Verbal Dom

Verbal Dom


Verbal Dom

There are 3 steps of this mixing process that include:

1. pre-mixing coins and then mixing them with others;
2. forwarding coins to stock exchanges where they are mixed with coins of other traders;
3. new coins are returned back to the original sender.

As digital money is gaining momentum around the world, bitcoin holders have become more conscious about the anonymity of their purchases. Everyone thought that a sender can remain disguised while forwarding their coins and it came to light that it is not true. Owing to the implementation of government policies, the transactions are traceable which means that a user’s electronic address and even identity can be revealed. But don’t be worried, there is an answer to such governmental measures and it is a cryptocurrency scrambler.
To make it clear, a cryptocurrency mixing service is a program that breaks up a transaction, so there is an easy way to blend several parts of it with other transactions used. After all a sender gets back an equal quantity of coins, but blended in a non-identical set. As a result, there is no possibility to trace the transaction back to a user, so one can stay calm that identity is not disclosed.
As maybe some of you are aware, every cryptocurrency transaction, and Bitcoin is not an exception, is imprinted in the blockchain and it leaves marks. These traces play an important role for the government to track back criminal transactions, such as purchasing guns, drugs or money laundering. While a sender is not associated with any criminal activity and still wants to avoid being traced, it is possible to use available crypto tumblers and secure sender’s identity. Many crypto holders do not want to inform everyone how much they gain or how they spend their money.
There is a belief among some internet users that using a mixing service is an illegal action itself. It is not completely true. As outlined above, there is a possibility of crypto mixing to become unlawful, if it is used to hide user’s illegal actions, otherwise, there is no need to worry. There are many services that are here for cryptocurrency owners to mix their coins.
Nevertheless, a crypto holder should pay attention while picking a crypto mixer. Which platform can be trusted? How can one be certain that a tumbler will not steal all the sent coins? This article is here to reply to these questions and assist every crypto owner to make the right decision.
The crypto scramblers presented above are among the top existing tumblers that were chosen by clients and are highly recommended. Let’s look closely at the listed mixers and explain all features on which attention should be focused.
Surely all tumblers from the table support no-logs and no-registration policy, these are critical features that should not be neglected. Most of the mixers are used to mix only Bitcoins as the most common cryptocurrency. Although there is a couple of crypto mixing platforms that mix other cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin. Additional currencies give a sender more opportunities, some tumblers also allow to mix coins between the currencies which makes transactions far less traceable.
There is one feature that is not represented in the above table and it is time-delay. This feature helps a user and a transaction itself to stay incognito, as there is a gap between the deposited coins and the outcoming transaction. In most cases, users can set the time of delay by themselves and it can be several days or even hours and minutes. For better understanding of crypto tumblers, it is essential to consider each of them independently.
Blender has a straightforward interface, it is easy to use and uncomplicated. Time-delay option can be set up to 24 hours. With regard to the fee, there is an additional fee of 0.0005 % per outgoing address. As one of the few, this mixer provides a user with a special mixing code which guarantees that new crypto coins are not mixed with previous deposits. Additional URL ( Blender ) is also here to guarantee that users can get to the mixing service, even if the main link is not available.
As well as others, CryptoMixer has both a clear-web ( CryptoMixer ). This tumbler is notable for accommodating extremely large-volume transactions. After public verification of their reserve of 2000 BTC it is clearly that users can trust this mixing platform and their deposits will not be taken. The number of needed confirmations differs depending on the deposited amount, e.g. for sending less that 25 BTC there is only 1 confirmation required, in case of depositing more than 1000 BTC a user needs to collect 5 confirmations.
To operate on this crypto tumbler, a CryptoMixer code needs to be created. A user should note it, so it is possible to use it next time. After entering a CryptoMixer code, users need to provide the output address or several of them and then set a time-delay option. A delay time is determined automatically and a user can change it if needed. A service fee can be also chosen from the table depending on the forwarded sum. Each transaction requires additional fee of 0.0005 BTC. Also, a calculator on the main page helps every user to understand the number of coins sent and got back after mixing.
