Venus Lux My First Time

Venus Lux My First Time


Venus Lux My First Time

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Your Venus sign reflects your attitude toward skincare, grooming, cosmetic aesthetic, and self-maintenance. Do you know your Venus sign? If yes, read on. If not, you can find out via one of my instant Astral DNA reports .
Some people feel a skincare regime to be insanely comforting, a guaranteed this-will-happen ritual. It’s meditative; no matter what else fails to come to fruition that day, they will care for their complexion. It is similar to the way people in the military get taught to make their beds immaculately every day. It is a ritual of intellectual order and an affirmation that they will return to it that evening.
Others loathe the very concept of anything regimented but invest psychic energy into cosmetics. It takes on totemic value, like my meteorites experience. Everything around us is charged with energy. Ask any shaman or quantum physicist. Rituals, affirmations, and spells intensify an energetic transaction that is already taking place. If you are going to be doing something anyway, you may as well put some magic into it. Cleaning your teeth, for example, is a way of honoring Saturn and his associated themes of structure, bone, and longevity. To wash your face with a beautiful smelling floral essence infused cleanser is acknowledging Venus.
If you’re wise about the products you’re using – or make them yourself – you’re also supporting a healthy ecology – yours and that of the planet.
But back to your Venus sign and how it influences your style of upkeep. Here are my thoughts. Venus in Aries is the most likely to attempt cold showers and fast-tracked revamps. Results by next week are not good enough. Venus in Taurus is a traditionalist in perfume and skincare, investing in quality products and names that they trust.
If you have Venus in Gemini, your attention span is fleeting. You don’t want a regime, and you’re bored by doing the same thing all the time. But if there is an “it” lip gloss, you have it already. The Venus in Cancer person likes comfort and textural pleasure; a fluffy fresh white face cloth and music playing while a face mask soaks in. They can go all High Priestess at the altar when applying face oils for the evening.
If your Venus sign is Leo, you appreciate dramatic results and theatrical makeup effects. You will be on excellent terms with a beauty therapist and see high maintenance as a sign of self-respect. Venus in Virgo researches products like a scientist on a deadline for a dictator. They find out how to get the active ingredient for as little cost as possible. And, not only that, without add-ins like lubricants and probably poisonous scent.
If your Venus sign is Libra, you’re adept at beauty. You’re a Venus Person , and you gain sensual pleasure from every aspect of self-care. Venus in Scorpio people are more likely to be obsessed with a modality: Hot Yoga, Colonics, Raw Food Diet, Acupuncture. It will be a belief system, and everything else will ping off that.
The Venus in Sagittarius person is classically low-maintenance and disdains money spent on product or make-up when they could be skiing, traveling, or doing something . Being hyperactive and open-minded is their beauty regime. Venus in Capricorn has old-money approaches to all of it. They’re more likely to religiously keep appointments with their dentist, dermatologist, and Pilates teacher than enhance features.
If your Venus sign is Aquarius, you have a digital consciousness and may alternate between forgetting you have a body and taking up super-ahead-of-the-Zeitgeist approaches to beauty. Aquarius Venus people will purchase a lung exercising machine to improve their complexion before booking a peel.
Finally, Venus in Pisces, the Venus of fluidity and moods. If this is your Venus sign, you could spend weeks with a regime that barely involves cleaning your teeth and then whirl up into a ten-step face care routine.
This is hilarious and so on point – I am Venus in Aries and “Results by next week are not fast enough” made me laugh out loud – more like results literally as I smoosh the cream on! I so WISH my routine were like the Venus in Cancer priestess-at-altar, but at the moment my (mirror-less) get-up is buying toxin/phthalate/paraben/cruelty-free shower gel (doubles as shampoo) and washing face with cotton flannel in shower. Done.
