call cuts off.

The film then goes back in time three days. Verónica is a 15-year-old girl living with her mother and three siblings in an apartment in the working-class district of Vallecas , Madrid . Their father recently died and their mother works long hours at a bar to support the family, leaving Verónica in charge of her younger siblings: twins Lucia and Irene, and Antoñito. On the day of the solar eclipse , her teacher explains how some ancient cultures used eclipses to stage human sacrifices and summon dark spirits.

While the school gathers on the roof to view the eclipse, Verónica, her friend Rosa, and their classmate Diana go into the basement to conduct a séance using a Ouija board . Verónica wants to reach out to her late father, and Diana wants to reach out to her late boyfriend, who died in a motorcycle accident. The board responds right away but Rosa and Diana pull their hands back when the glass cup becomes too hot to touch. Verónica's hand remains on it, and at the moment of the eclipse, the cup shatters, cutting her finger and dripping blood onto the board. Verónica becomes unresponsive, whispering something repeatedly that Rosa leans in to hear, and suddenly lets out a demonic scream. After passing out, Verónica wakes in the school nurse's office, who tells her she probably passed out from iron deficiency .

Verónica begins experiencing paranormal occurrences. She is unable to eat her dinner, as if an invisible hand is preventing her. Claw and bite marks appear on her body and she hears strange noises. Her friends begin avoiding her. Looking for answers, she goes back to the school basement and finds the school's elderly blind nun whom the students call "Sister Death." The nun scolds her for doing something so dangerous and explains that the séance attached a dark spirit to her; she needs to protect her siblings. The nun tries to compel the spirit to leave her, but nothing happens.

Verónica draws protective Viking symbols for the kids, only for the demon to destroy them. She tries to help Lucia when the spirit chokes her, but Lucia says it was Verónica who was choking her. That night, Verónica dreams that her siblings are eating her. She wakes up to find that she's on her first period . As she scrubs her mattress, she finds burn marks on the underside. Later, she finds on each of the kids' mattresses a large burn mark in the shape of a human body. Verónica goes to Sister Death for advice; the nun tells of how she used to see dark spirits when she was younger, and intentionally blinded herself in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the visions. Sister Death tells her that she can force the spirits to leave by doing right what she did wrong. Verónica learns that it is important to say goodbye to the spirit at the end of the séance. After going to a party at Rosa's house, she asks Rosa and Diana to help her hold another séance, but they refuse. Rosa reveals that, at the séance, Verónica whispered that she herself would die in five days.

Desperate, she decides to hold the séance with her young siblings. She has Antoñito draw the protective symbols on the walls, but he flips to the wrong page and instead draws symbols of invocation. When she tells the spirit to say goodbye, it refuses. She calls the police as the spirit snatches Antoñito, manages to grab him back, and escapes along with Lucia and Irene. However, when she gets to the exit she sees in a mirror that she is not actually holding Antoñito but just imagined it. She returns to find her brother hiding in a closet and calling her name. She finds him and notices he won't go with her. Verónica looks at herself in the mirror and sees the demon, realizing she has been possessed by the demon the entire time, and had been harming her siblings under its control. She attempts to end the possession by slitting her own throat but is prevented by the demon. The police enter to find her being attacked by an invisible force and passing out. The medics carry her and Antoñito out while a shaken detective observes the scene. As the detective watches a framed photograph of Verónica suddenly catch fire, he is informed that she has died. Five years later in 1996, he reports of unexplained paranormal activity having occurred in Madrid. It is explained that the movie is based on the true events of the first police report in Spain where a police officer certifies having witnessed paranormal activity .