Based on the experience of many users on the Internet, PrivCoin is one of the leading Bitcoin tumblers that has ever appeared. This tumbler supports not only Bitcoins, but also other aforementioned cryptocurrencies. Exactly this mixing service allows a user to exchange the coins, in other words to deposit one type of coins and get them back in another type of coins. This process even increases user’s anonymity. Time-delay feature makes a transaction untraceable, as it can be set up to 24 hours. There is a transaction fee of 0.0005 for each additional address.
One absolutely extraordinary crypto tumbler is ChipMixer because it is based on the absolutely different rule comparing to other tumblers. A user does not just deposit coins to mix, but makes a wallet and funds it with chips from 0.01 BTC to 8.192 BTC which a user can break down according to their wishes. After chips are included in the wallet, a wallet holder can forward coins to process. As the chips are sent to the mixing service prior to the transaction, next transactions are untraceable and it is not possible to connect them with the wallet owner. There is no standard fee for transactions on this mixing service: it uses “Pay what you like” feature. It means that the fee is randomized making transactions even more anonymous and the service itself more cost-effective. Retention period is 7 days and every user has an opportunity to manually cleanse all logs before the end of this period.
Another coin tumbler Mixtum offers you a so-called free trial period what means that there are no service or transaction fee applied. The process of getting clean coins is also quite unique, as the tumbler requires a request to be sent over Tor or Clearnet and clean coins are acquired from stock exchanges.
It is worth noting that random amounts are sent in two and more transactions to make them less identifiable.
Another trustworthy tumbler is BitMix which supports two cryptocurrencies with Ethereum to be added soon. The mixing process is relatively typical and identical with the processes on other mixers. It is possible to set a time-delay feature up to 72 hours and a sender has an opportunity to divide the transaction, so the funds are sent to several addresses. Thus, sender’s money are more protected and undetectable.
Two cryptocurrencies are also supported on mixing service. This mixer is listed because it works quickly and it is trusty. The transaction fee is really small, only the amount of 0.0001 BTC needs to be added for every extra address. Splitting deposited coins between 5 addresses is also highly helpful for keeping user’s anonymity. Every user is able to choose an additional option of delaying the payout meaning that the transaction is becoming even more anonymous.
Let’s represent another one of the leading bitcoin mixing services which is incredibly easy to operate. Bitcoin Laundry ( Bitcoin Laundry ) has a simple interface and it should be noted that the service fee is the lowest possible, it is 0.0% with 0.0002 BTC per extra address. Retention period is 7 days when it is possible for a user to manually remove all the logs which are stored for this period because of any possible transaction-related issues. There is a time-delay feature, however, it is not possible to be controlled by a user but the mixing service only.
Being one of the earliest mixing services, BitBlender ( BitBlender ) continues to be a easy-to-use and usable crypto coin tumbler. There is a possibility to have two accounts, with and without registration. The difference is that the one without registration is less controllable by a user.
The mixing process can be performed and the transaction fee is charged randomly from 1% to 3% which makes the transaction more anonymous. Also, if a user deposits more than 10 BTC in a week, the crypto mixer reduces the fee by half. With a time-delay feature the transaction can be delayed up to 24 hours. A Bitcoin owner should be afraid of security leak as there is a 2-factor authentication when a sender becomes a holder of a PGP key with password. However, this mixing platform does not have a Letter of Guarantee which makes it challenging to address this coin scrambler in case of scams.
And last but not least, there is a mixing service with many cryptocurrencies to mix named SmartMixer ( SmartMixer ). At the moment, there are three currencies and Ethereum is going to be added in future. This tumbler offers a very easy-to-use user-interface, as well as the opportunity to control all steps of the mixing process. A user can select a delay not just by hours, but by the minute which is extremely helpful. The platform provides the opportunity to use a calculator to understand the amount of money a user finally gets. The service fee is from 1 % to 5 % with fees for extra addresses (0.00045529 BTC, 0.01072904 LTC, and 0.00273174 BCH). Having funds from different resources helps the crypto tumbler to maintain user’s identity incognito. This last tumbler does not offer its users a Letter of Guarantee.