Pisces Sun Leo Rising. I don’t do anything that seems to equate with self-care / beauty regime. The only thing different I’ve felt compelled to do lately is I’ve started washing my hair with shampoo and conditioner for the first time in 3 years. Don’t really think about wearing makeup unless I’m ‘going out’. I’ll shave my legs and underarms in summer. I used to go to the gym but I’ve given that up in the last 2 months and just going with the flow of however fat I get.
As a Horse, grooming me gives me total delight.
If not working reading watching HBO series or shopping and writing lists, then i’m grooming myself from top to toe. Grooms are not easy to find nowadays..
<3 yes self care is so nourishing — love the way you equate beauty with good grooming Pegs
Mindful touch is a form of loving. We know that x
Hmmm, *mindful touch is a form of loving*. So very true – it is essential to life.
Very premature babies can die if not touched. Those that are touched and gently massaged thrive and live.
I adore being touched & groomed too – which is probably why we do bodywork?
The ingredients are all a bit magic and special
Well I just discovered this brand about an hour ago and with the exception of the textbook spooky stuff I love it:
Leo sun. My routine is mostly hair related LOL. Usually I wash with ‘No poo’ products by deva curl. once every 3 days or so. Today I bought an instyler thing with a brush for smoothing and spent an hour straighting my hair~ very unusual for me lol… For beauty routine I’ve been using some plant derived products by Origins, but I’m always trying the next new thing never stuck on any particular product.(12th house leo sun, venus/uranus conjunct in leo1st house)
I have a 2 stage routine to get myself feeling better. A nice close shave and a no. 2 all over buzz cut. Shaving the face has to be the best exfoliate ever and hair to me is the remnant of the past that once gone feels like 20kgs is off your shoulders. Now I understand that women don’t shave their faces and few can give themselves a no. 2 every few weeks but I’m telling you girls it’s magic
I’ve shaved my head a few times and it is brillo…
Clean shaven legs, David have a silken feel, waxing smoother of course but the aloe vera suffused Venus shaver is the one!
When i’m behind the person,at the head of the mass table and a person has a buzz cut which tickles my middle when i reach for their spine feels super cute
Was told Ancient Egyptians plucked EVERY hair from their body.
Strangely is was Scorpio mother who told me now i remember.
I think there’s something wrong with me… Venus in Cancer in the first house. I kind of use whatevs. Water? Hemp oil.
First house is Aries though.. So I guess not so interested in such things.
Venus square Pluto natally. No rituals, no totems, no skin interest at all.
I am amazed how popular this conversation is! I enjoy reading these comments, it’s enlightening.
Rock on! I have always envied those not interested in primping. A lot of hours are wasted each day trying to groom. I have a few friends who just roll out of bed and toss on some clothes and go to work like that. They are lucky to spray on deodorant or brush hair. I tried that sort of lifestyle while I was sick and dying to conserve energy. I tried ‘keeping kesh’ (like not cutting or grooming hairs) for like a year. I couldn’t keep doing it. I’m too venusian. Decorating the temple (myself) is how I show myself … Read more »
Well, I even have Sun in the Temple of Venus (I like this – no house – a Temple!) Leo in the Second House.
I do wear makeup, and I used to put quite a lot of effort in as I enjoy art and considered this a form of art! Just the skin issue.. healthy glow stuff. I dunno, I think it comes from the inside too.
I I LOATHE wearing mascara as it ALWAYS comes off around my eyes no matter which mascara and or primer I use. I’m just so over peer at my reflection at some random mirror when I’m out and about and having to rub all around my eyes trying to remove the black panda smudges. So not sexy or cool. I’ve pretty much stopped wearing it altogether lately in protest of this. I never thought I would as I love lashes but nix on the panda look and nix on “how do I look?” make-up malfunction paranoia syndrome. I’m tinting and … Read more »
I bought mine on amazon for ten bucks and it’s lasted forever. I’m guessing Eye Envy is a similar product?
Same have not worn the rabid stuff for years.
