Vasyl Chuchman's creative biography

Vasyl Chuchman's creative biography

Ukrainian Choral Society named after Mykola Leontovych

Vasyl Chuchman was born in 1976. In 1995, he graduated from Filaret Kolessa music-pedagogical college of Lviv. He got his higher musical education in M.V. Lysenko National Music Academy of Lviv. In 2000, he graduated from the faculty of conductors, choir conducting department (professors: Zenoviy Demtsyukh, Roman Mazepa). In 2004, he graduated from the department of opera and symphonic conducting (professors: Yuriy Lutsiv, Andriy Yurkevych).

From 1994, he worked as accompanist and starting with 1996 – as choirmaster of the exemplary vocal and choreographic ensemble the “Jolly Boots”. Together with this group they have registered few CDs, performed and took part in different festivals in Ukraine, Poland, Syria and France.

In 1997-2004, he worked together with the vocal group “Menestreli”

In 1998, he received a prize of the National Ukrainian contest of choral conductors in Kyiv.

From 2003 till now he works as leader of Yevhen Vakhniak Honored Choir of Ukraine “Boyan”. Together with this choir he performed and took part in different festivals in Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Finland, Montenegro, Netherlands, Great Britain.

From 2004 and by this day, he is a permanent member of the Organizing Committee of Christmas festival “Velyka kolyada” in Lviv, he takes part in the publishing section of the festival.

Starting with 2005 he is a member of the ensemble of ancient music “A Cappella Leopolis”.

In 2007-2012, he worked as precentor in Orthodox theological academy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate (now the Orthodox Church of Ukraine) in Lviv.

From 2008, he became a consultant of the chamber choir of the City cultural center in Stalowa Wola, every year he leads the course of voice emission skills and choral singing.

From September 2012, he gives classes on choral disciplines on the faculty of culture and arts in Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

In 2015-2016, he leader the students’ symphonic orchestra in M.V. Lysenko National Music Academy of Lviv.

In 2015-2019, he was pursuing a PhD course in Vasyl Stefanyk Sub Carpathian National University. In October 2019 he passed PhD defense on “Yevhen Vakhniak creative heritage in Galicia choral tradition”.

He is an author of many arrangements, scientific publications, educational and methodological manuals. 

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