



the next generation of smart homes

Historically, discussions about the Internet of Things focused on smart homes. For example, in 2016, 40% of all online articles in the Internet of Things are included in this1. It makes sense to take into account the role of the family in our lives. With the help of IoT, they will be more comfortable, safe and energy efficient.

Basically, network devices or other physical objects are connected to the Internet. This technology enables remote automation and control of this gadget. Examples of IoT devices can be smart door locks from smart sensors on aircraft wings.

The amount of interest spent on the Internet of Things and existing IoT devices continues to grow every day! But the Internet of Things security device has significantly reduced the speed of the Internet of Things. According to Ericsson’s research, there will be more than 18 billion devices in the World Internet of Things in 2022. At the same time, according to AdaptiveMobile, around 80% of existing IoT devices do not have adequate levels of protection. Therefore, it becomes clear that security issues are very important for further development of internet technology.

Our mission:  Luckily for them, founder Vecap got a team of smart blockchain & contract experts to find a solution. By combining these two technologies, we can secure all communication between devices on your network. If this connection is protected, you too.

We believe that in all technical areas, safety and efficiency must be a top priority, especially when it comes to homes and your personal information. This belief supports our work in maintaining your privacy. It enables us to unite technological advances and online security without compromise. The age of smart homes is near. While greed blinds the IoT device manufacturer, we focus on ensuring the excellence of privacy rights for everyone.

Using our software infrastructure and physical hub, Vecap ensures all communication between external devices in a smart home is safe. With smart contract transactions that protect your network’s internal connections, and all recorded information is stored in decentralized ledgers, no hackers will give you nightmares.


  • Inadequate protection
  • Some devices from well-known companies and other vendors have serious violations in their security systems: inadequate encryption, weak authentication requirements (eg automatic entry), possible external connections through VPN. What is needed is an unprotected device to endanger the security of your smart home. Hackers only need to find one solution point to lose your entire network.
  • Fast burglary. 
  • It takes less than a minute for hackers to gain access to smart home devices, from cellphones and TVs to routers and consoles, all machines connected to the Internet. a large number of devices with zero day vulnerabilities will be hacked as soon as the violation is known before the manufacturer can update all vulnerable smart devices. Short term thinking of long-term security is disrupted.
  • Many entry points
  • The average smart home owner has several smart devices and one that is protected is not enough to endanger the entire network.

VECAP VECAP solutions  protect all devices in the home and smart office by combining all devices into a decentralized network. IOT blockchain trading between devices will be stored in a smart contract.

A hypothetical hacker will have more than 51% of the network to crack certain devices, and completing this task is almost impossible: all the records copy blockchain IoT through millions of devices.

VECAP certified devices will automatically be added to the blockchain ecosystem, allowing them to interact directly or through the VECAP Smart Home and Smart Office central modules.

VECAP will also build an adapter to connect to certified devices produced by other companies. The adapter allows tighter integration of smart objects at home through the blockchain ecosystem, allowing all smart devices to work together.

Blockchain technology has opportunities that don’t benefit you, so you don’t have to choose between your privacy and your progress. The hope that every user must control his own life from the threat of hacking has guided our founders and expert teams in building reliable, faster, and more reliable platforms.

The peace of mind that you always want is within your reach. Secure your smart home accordingly.

VeCap Ecosystem

VeCap Ecosystem will be a market where hardware manufacturers will be able to promote and sell their products, crowdfund from their future businesses and communicate with customers. The ecosystem will also display the VeCap Fund to support producer initiatives.


Transactions in the VeCap ecosystem driven by the blockchain will be paid in tokens.

There will be two types of tokens: VeCap tokens to pay a monthly subscription and purchase hardware and IoT tokens that will be burned every time when transactions between IoT devices take place.

Thus, VeCap will make money not only on software, devices, and commissions in online stores but also on the large number of transactions that will occur between many IoT devices.

VeCap Technology

VeCap will make a public Blockchain Platform on Etherium that will support smart contracts to ensure smart home security and smart office devices.

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to develop and market their products if the hard stamp is reached



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