No it doesn’t ‘open’ the eyes, just makes a mess on everything it touches.
DIY tinting is cool and easy 10 mins.
I’m up in the shack and i’d forgotten my bath bag – which contains the few potions i do have – in the van which is parked 5 kms down a steep, windy road. Normally i would have freaked and hiked back down for it – Libra Rising & a Leo Moon & stellium demand standards. But this time i thought fuq it – i’ll do haute feral. Now i realise that i AM doing a super Pluto-Venusian beauty regime anyway. I’m swimming/washing in the mountain stream every day. I have no soap so I’ve been exfoliating with the sandy … Read more »
You have just described BLISS to me.
Said the Nature Child.
God, Skarab, that is the kind of experience I need right now. Pure bliss. I’m giving that a Venus in aries thumbs up for beauty routine. It makes all my pisces 9th house bits electric with happiness. Wild, natural and free. X
fwiw, perfect potion does these really yummy aromatic balms that you smudge wherever e.g. before you go to sleep, their lavender one is transcendental, i’ve had a jar for ages and wasn’t using it fast enough so i am using it more quickly as mega intense hand moisturiser, on feet (i am a pisces, nothing is too good for my feet), cuticles whatever.
With a Libra sun and Taurus moon, you’d think I’d have a serious, complex beauty regimin, but nsm. Lavender soap and inside day moisturizer, spf 15 moisturizer for days when I’ll be spending time outside. Biking, walking, and yoga for exercise (although I could stand to do more of each), and good sleep hygiene whenever I can manage. One new thing for me–I’ve started putting on perfume before going to bed. BPL’s “Vice” is great for falling asleep quickly and dreaming vividly. I’m also thinking of adding the B3 vitamins mentioned above.
I’m addicted to Aesop primrose hydrating moisturiser, that is my one every day beauty ritual. About four days a week i’ll get up early enough to do three salutes to the sun in the morning, better still if I can do a Deepak Chopra 15 minute meditation. I ride my bike to work twice a week, yoga class 1-2 times a week, walk and climb stairs as often as possible. Always get a really good haircut (my hairdresser of 30 years is amazing) but do my own colour. Currently my grey streaks are showing but I’m about to add some … Read more »
Your approach sounds very similar to mine!
I’m such a fool. This venus thing for me isn’t about beauty. It’s about relating and pleasure. She’s transiting my 1st house right now, and uranus is conjunct my natal venus. No wonder I’m feeling so zingy. I wish I was born with these aspects! It’s like being permanently upbeat. For the first time in about 4 years the thought of calling friends and socialising actually makes me feel happy, although that could also be the benefit of having a little bit more money to spend.
Got REALLY into retinoids with Pluto opposing my 15 degrees Cancer Venus. Then the injections of plasma (my own). Both work magic (my adult acne intensified this spring and now it’s close to non-existent + both the retinoids and the plasma are collagen-building), but with the retinoids there are some side-effects that I’m trying to fight off this week. So it’s a dangerous, plutonian cure)) + I have a shopping list for the serums I’m going to start using once off the retinoids. That came after months of learning about how cosmetics work because nothing worked for me. My sun+venus … Read more »
Ah, beauty posts are my weakness! Libra SN with venus square jupiter! I read all manner of makeup/beauty regimen/style commentary online but am supremely low-key in real life about it as an Aries moon – Sag venus conjunct uranus – Aquarius sun. I’ve had a face routine forever though, but only at night since I literally give myself exactly 15 minutes from the second I get out of bed to be dressed, ready & out the door. Love the aztec clay mask once a week. My skin glows for days after and it stops pimples in their tracks. Otherwise I … Read more »
This libra sun launched an indy makeup brand last year and after stalling due to elder care issues, I’m finally selling some. I’m so broke due to the eldercare i had to file bankruptcy. I’m trying to get past the anger but I discovered that I think my husband subconsciously sabotages me yet resents that I don’t bring in more cash. His butthurt is so strong I’m tempted to sell my car to spite him. So last week an old friend of mine visited from New York and we met at this amazing old luxury hotel just 20 miles from … Read more »
My current spartan beauty regime is:
Wash hair with baking soda once a week
My gosh there is a WEALTH of info in these comments!