The film was inspired when EstefanĂ­a GutiĂ©rrez LĂĄzaro (1973–1991) reportedly suffered hallucinations and seizures after performing the sĂ©ance at a school in Madrid to try to contact her friend's deceased boyfriend who had died six months earlier. Her exact cause of death is a mystery. Her house allegedly became haunted after her death according to the British magazine NME . [5] The American magazine Newsweek , referenced by NME , is more cautious and while acknowledging that the case is real, likens the event to the similar pop-culture phenomenon and urban legend The Amityville Horror . In the same magazine, director Paco Plaza says that he didn't feel bound to portray the real events, clarifying "...the whole story of Veronica and the sisters and Antoñito, this little Marlon Brando with glasses, it’s all a vision." [6]

The screenplay was penned by Paco Plaza alongside Fernando Navarro . [7] The film was produced by Apache Films alongside El Expediente La PelĂ­cula AIE, with the participation of RTVE and support from ICAA . [8] The score was composed by Eugenio Mira , credited under the pseudonym Chucky Namanera. [2] [9]

VerĂłnica originally released on 25 August 2017 in Spain. In addition, the film was released in eight other countries between the months of December 2017 up until February 2018. [10]

The film was selected for the lineup of the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival 's Contemporary World Cinema section. [11]

In Spain the film grossed $4,212,203, and $1,910,886 in other territories, for a worldwide total of $6,123,089. [10]

The review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported an 88% approval rating from critics. The website's critical consensus reads, "A scarily effective horror outing, Veronica proves it doesn't take fancy or exotic ingredients to craft skin-crawling genre thrills." [12]

Jonathan Holland from The Hollywood Reporter gives a negative review of the film and wrote "The real horror in Veronica is not in the CGI visuals, or in Pablo Rosso's frantic cinematography, or in the aural bombardment of sound effects and music; it’s in the relationship between the children". Overall though he sums up his film review with "Thick on chills, thin on psychology." [13]

Shortly after the release of Verónica on Netflix Jordan Crucchoila of Vulture countered other reviewers who believe that Verónica is the scariest movie on Netflix "In our estimation, Veronica is not that scary. It’s a worthy effort, but as far as witch-board movies go, you’ll get more out of Ouija 2: Origin of Evil .", but overall still believes that the film has "some great set-piece scares, and the movie’s most disturbing moment is pretty damn good." [14] Ed Potton of The Times does not believe that the film is good and gave the film a 2 out of 5, and wrote "A considerable buzz online suggested that this Spanish horror might arrest the recent run of iffy Netflix movies. Sadly, it doesn't." [15] Dennis Harvey of Variety , wrote that the film's ideas "aren’t ultimately original enough or its scares potent enough to suggest Plaza wouldn’t benefit from trying his directorial hand at someone else’s screenplay." [16] Paul Tassi from Forbes magazine wrote "If I was scoring the movie myself I’d probably give it a 6 out of 10, “fresh,” but not exactly stunning." [17]

In March 2022, Netflix announced the development of a prequel film titled Sister Death ( Hermana Muerte ), directed by Paco Plaza and written by Jorge Guerricaechevarría . [28] It will star Aria Bedmar [ es ] , Almudena Amor and Maru Valdivielso [ es ] , among others. [28]

Expediente La PelĂ­cula A.I.E., Apaches Entertainment

Aitor Berenguer, Gabriel Gutiérrez, Nicolas de Poulpiquet

Aitor Berenguer, Gabriel Gutiérrez, Nicolas de Poulpiquet

Best Sound/Sound Effects - International Competition

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Veronica-Ratgeber Pflanz- und Pflegetipps vom Profi

Überblick - auf einen Klick

Hier fĂŒhlt sich Veronica wohl

Pflegetipps fĂŒr Veronica

Die Pflanzengattung Veronica umfasst ca. 450 Arten, die sowohl kriechend als auch buschig aufrecht wachsen

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Artenreiche KiesgĂ€rten statt leblosen SteinwĂŒsten

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Artenreiche KiesgĂ€rten statt leblosen SteinwĂŒsten

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Botanischer Name: Veronica in Arten und Sorten

