Vanilla Mommy

Vanilla Mommy


Vanilla Mommy
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Moore tells the unique, true story of a young, single white woman who must learn about everything from nappy hair to ashy skin when she adopts a five-year-old African-American girl from the Los Angeles County Department of Children's Services.
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Vanilla Mommy is a unique non-fiction story about how a young, single white woman adopts a five-year old African American girl from the Los Angeles County Department of Children's Services. This transracial family discovers how to live in two worlds, black and white. Everything from nappy hair to ashy skin is new to Bradie as she joins a black Baptist church to help her daughter learn about God and her heritage at the same time. While her daughter Amanda goes through culture shock and begins to deal with her turbulent past, Bradie learns to "Go Deep" both spiritually and in the new black world she gradually becomes a part of.

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Vanilla Mommy is a unique non-fiction story about how a young, single white woman adopts a five-year old African American girl from the Los Angeles County Department of Children's Services. This transracial family discovers how to live in two worlds, black and white. Everything from nappy hair to ashy skin is new to Bradie as she joins a black Baptist church to help her daughter learn about God and her heritage at the same time. While her daughter Amanda goes through culture shock and begins to deal with her turbulent past, Bradie learns to "Go Deep" both spiritually and in the new black world she gradually becomes a part of.


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Title: Vanilla Mommy By: Bradie Moore Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 248 Vendor: Xulon Press Publication Date: 2005
Dimensions: 5.51 X 8.50 X 0.56 (inches) Weight: 11 ounces ISBN: 1594672741 ISBN-13: 9781594672743 Stock No: WW672740

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Mommy Vanilla also needs a change Published: Nov 4, 2019
Diapered mommies for the win :3 After taking care of her little baby she also needs some care herself :3 Wettie little kitty Other versions: Messy and clean also with pacifier or not and old version: UPDATE: Re-rendered it for better quality, also updated resolution to 2560x1440
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