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Велосипедистка катается голая по Африке


Велосипедистка катается голая по Африке

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Description All photos of the lot 1

Укр. почта, НП. Доставку предоплатой оплачивает Покупатель. (according to the current legislation of the seller's country of residence).
Провожу акцию скидок на своих лотах: действует моя личная акция : Покупателю, купившему единовременно десять и больше карточек формата А6 по 10 грн. и выше - дарю за каждые 10 штук + 1 карточку в ПОДАРОК ! В дальнейшем могу предложить по Вашему заказу: На картоне плотностью 350 г/м2. А 6 - ( 100 мм х 150 мм ) Это типовой размер открытки ( карточки ) по умолчанию. А 5 - ( 148 мм. х 210 мм ) по размеру как две карточки А6. А 4 - ( 210 мм х 297 мм ) по размеру как четыре карточки А6. А 3 - ( 297 мм х 420 мм ) по размеру как восемь карточки А6. На бумаге плотностью 200 г/м2. в формате А2 - 420 х 594 (по размеру как 16 карточек А6) в формате А1 - 594 х 841 (по размеру как 32 карточек А6) в формате А0 - 841 х 1189 (по размеру как 64 карточек А6) Делаем ВИЗИТКИ, рекламные буклеты, флаеры, печатаем полноцветные книги, альбомы и любую другую печатную продукцию. Самоклейки, наклейки на стекло автомобиля, этикетки, эмблемы, визитки, карты, фоны, глазки для кукол. Лазерная гравировка на металических цилиндрических кружках или на любой другой цилиндрической или плоской поверхности на любых материалах. Изготовление шевронов компьютерной вышивкой. Качественная широкоформатная и УФ печать на метале, пластике, картоне, баннере или любом другом материале. Подберу любую тематическую серию карточек, открыток, плакатов на любую интересующую Вас тему. Можно также изготовить по заказу одноцветные, двухцветные, полноцветные изображения на футболках, свитшотах, куртках, бейсболках, чашках, кепках, на рюкзаках, сумках, флажках, зонтиках, налипках, магнитах, металле, керамике, пластике, ткани, фарфоре, холсте и др. материалах. Могу изготовить на новых ( имеющихся у нас в наличии или по Вашему заказу ) на футболках, кенгуру, майках, бейсболках, куртках любых цветов и любых размеров и фасонов = любых одноцветных или полноцветных изображений. Новые футболки любых размеров,цветов и фасонов есть в наличии или при их отсутствии можем заказать по Вашему заказу. Изготавливаю реплики ретро-открыток с видами любых городов Украины. Печать полноцветных картин на английском холсте любых размеров более безопасными английскими полноцветными красками высокого качества. Индивидуальный подбор рам для картин.

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Tuesday, 27 September 2022 Kiev. GMT+2    З питань довідкової інформації звертайтесь з Пн. по Пт. з 10:00 до 18:00 за номером телефону: +38-044-337-25-28 (Київ).
Albin Gavdzinsky was an outstanding Ukrainian master of genre painting in the 20th century. Born in 1923 in the village of Bobrik Pervy, also known as Veliky Bobrik (Odessa region). He entered the Art Academy, but a year after the start of his studies...
We continue to introduce African bullion coins. Our last article was devoted to the coin of Katanga , which was never able to win independence. This article is about the coin of Equatorial Guinea . This country is located in the Gulf of Guinea on the...
We regularly present outstanding coins of the Middle Ages . But today is a special case. We present a coin minted in the city of Florence, named after the city florin .
For the first time, the regular minting of gold coins of standard weight in...
We have already presented a coin of 20 marks of the German Empire of its second emperor who ruled only 99 days . Today we present a coin of 20 marks of the third and last emperor of the German Empire Wilhelm II . If the previous coin has collectible...
Dear readers. In the times of Ancient Rome, the history of modern Ukraine was an organic part of the modern territory of Europe, and Roman coins found on the territory of our country constitute a significant part of the global corpus of such coins, in...
The Brothers Brick editor-in-chief Andrew Beecraft tweeted several photos of LEGO figures dedicated to Ukrainian heroes and heroines who are actively resisting the Russian invasion. Among the plastic men, you can also recognize several real personalities...
The world of modeling is able to impress with its possibilities. Millions of people around the world are addicted to the hobby, the main task of which is to create an exact copy of a certain object in compliance with a special scale. For fans of this...
The Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicle appeared as an embroidery on a Ukrainian shirt. Now the device, which helps to effectively resist Russian aggression, has become one of the elements of the ornament.