Boden: mĂ€ĂŸig trocken, sandig-humos, nĂ€hrstoffreich
Die Gattung Veronica – im deutschen Sprachgebrauch unter dem Namen Ehrenpreis bekannt – umfasst eine Vielzahl an verschiedenen Arten, die sowohl kriechend als auch buschig aufrecht wachsen.
WĂ€hrend sich die niedrigeren Arten und Sorten gut in SteingĂ€rten verwenden lassen und dort mit der Zeit attraktive BlĂŒtenteppiche bilden, fĂŒgen sich die höheren Arten und Sorten besonders harmonisch in Staudenbeete und Rabatten ein. Auch als Schnittblumen eignen sie sich problemlos.
Die BlĂŒten der sommerblĂŒhenden Stauden erscheinen von Juni an bis in den Oktober hinein. Die meisten Veronica besitzen blau-violette BlĂŒten – es gibt aber auch weiße, rosafarbene und pinkfarbene Sorten.
Veronica bevorzugen im Allgemeinen warme sowie sonnige bis halbschattige Standorte. Der Boden sollte mĂ€ĂŸig trocken, durchlĂ€ssig, sandig-humos und nĂ€hrstoffreich sein. Ein schwerer und nasser Untergrund bereitet den Stauden Probleme – ganz besonders im Winter.

Veronica ist in der Pflege anspruchslos. Eine DĂŒngergabe im FrĂŒhjahr unterstĂŒtzt die Pflanzen mit allen wichtigen und notwendigen NĂ€hrstoffen. HierfĂŒr eignen sich organische DĂŒnger – wie zum Beispiel Kompost, HornspĂ€ne oder Lava-Gesteinsmehl – genauso gut wie organisch-mineralische VolldĂŒnger.
Eine BewĂ€sserung ist, sofern die Stauden erst einmal angewachsen sind, nur bei großer Hitze und anhaltender Trockenheit notwendig.

Werden welke BlĂŒten zeitnah abgeschnitten, lĂ€sst sich in vielen FĂ€llen eine zweite NachblĂŒte anregen. Im Herbst nach der BlĂŒte erfolgt dann ein RĂŒckschnitt bis auf den Boden.
Auch wenn die Stauden ausreichend winterhart sind, empfiehlt sich in kalten Frostperioden ein zusĂ€tzlicher Frostschutz durch eine dĂŒnn aufgelegte Mulchdecke.

Die meisten Menschen schauen vor allem auf die BlĂŒtenfarbe, wenn es darum geht neue Pflanzen fĂŒr den Garten auszuwĂ€hlen. Doch die Natur hat noch viel mehr zu bieten als nur bunte BlĂŒten. Auch die Anordnung der Triebe, die Form der BlĂŒtenstĂ€nde mitsamt ihren StĂ€ngeln und die daraus hervorgehenden


Jahr fĂŒr Jahr warten wir sehnsĂŒchtig auf die BlĂŒten unserer Gartenstauden. Wir hegen und pflegen die Pflanzen und fiebern dem Moment entgegen, in dem sich endlich die ersten BlĂŒtenblĂ€tter entfalten. WĂ€re es da nicht toll, wenn sich die farbenfrohe Pracht etwas lĂ€nger erhalten lassen wĂŒrde? Da


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Vereinfacht ausgedrĂŒckt sind Stauden also Pflanzen, die wĂ€hrend der Gartensaison wachsen und blĂŒhen und sich im Winter bis zum nĂ€chsten FrĂŒhjahr unter die Erde zurĂŒckziehen. Allerdings gibt es auch "wintergrĂŒne" und "immergrĂŒne" Stauden. Sie ziehen im Winter nicht ein sondern bleiben an der OberflĂ€che


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Die meisten Menschen schauen vor allem auf die BlĂŒtenfarbe, wenn es darum geht neue Pflanzen fĂŒr den Garten auszuwĂ€hlen. Doch die Natur hat noch viel mehr zu bieten als nur bunte BlĂŒten. Auch die Anordnung der Triebe, die Form der BlĂŒtenstĂ€nde mitsamt ihren StĂ€ngeln und die daraus hervorgehenden


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