Vena Network

Vena Network


Efficiency above all

If you caught the heyday of ICO, you probably noticed a huge number of projects that promised a revolution in the field of financial technology. Some of them have disappeared with all the money collected, some are still unsuccessfully trying to create a product, but fail, despite the impressive amount of funds raised. Why it happens? Because they were led by weak teams with poor understanding of market needs. Therefore, you should be glad that you have not invested in one of them, and now you can invest in Vena tokens.

A poor understanding of the market is a very serious problem, as it creates a barrier between service providers and their end users. For example, let's think about what is more important for today's investor: success and dividends in a certain market segment or access to the maximum number of investment options? 

Before the emergence of the idea of Vena, there were only separate solutions that fit only one group of users. Someone tried to introduce the blockchain technology into the modern finance market, someone tried to make the cryptocurrency market work just as the normal market works. The truth is that both options, separately, are unsuitable until an environment is created in which banks and cryptocurrencies can actively and mutually beneficially interact. 

There have already been several attempts to create such an environment, but project teams could not agree with large banks, because they tried to impose their own conditions on them. It is worth remembering that right now the banks are in a much more favorable position. Therefore, the Vena Network has emerged - a system in which banks and representatives of cryptocurrency will be able to interact on equal terms. 

Exquisite solution

Most of the projects are aimed at attracting funds, and therefore they are trying to present their idea as simply as possible in order to reach the largest audience. If you do not give data on possible problems - investors ask far fewer questions. Vena uses a completely different approach: when you read White Paper, you can make sure that every aspect of the activity is described in detail. Sometimes it seems that everything is described in too great detail, but this is more of a plus than a minus.

Most importantly, every element of the Vena ecosystem is understandable to users and investors. You are not invested in a project without a plan, which makes Vena stand out against other ICOs. At the same time, the solution is quite complex in order to provide all market participants with the necessary set of tools that have no analogues in the market. Imagine that the cryptocurrency market will be able to make deposits in ordinary banks. Or when you can issue short-term loans in the crypt. These are just a few of the opportunities that Vena will open in front of you. 

But if the idea is so good, why has nobody created anything like it before? Previously, the market did not have enough tools for their development and implementation, but now the opportunity has appeared and Vena is determined to use it!


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