Vanilla Femdom

Vanilla Femdom


Vanilla Femdom
A Special Femdom "Appropriate" Waiting Room
Lets Play Poker with my dominant wife
My Dominant Female Roommate And Her Panties
My First Session With My Foot Fetish Mistress

Mistress Jennie | January 17, 2021 January 17, 2021 | Fiction , Success Stories

how our femdom relationship started. After a few years of marriage, my husband started to make me understand he was not the man I thought he was.
My husband is a submissive man and a fetishist . We can say he is a masochist too but he does not like to be tortured. He does not enjoy physical pain. I could not have, or stand this kind of submissive man. My husband is a man who believes in the superiority of the woman . He thinks all tall women are Goddesses .
A good submissive man is always looking out for my well being. He can become my maid or can be used as a stool for my feet … He was born to be my slave .
In the beginning, I was a little bit reluctant. But he was very smart and did not push for anything. He told me about his femdom fantasies just little by little to not scare me. He invited me to play some games and in the end, I was always the winner of these.
Since he felt I was shocked or upset, he gave up his fantasies but then after a while, he tried other new games. Finally, I started to enjoy more and more of his fantasies. It is really great to be loved like that and to become a Queen .
For a lazy girl like me, it is so great to not have to do anything at home. My husband does all the housekeeping and cooking . He even took some cooking classes to ensure I would be impressed. I can spend my spare time reading, dreaming, listening to music, or watching movies. I like going out with my friends and I do that quite often.
Now, I am the one who makes the decisions on everything at home. I should also tell you how much I am now enjoying giving orders to my husband. I don’t even say please anymore, he just knows to do it.
In the beginning, I was a little bit ashamed to see my husband naked on his knees sucking my feet. But seeing him so excited and happy to worship me like a Goddess changed my mind. Now, He gives me my manicure and my pedicure every week, he loves my feet.
I love using my husband as my human sex toy , this is so funny. my little doggy is completely dedicated to my pleasure. He is my slave and I can ask him to do anything at any time of the day and he will never question it.
I would never hurt my husband, except for a slap sometimes when I am really upset or impatient. I do not have a whip at home, as I do not feel it necessary for our relationship. We have rules and my husband is very happy to comply with them. He is loving our new relationship. I have no need to punish him, as he is so proud to be my submissive that I rarely have to tell him twice about anything!
He wanted me to stop working but that didn’t work for me so I took a part-time job. I like my job and I get a chance to meet other men .
This is a part of our agreement: I could sleep with other men but he could not sleep with anyone else .
My husband is my personal slave, I certainly do not want to share him with another woman. I really do love my slave and our Femdom Relationship.
Since we agreed about these new rules in our couple there are no reasons to be upset about anything. We are happy about the fact we are now in a Female Led Relationship. That is why this new relationship works so beautifully.
I can so relate, your story is almost identical to mine, Thanks

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MsScarlet | December 12, 2020 | Femdom Tips , Lifestyle