Skin care + cosmetics are my everything!
I’ve been all about beauty products since I was a little Toro and have always found my beauty rituals so comforting. I know that I’m off my game when my nail polish is chipped and my eyebrows are overgrown
And yes Mars in Virgo LOVES to exfoliate!! I live for a good scrub. Just whipped up a sugar scrub that has my skin glowing.
As of late, I am throwing out old clothes/makeup samples etc like crazy – I like looking at my empty closet, so satisfying!
This is such a great post! I love the bit about a skincare ritual as akin to the military reassurance of coming back to a perfectly-made bed. Hoooly shit is that ever me. If I have a few too many drinks or whatever and don’t do my bedtime ritual (and this is not just skincare but teeth, making a cup of tea to drink in bed, etc etc etc) then I feel Not Right At All for days after. It sets my teeth right on edge. I’m Capricorn Sun, obv. Something else that has just dawned on me (THANKS MYSTIC) … Read more »
haaa, brilliant. Embrace that awesome!
Oh do find a heroine- not Madam -Emma- who isn’t low Neptune to inspire – she was soulless! Both in English and French! LOL!!
Funnily enough (Or not – as a triple Taurus sun, Venus, Jupiter, I am very Venusian) self care has been much on my mind recently. I have moon in libra (yes more Venus), which makes me very attuned to aesthetics, particularly what I wear. Apparently Einstein had a ‘uniform’ that he used to wear so that he wouldn’t have to waste time choosing clothes. I get that, but my clothes are part of my expression, and if they are not exactly matched to my mood, I am uncomfortable all day. Also, Mars in cancer makes me a house witch, so … Read more »
Forget space aged serum- Secrets Women’s (& men’s) Oil is the bomb!
How cool is it that the Catholic church doesn’t consider mary magdalene a prostitute anymore? She is an apostle now!
#BoutFuqingTime LOL! Definitely the work of Venus on Sirius, IMO, sextile the papal Jupiter – Ebertin speculates re: Sirius that it’s possible for a “rise in station made possible by protection from people of influence”. Personally, I do tend to feel that when Venus is tied up with stars like Sirius, Aldebaran, Regulus, etc. that it can often be a marker of having “friends in high places”. Now Pluto in Capricorn is of course apparent in both the repeal of her ill repute and in the subsequent flushing of the defunct status quo, i.e. apostlehood only being reserved for The … Read more »
If you get a chance, read the Gospel of Mary – like the Gospel of Thomas, it was left out of the bible, cos Mary/Thomas were given knowledge by Jesus that the other Apostles couldn’t cope with. Too dangerous; too gnostic. Fantastic stuff.
I do Retin A every night, squalene oil, hyper vitamin d and fish oil, kick boxing with weights, yoga at home, no chips,dry method hair cuts, one gallon of water per day, and anything else to keep it tight and right. I exfoliate my body with those prickly gloves and use glycerin soap. I believe self care is an investment – but if all else fails, I go to Retin A, hydration, and good cardio. Seems over done, but it has also taught me that what I focus on, good or bad, is what I become. Truth in beauty and … Read more »
My only regime is warm lemon water in the morning and a vit d supplement. Daggy Cappery.
Moon in Taurus conjuct Venus in 6th house (always had a beauty ritual since I was a lil babe) Venus trine Neptune Moon and Venus opposite Pluto (sometimes these rituals become obsessive especially if I find a new wrinkle or blemish…I don’t mind finding a cute freckle tho.) Morning : Step1. Wash face w/Dove soap in shower. Step 2. Dab of avocado oil(organic) under eye
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