Various Types of Cases Solved in Civil Law

Various Types of Cases Solved in Civil Law

Adele Hansley
Various Types of Cases Solved in Civil Law

Rules are formed to solve private matters of the citizen is termed as civil law. This law includes cases related to defamation, property, family, contract and many other problems related to it. There are many students studying in different universities to understand civil. According to experts, civil contains lots of different things in it. To become a civil lawyer, it is important for a student to learn all the important things of civil law. Students can invest their time to learn all the different things related to civil law by taking civil law assignment help. According to the law book, there are many different types of cases solved in civil law. Among all of them, the 5 cases that usually solve in civil law are mentioned below-

●    Defamation- Cases in which a person feels that someone has cheated him comes under defamation.

●    Divorce- Cases in which both husband and wife want to separate their paths from marriage are considered divorce cases.

●    Property- All the disputes related to the ownership of land or properties are solved by using property law in civil court.

●    Tenant Cases- Civil law works for solving all the conflicts between the tenant and landlords. These types of cases are solved in civil law by taking reference from tenant law. For example, if the landlord has taken his tenant out from his property without giving any further notice, the tenant can take this case to court.

●    Child Custody- Cases in which divorced husbands and wives try to take individual custody of their child are solved by using child custody law. All the cases related to it are also solved in civil.


Along with them, there are many other cases also that are solved in civil courts. But these are the most common cases solved in civil law. It is important for students to study different case studies related to all the disputes that are meant to be solved in civil law. Australian students can save their time by taking civil law assignment help in Australia to study all the case studies related to civil law.


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Difference Between Civil And Criminal Law

Civil law deals to solve all the private disputes of the citizens living in a country or a state. For example- defamation, negligence, breach of contract and many others, Whereas Criminal law deals with all the cases or crimes that are considered an offence. For example- Cases related to murder, rape, drunken driving, kidnapping and many other like these.

What Are The Different Terminologies Used In Civil Law?

According to law experts, there are many different terminologies used in Civil Law or non-criminal law. Some of those terminologies of civil law are noted below-

●    Default

●    Liability

●    Docket

●    Defendant

●    Malpractice

●    Plaintiff

What Are The 10 Main Areas Of Civil Law?

Constitution has divided civil law into many different areas. Some of its important areas are mentioned below-

●     Housing Law

●    Social Security Law

●    Family Law

●    Employment Law

●    Discrimination Law

●    Mental Health Law

●    Business Law

●    Media Law

●    Immigration Law

●    Guardianship Law

Benefits Of Taking Help To Complete Civil Law Assignment

Many students take help from assignment service providers to complete their assignments related to civil law. It is that there are many different benefits of hiring an assignment expert from assignment service providers. Some of those benefits include the following-

●    Plagiarism-Free

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●    1 on 1 live session with expert academic writers

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