As an experienced Mistress-wife running my own website for nearly a decade, I have encountered many sub males asking me how they can persuade their wife or long-term girlfriend to try real female domination. These requests to me for help usually follow a sub male ‘s dismal failed attempt.
So I spoke to many Domme friends and I also thought about how I was myself was persuaded over 20 years ago and it became clear MOST MALES GET THIS VERY WRONG! So I developed several aids, tested out by a handful of sub males, refined, and then published.
What follows is one of the aids for the scenario of recovering from a failed attempt and trying again. I also produced a small free website that a vanilla woman could delve into that will not scare her away, running for the hills and sobbing pitifully over her choice of spouse!
You almost certainly need to start with an apology!
Certainly, you need to start with an apology if you previously did any of these things:
You may have behaved unacceptably and without empathy in other ways too. However you did so, needs an apology.
Perhaps you did none of the things listed above or anything else you should not have. I know there are women with closed minds, who will refuse to listen. Sometimes this is through lack of general or relationship confidence, but sometimes it is just how they are. If it is the latter, well you picked her and that’s not her fault.
However, if her life is one big chore-fest, you may have at least three months ahead of you to rectify the allocation of chores and to show general empathy, before the ground is fertile enough for an apology to land and germinate.
By allocation of chores, I mean you must be spending more of your time on the household chores than her while being empathetic the rest of the time too. After two or three months of that regime, then an apology might land and germinate.
Everything you do must be founded on deep empathy . You MUST put yourself in her head-space. When the time comes to approach her again, you must try to imagine what she is thinking, her mood, how much she knows about the topic, how much she knows about you, how bold or cautious she is, how much she likes things to be the same or if she likes trying new things and likes variety.
But…………………..  a lot of people are very low on empathy. If that is you, then in the months before you approach her again on this issue, you must learn to think and behave with empathy AT ALL TIMES. And this is not just about approaching her on the topic, it is about how receptive she will feel from living with you day after day. As a woman, considering the notion of dominance, one is far more likely to be able to imagine it working well if one’s man is an empathetic man. If he is an empathetic man, it gives one a feeling of being treasured and valued which makes the jump to dominance seem much more realistic.
She has most likely raised objections to dominating you. These need to be addressed one at a time, once you have apologized. Perhaps straight after. Objections like:
I believe the content of my alternative blog deals with each of these and more.
You might want to take her to a great restaurant to apologize and make your approach or you might want to write her a letter with an apology and approach. Your communication needs to cover something like the following:
First I want to apologize for my impatient and crass previous attempt to coerce you to look at and read unhelpful material on the internet relating to the nature of submissive males and their potential relationships. I was wrong to do this, I was insensitive and stupid and I apologize. I am asking for another chance, please.
There is a blog written by a wife who is married to a submissive man and she started out with no knowledge of this subject. She has spent over 20 years interviewing hundreds of submissive males and dozens of associated women. She exactly knows the minds of submissive males. She has written a blog for women who discover they are married to a submissive male.
Please would you read, just, the home page of the blog; which I have attached. Perhaps we could talk once you have read it. I know you have reservations and concerns and I fully understand that is just natural. I know I cannot coerce you or put pressure on you in any way. Any concerns you have after reading the blog post, I would really appreciate being able to talk about with you.
All I can do is request you give me another chance. I would like to try to address any of your concerns after you have read the material.
If that does work, you could then request she reads the blog page, Your Partner is Submissive . But first YOU MUST ask her what her concerns are and be prepared with empathetic solutions for each. You already have this list to prepare answers for, but some of these might fall away when she reads the home page. Concerns I have not thought of, but you know about may also arise.
You can add to that, if necessary, that she cannot fail whatever she might decide to try. You will simply be grateful for her trying, whatever the outcome. Trying is just an experiment. It is not a commitment to change in any way.
Report: 1   This is very helpful and I’d like to thank you for putting it together for all of us who suffer from a lack of empathy and who are too thick-headed to have figured it out.
From my experience so far, Empathy is definitely the key. It appears to have smoothed over all past transgressions. It’s also helped me become what she calls me regularly now, the best husband in the world.
Patience goes hand in hand with it, and must not be ignored.
I think empathy needs to come before the apology. In my humble opinion, you need to learn and understand your transgressions before you can truly apologize for them.
I also think men need to ask themselves if they are truly submissive or just looking for sex games. The path I’m now on could truly go in directions I’m not prepared for, and in all likelihood will go nowhere and I’ve made peace with that. I feel like there is something missing in my life, a hole if you will. I’ve spent months doing things unasked with no reward in expectation of what could come. It is thankless and full of drudgery. It’s freed up her time and she calls me the best husband in the world and that has been what keeps me going. Chores have most definitely been not equal and there have been times I’ve been incredibly frustrated with things, but I tell myself I’m here to serve, and that if things go as hoped, things might only get worse for me.
Report 2    She was kind enough to finally read your alternative blog. She woke me up with a hug to inform me that she read it and that she loved me for who I am. She sounded upbeat and positive but reserved. I explained that I just wanted her to better understand what goes on in my head. She said she’s always known who I was and that’s why she married me and kept me around. I said I’m not looking for anything crazy, I just don’t want her to feel guilty when I do things for her. I just want her to be her. She hugged me again, told me she loved me for who I was, and then she had to leave for an appointment. But she joked before she left that she should probably tell me to go make breakfast “bitch,” but she’ll let me sleep a little longer, chuckled, and then left.
I think that went well? We didn’t talk about specifics in the blog. Should we? My instinct tells me to see what she liked or disliked about what you wrote, however, my instinct is terrible and I don’t trust it. So I am going to do the opposite and just be quiet.
The kids are away tonight so we’ll see I guess.
Report 3      Apparently it went great. We had a great time. She finally allowed herself to indulge a bit and had huge and multiple experiences. She was kind enough to push a few of my submissive buttons too. It was an amazing start. We really connected. I have to say I haven’t felt this calm and at peace in years.
I kept quiet, which took an enormous amount of will power, and she brought it up on her own. She said what really made the difference for her was the apology . The fact that it was heartfelt and I clearly understood her side made it easy for her to try again and it removed the pressure she used to feel.
She said she is committed to moving forward at her pace, now that she better understands my needs. That’s all I ever wanted, so it’s a success. I’m committed to patiently tending this spark and nurturing it into a flame.
Report 4  It is still very much early, but based on what I saw and what she said last night, I can’t see it go anywhere but to a good place. I now know what to do and what not to say. Though she has made a few comments that made chills run down my spine, as you say, that’s what I was made for.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your insight and guidance.
If your approach works, please give me feedback on why you think it did. If it does not work, please give me feedback on why you think it did not. I truly think the world would be a better place if there were more female-led relationships and feedback may help me be able to help others even more.
I have worked hard producing a low-cost Guide for Beginners. I worked hard on, as best I could, making sure there is nothing in the Guide that would scare or deter a vanilla woman from trying out dominance. I believe there is nothing else like it anywhere.
Do not give her this guide though, if that is what you are thinking, until after she has read my alternative blog and has agreed to try out being dominant. You may not need to give her the guide at all.
The most important thing is not to create tension in the relationship.

