Vena's Background

Vena's Background


My name is Vena and I was born on Venus in a space dome near a volcano. My parents are both scientists and they are very intelligent. I was so smart that the school wanted me to skip grades, but I refused to let them. Instead, I took more advanced lessons. I was always impulsive, which sometimes got me into trouble with my friends. I eventually graduated from college and joined the UWSS Space Ranger Women's Auxiliary.

Venus Launch Facility
Opening Chase

Venus is a beautiful place, but it's very hot there. the people have to live in space Domes to be comfortable .she has never been very good at making friends ,but she tries very hard. Despite her social awkwardness.

XV-9 navigational computer panel 1

When Vena was born, her parents named her after the planet Venus ,Vena Ray. They both worked as scientists in the space dome where they lived, and Vena has an older brothers. Vena was a very smart girl and her parents discouraged the school board from letting her to skip ahead in her school grades.So she could develop social skills among her However, her friends were not as advanced as she was, and she often felt socially awkward, Which she tried to make up for with her impulsiveness, and randomness.

Vena's Language Decipher and Remote Control
Vena's Navigation Computer

As she grew older, Vena became more impulsive and headstrong. When she graduated from high school, she decided to go to university on Mars. There, she excelled in all her courses and graduated with honors.

Vena's Portable Navigation Computer.

After university, Vena joined the U.W.S.S Space Rangers Women's Auxiliary. Rocky, the sexist Space Ranger, was her direct superior. Though se had family connections to Secretary Drake. At first, Rocky made fun of her for being smart and Vena found him annoying. However, they eventually grew to respect and appreciate each other.

Now, Vena is one of the best Space Rangers in the U.S.S. She is still very self-conscious about her intelligence, but her friends and colleagues appreciate her for her quick thinking and bravery.

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