This bold design was realized by the...
Thousands of collectibles are sold and bought daily on VIOLITY. Our site is recognized by sellers and buyers as one of the most user-friendly, reliable and user-friendly Internet sites in the world. Convenient and well thought-out structure of sections and subsections allows you to spend a minimum amount of time looking for what interests you. In order to become a VIOLITY member as a buyer or seller, you must be a registered user and have a positive balance in your VIOLITY wallet.
© 2022 Violity Violity Violity . All rights are reserved.
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This is a function that helps you place bids automatically in case your bet is interrupted. For example, current lot price is UAH 120. You are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000. Enter 5 000 in the field "Automatic bargaining" and click "Place Bet". As a result, your new rate will appear, but not in the amount of UAH 5 000, but only UAH 121. In this case, the system will remember that you are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000, and will make the necessary bids for you if the price continues to rise. Let's say another participant places a bet of UAH 2 000. Then the system will automatically place your bet of 2 001 UAH. And only if someone places a bet more than UAH 5 000, you will receive a notification that your auto rate has been interrupted.
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By continuing to browse https://violity.com, you acknowledge that you have read the Terms of Use and agree to the Privacy Policy .

Description All photos of the lot 1
To Ukraine, To Poland, The whole world

Укр. почта. Доставку предоплатой оплачивает покупатель. (according to the current legislation of the seller's country of residence).

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Tuesday, 27 September 2022 Kiev. GMT+2    З питань довідкової інформації звертайтесь з Пн. по Пт. з 10:00 до 18:00 за номером телефону: +38-044-337-25-28 (Київ).
Albin Gavdzinsky was an outstanding Ukrainian master of genre painting in the 20th century. Born in 1923 in the village of Bobrik Pervy, also known as Veliky Bobrik (Odessa region). He entered the Art Academy, but a year after the start of his studies...
We continue to introduce African bullion coins. Our last article was devoted to the coin of Katanga , which was never able to win independence. This article is about the coin of Equatorial Guinea . This country is located in the Gulf of Guinea on the...
We regularly present outstanding coins of the Middle Ages . But today is a special case. We present a coin minted in the city of Florence, named after the city florin .
For the first time, the regular minting of gold coins of standard weight in...
We have already presented a coin of 20 marks of the German Empire of its second emperor who ruled only 99 days . Today we present a coin of 20 marks of the third and last emperor of the German Empire Wilhelm II . If the previous coin has collectible...
Dear readers. In the times of Ancient Rome, the history of modern Ukraine was an organic part of the modern territory of Europe, and Roman coins found on the territory of our country constitute a significant part of the global corpus of such coins, in...
The Brothers Brick editor-in-chief Andrew Beecraft tweeted several photos of LEGO figures dedicated to Ukrainian heroes and heroines who are actively resisting the Russian invasion. Among the plastic men, you can also recognize several real personalities...
The world of modeling is able to impress with its possibilities. Millions of people around the world are addicted to the hobby, the main task of which is to create an exact copy of a certain object in compliance with a special scale. For fans of this...
The Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicle appeared as an embroidery on a Ukrainian shirt. Now the device, which helps to effectively resist Russian aggression, has become one of the elements of the ornament.

This bold design was realized by the...
Thousands of collectibles are sold and bought daily on VIOLITY. Our site is recognized by sellers and buyers as one of the most user-friendly, reliable and user-friendly Internet sites in the world. Convenient and well thought-out structure of sections and subsections allows you to spend a minimum amount of time looking for what interests you. In order to become a VIOLITY member as a buyer or seller, you must be a registered user and have a positive balance in your VIOLITY wallet.
© 2022 Violity Violity Violity . All rights are reserved.
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This is a function that helps you place bids automatically in case your bet is interrupted. For example, current lot price is UAH 120. You are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000. Enter 5 000 in the field "Automatic bargaining" and click "Place Bet". As a result, your new rate will appear, but not in the amount of UAH 5 000, but only UAH 121. In this case, the system will remember that you are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000, and will make the necessary bids for you if the price continues to rise. Let's say another participant places a bet of UAH 2 000. Then the system will automatically place your bet of 2 001 UAH. And only if someone places a bet more than UAH 5 000, you will receive a notification that your auto rate has been interrupted.
Ещё вопрос.Какой размер карточки и что на обратной стороне? с уважением МИхаил
Доброго Вам здоровья, уважаемый Михаил ! Только что пришел с почты, отправлял карточки в Москву. Отправляю во все страны мира, покупают из США, Германии, Польши , Беларуси, России и др. Вам нужно выиграть любой понравившийся Вам лот, а потом в закрытом чате обсудим все остальные вопросы. Правилами аукциона запрещено обсуждать в открытом чате интересующие Вас вопросы. Все вопросы решаемы. С уважением к Вам и Вашей семье - Владимир Дмитриевич.
Здравствуйте Владимир Дмитриевич.Спасибо. Понял. Ну а стоимость пересыла примерно во сколько обходится? С уважением Михаил
Это "Карточка" и находится она в разделе "Карточки". Вверху у каждого лота над названием лота написан путь к разделу, по которому Вы зашли на данный лот. Размер стандартной карточки по умолчанию в формате А6 - 100 х 150 мм, картон люкс плотность 350 г/м2. Промышленная широкоформатная печать и УФ печать. По обоюдному согласованию возможны и другие размеры в зависимости от качества файла. На картоне плотностью 350 г/м2. в формате А6 - 100 х 150 мм в формате А5 - 148 х 210 (по размеру как 2 карточки), в формате А4(11) - 210 х 297 (по размеру как 4 карточки), в формате А3 - 297 х 420 (по размеру как 8 карточек) На бумаге плотностью 200 г/м2. в формате А2 - 420 х 594 (по размеру как 16 карточек) в формате А1 - 594 х 841 (по размеру как 32 карточек) в формате А0 - 841 х 1189 (по размеру как 64 карточек) Материал: картон, бумага, холст, баннер. Можно изготовить постер в любом нужном Вам размере в зависимости от качества файла. Обратная сторона чистая. По взаимной договоренности могу нанести реквизиты на обратную сторону. Могу изготовить по заказу картину качественной печатью на холсте любого пропорционального оригиналу Индивидуальный подбор рам для любых картин.
По стоимости отвечу в закрытом чате. Согласно правил этого аукциона о стоимости писать запрещается. Блокируется модераторами или роботом.
By continuing to browse https://violity.com, you acknowledge that you have read the Terms of Use and agree to the Privacy Policy .
By continuing to browse https://violity.com, you acknowledge that you have read the Terms of Use and agree to the Privacy Policy .