Ultimate Beginners Guide To Femdom – With 3 Scenes To Try!
So what’s the difference between FemDom and Gentle FemDom?
How can I get started with Gentle Femdom?
Tips on Gentle Femdom For Beginners 
Chris Goes To The Principal’s Office
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Leather boots. Latex Corsets. Whips and chains. That’s what female domination is all about, right? Well, actually, no! (Good job you are here at this Femdom for beginners guide)
Female domination is one of the most misunderstood fetishes, as many of us have only been exposed to the stereotypical pop culture leather-clad dominatrix, which can be sensual for some but a bit intense for others.
The cold, stern image described above can make people shy away from exploring the wonderful kink of femdom . But here’s a secret - Femdom is all about what brings YOU (as the domme) pleasure.
You can dress as a typical dominatrix if that’s what makes you hot - but there is nothing wrong with wearing what makes you feel confident, even if that’s nothing at all. 
There are so many creative, sexy, and kinky ways to explore here at femdom for beginners!
Lets first have some foreplay and delve into the basics of femdom before I give you 3 different hot, steamy femdom scenes, perfect for beginners -- no leather, latex, or whips required.
FemDom is an abbreviation for the fetish known as Female Domination. It is an umbrella term that has many other specific fetishes underneath it, but they have one thing in common...
The female/femme partner is the one in control. 
Popular fetishes in the Femdom kink include
However, for a beginner, these terms may be a little scary, and so let’s take it back to the basics.
FemDom often has an element of teasing involved, such as making your partner complete a task before rewarding them (or not!) with something sexy. 
Perhaps you make them beg for you before allowing them to stroke their cock for you. Maybe you have a specific pre-sex ritual that you want your partner to follow before they are allowed pleasure.
Know that in a dom/sub relationship, the sub will be happy and willing to give you pleasure - so don’t be shy to ask for exactly what you want! 
Confidence is a huge thing with FemDom, you have to not be scared to take control - and your partner will be so excited to know they are bringing you the type of pleasure YOU like.
Gentle femdom is a term that has been created in the past few years to highlight the side of femdom that has a nurturing, gentle side.
(Which is a great starting point for femdom for beginners.)
Often there is a role-play in the gentle femdom relationship, with the domme taking the role of a nurturing, but stern woman. 
Role-plays that are common in the gentle femdom dynamic include nurse/patient, mommy/little-one, or teacher and student.
Imagine yourself in one of these roles - you wanted to make these types of figures in your life happy, because it made you feel good to have positive feedback from them.
This dynamic carries over into the gentle femdom fetish, as the domme is able to be in a loving, positive, but still dominant role, and the sub gets to worship and please their domme. 
These types of role plays are very sensual and loving and don’t involve pain, humiliation, or bondage like a regular femdom scene often does.
For more information, check out this article on Cosmo about Gentle Femdom.
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The first step of exploring ANY fetish with your partner is communication!
You can bring it up with your partner in a very open way, like,
“ Have you heard about gentle femdom? I think it may be something I want to explore with you in the following ways”, then explaining what fantasy you have with your partner.
It’s so important to listen, follow up and keep the communication open from the first conversation through the end of the scene. What someone may consent to one day may change in the moment when emotions and energy are high. 
Many couples decide to incorporate safe-words during their scene, something like “Red” or “Avocado”, that lets the other party know they need a break or need to end the scene. 
Even though one partner is dominant in this play, the submissive party needs to feel safe to stop the scene at any time - you’re ex
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