All cryptocurrency scramblers presented in the article are reported to be trustworthy having all transactions nameless. It is important to pick a crypto mixer wisely, as a sender has no chance to turn to any governmental structure in case of scams. Of course, processing your deposits online can be unsafe, however, using mixing platforms that are listed in the article will help every user to reduce risks and be sure of success of the transaction.

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Get your FREE "How to Be a Good Dom" quick-start guide!
In BDSM, “Dominant” is a word that’s thrown around a lot. Being a Dom can seem very appealing. Most are people who want to be more dominant sexually in bed, but also in their relationships and personal life. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake doms out there. How can you make sure you’re not acting like one? Or if you’re a submissive, what should you look for in a partner? Let’s consider what it means to be a real Dom.
To start, let’s focus on some of the warning signs of a bad or fake dom. If they focus more on what they are getting than what they are giving that is a huge clue. Of course the nature of a Dom can be somewhat selfish at times, but they should always make sure that the sub is satisfied not just sexually, but emotionally and physically too.
Many new Doms latch onto the idea of getting sexually pleased whenever they want, even in the beginning of new relationships. But just like any relationship, trust needs to be earned.
A fake dom may say things like, “You’re not really a sub,” or, “A good sub would do XYZ.” If you’re a sub, don’t fall for it. And if you’re a Dom, don’t say things like that unless the sub consents to being talked to that way. Real emotional harm can be done.
The definition of a Dominant is an important, powerful person who likes to be in charge. They crave obedience and need to be in control. They tend to be the “Alpha,” and that is why “Dom” is usually spelled with a capital letter while “sub” is usually lowercase. A Dominant can take on many different roles such as:
They strive to exercise control in all things, not just over their sub sexually. This means that they have order in their own personal lives. It is not uncommon for a Dom to have an obsessive-compulsive personality. They take great pride in the health of their bodies, their homes, vehicles, and jobs, knowing these all reflect on them.
The Dom also takes responsibility for the wellbeing and the proper training, guidance, and discipline of their sub. And the Dom maintains a stable and safe environment in which their sub may perform their duties in service of the Dom.
Doms are not perfect; they will mess up from time to time. They can still apologize without appearing weak by just admitting what they did wrong and what they will do to fix it. Doms shouldn’t lose their temper. They can get mad and angry but they should always strive to be in control.
Another challenge a male Dom in particular may face is going against society’s rules of being kind and gentle towards women. They’re supposed to be the “nice guy.” Many men find it hard to be assertive in bed because of this.
A Dom may feel guilty always taking, but they need to remember that most subs want and need to be used sexually. That doesn’t mean that a Dom can’t be giving in bed, but just being more assertive in that part of the relationship will help them fulfill their role. Ways a Dom can do this are:
One challenge my Dom said he had to overcome was being afraid he was being too strict and hard on me with punishments. To be honest I don’t think he’s ever gone too far. I know that if I ever did feel that way that is what safewords and my journal are for. If anything, I think in the beginning I got off too easily sometimes.
A Dom’s body language and speech need to be powerful and in control. They should also look the part. They don’t have to be a Christian Grey, but they should be fit, have good hygiene, be well dressed, and not sloppy. Doms should have good posture and stand tall, trying to be physically above the sub, often making them sit below them or kneel .
A Dom should also talk confidently and be direct. They usually wouldn’t ask, “Where would you like to go to dinner?” They might say, “I’m taking you out to dinner. Pick a place.”
One of my favorite things my Dom does is tell me to make him coffee. When we were vanilla he would ask me, “Do you think you can make me coffee please?” Now he just tells me to do it and it always puts a smile on my face to perform this simple task for him.