Крупнокалиберная винтовка ПГ 14,5 "Нiчний хижак" Украина.
Watching the lot: No one is following
Description All photos of the lot 1
To Ukraine, To Poland, The whole world

НП, УП. Оплата за пересылку на покупателе. (according to the current legislation of the seller's country of residence).

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Tuesday, 27 September 2022 Kiev. GMT+2    З питань довідкової інформації звертайтесь з Пн. по Пт. з 10:00 до 18:00 за номером телефону: +38-044-337-25-28 (Київ).
Albin Gavdzinsky was an outstanding Ukrainian master of genre painting in the 20th century. Born in 1923 in the village of Bobrik Pervy, also known as Veliky Bobrik (Odessa region). He entered the Art Academy, but a year after the start of his studies...
We continue to introduce African bullion coins. Our last article was devoted to the coin of Katanga , which was never able to win independence. This article is about the coin of Equatorial Guinea . This country is located in the Gulf of Guinea on the...
We regularly present outstanding coins of the Middle Ages . But today is a special case. We present a coin minted in the city of Florence, named after the city florin .
For the first time, the regular minting of gold coins of standard weight in...
We have already presented a coin of 20 marks of the German Empire of its second emperor who ruled only 99 days . Today we present a coin of 20 marks of the third and last emperor of the German Empire Wilhelm II . If the previous coin has collectible...
Dear readers. In the times of Ancient Rome, the history of modern Ukraine was an organic part of the modern territory of Europe, and Roman coins found on the territory of our country constitute a significant part of the global corpus of such coins, in...
The Brothers Brick editor-in-chief Andrew Beecraft tweeted several photos of LEGO figures dedicated to Ukrainian heroes and heroines who are actively resisting the Russian invasion. Among the plastic men, you can also recognize several real personalities...
The world of modeling is able to impress with its possibilities. Millions of people around the world are addicted to the hobby, the main task of which is to create an exact copy of a certain object in compliance with a special scale. For fans of this...
The Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicle appeared as an embroidery on a Ukrainian shirt. Now the device, which helps to effectively resist Russian aggression, has become one of the elements of the ornament.

This bold design was realized by the...
Thousands of collectibles are sold and bought daily on VIOLITY. Our site is recognized by sellers and buyers as one of the most user-friendly, reliable and user-friendly Internet sites in the world. Convenient and well thought-out structure of sections and subsections allows you to spend a minimum amount of time looking for what interests you. In order to become a VIOLITY member as a buyer or seller, you must be a registered user and have a positive balance in your VIOLITY wallet.
© 2022 Violity Violity Violity . All rights are reserved.
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This is a function that helps you place bids automatically in case your bet is interrupted. For example, current lot price is UAH 120. You are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000. Enter 5 000 in the field "Automatic bargaining" and click "Place Bet". As a result, your new rate will appear, but not in the amount of UAH 5 000, but only UAH 121. In this case, the system will remember that you are ready to bargain up to UAH 5 000, and will make the necessary bids for you if the price continues to rise. Let's say another participant places a bet of UAH 2 000. Then the system will automatically place your bet of 2 001 UAH. And only if someone places a bet more than UAH 5 000, you will receive a notification that your auto rate has been interrupted.
By continuing to browse https://violity.com, you acknowledge that you have read the Terms of Use and agree to the Privacy Policy .
By continuing to browse https://violity.com, you acknowledge that you have read the Terms of Use and agree to the Privacy Policy .

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