Training a sub is a lot of work and not to be taken lightly. It is a very rewarding process though. When a Dom trains a sub they are molding them to be a better version of themselves. Behavior modification is achieved through maintaining structure and order. A lot of subs thrive on a set routine, and rules and protocols can help a Dom provide that.
To make this easier for the Dom you can keep track of everything in a downloadable BDSM contract .
The sub can also keep a journal so the Dom can get inside their head. Punishments are usually necessary to help guide and correct them. It takes constant effort, but it is a beautiful thing when the sub becomes exactly what the Dom desires.
To learn more about training for both Doms and subs go here »
True dominance is not just a role, it is a way of life. Being a Dominant means they are held to a higher standard, but it is all worth it. They will receive the ultimate gift of a sub’s beautiful and willing submission.
Don’t forget to grab your FREE Quick-Start Guide below:
I thank you very much for that knowledge
I really enjoy your informative articles! I am so happy you have included the “signs” for spotting a fake Dom because that is a question I am often asked by people new to the lifestyle in my local BDSM community. Also, many many thanks for pointing out that even us Doms can make mistakes; I tend to be hardest on myself for that. Please keep the articles coming!
Thank you so much, Ken! That means so much to me. Feel free to share the articles with others in your community. ❤️
Years ago I was, in my humble, cough, cough, opinion, a good Dom prior to knowing there was anything called BDSM. I HAD A GIRLFRIEND, AND WE PLAYED THE ROLES WELL. I am a Vietnam veteran, and spent 13 years in the military, until injuries sustained there, eventually prevented me from doing my job in the military. We were together for about two and a half years other than when I was away doing my job, and eventually she needed more, time wise, than I was able to provide due to my job In the military. I miss that fun, and after reading all written here I was good at being a Dom. I guess there are places one could meet other like minded ppl. How could one find like minded people in an area, which sounds like it is more in the open than my days, decades ago?
Thank you for sharing your story, Charles! Fortunately, there are LOTS of online and offline ways to find local, like-minded people now. Be sure to read this article to help you on your journey. ????
I love this site. An abundance of info and focus on this Lifestyle. Thank you.
I started my experience as a bad Dom the last time I got into this life style, and I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole again. I was new and yes i also read your guide to “bad doms” I wasn’ t surprised that I had several signs.
I found someone quite amazing and I want to be the best person I can be. There are multiple points in your article that just made complete sense.
Good evening.
I am new in the BDSM world. I would like to say your site is very informative and I will continue visiting.
Thank you.
Thank you for your humbleness, Jan. That’s a sign of a real Dom. 😉
Hi. I just joined a Dom/sub relationship and my girlfriend has make it clear that she wants to be my sub. The problem I’m running into is that I have trouble asserting myself. I’m very layed back and find that when I try to assert myself. As the Dom I always end up holding back out of fear from a past abusive relationship. I want to be that person but I cant get over the idea that any amount of assertion may lead to her feeling bullied instead of her feeling like my possession like she wants to.
We have slowly been exploring; and, learning this new life together. My wife has enjoyed our sessions thus far; however, i feel we are at an impasse (which is my fault). I am not sure where we are with satisfying her needs. I may be the Dom; but, it is more as if she Tops-from the-bottom. I am not complaining one bit. We have been together for 28 years. There is obviously ‘some’ trust there; and, I love her dearly; but, respectfully WE only became aware of her thoughts and feelings of loving like this after 50 shades came out. I’m sure common thread for you nowadays. Whether she from the bottom; or, me from the top…..I just want to pleasure her in any way possible.
I really like this article! One of the things I’ve been thinking about lately is steering clear of the “toxic myths” of being a Dom.
I really enjoyed noticing a similar emphasis on what a Dom isn’t, and on learning from mistakes – I’ve found so many writings which indicate that prospective Doms think that they or their submissives need to be somehow “perfect”
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