Vampire Slave

Vampire Slave


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Ashley has been a slave since she was kidnapped at age 6, but now 16, she is becoming a slave to someone else, more specifically, the prince of all vampires! How will he treat her? How will she handle her new life
Chapter 1: Out With the Old, In With the New


I felt a sharp pain surge through my chest and slowly opened my eyes. I looked up to see the usual guard kicking me to wake me up, as well as the other 6 slaves.


I was now 15, my birthday would be tommorow but it wasn't something I was ever going to be able to celebrate again. My hair was originally black but was grey with dirt. We were only allowed to shower once a week, unless we were a girl and had our "shark week" as I've heard others say it. I was way skinnier than I should've been beings I was hardly fed. My eyes were green with a grey lining and my eyes drooping from stress, pain, and sleepiness.


I slowly stood and felt the hunger pain I felt every day when I woke. They wouldn't feed us until our master was done with whatever he decided to use us for. Luckily I was always used for cleaning. Most of the slaves were used as blood or sex slaves and had no choice.


Our master walked in and I struggled to keep my eyes open. They kept us up until noon and it was now only 6pm, just barely sundown. He was carrying his whip which he always seemed to use. There was small shards of diamonds in it that caused it to stick in your skin and somehow taught the lesson he was teaching you.


I heard a soft cry as he hit a girls legs with it for not standing straight. She has about 8 and just became a slave last year. She was beaten the most and always used as a blood slave.


He looked at me and I backed up a little thinking he was going to hit me.


"I wasn't going to but due to the fact that you moved, I should" he said evilly as a grin appeared on his face.


"No, please" I quietly whimpered. I couldn't stand the feel of my skin ripping every time he hit me.


"Who told you to speak out?" I gasped as he said it and grabbed me "guards take her to the dungeon!"


No, no, please. All I could do was beg in my mind but it was worthless. Almost 10 years and I've never been down there, but I heard the stories and was scared.


I felt the guard that woke me up grab me by my arms and drag me downstairs to the first floor, then downstairs again to the dungeon.


There was what looked like a jail cell with multiple torture devices and my first reaction was to get away. I tried to but I felt his grip tighten. He threw me in the cell, locked the doors, and left. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Why was I being so stupid.


About an hour later, my master came down smiling evily "hello my pet, looks like I get to torment you today" he growled amused "I'm sure you've heard how it works. I torture you so bad that you beg to die and then I heal you so no one will believe you" he opened a drawer and my heart began beating quickly.


"Please no. I'm so sorry" I whimpered softly as he pulled out a whip that had old rusted nails twisted into the strands.


"Take your shirt and pants off, you can leave your underwear and bra on. Do it quickly or I'll ruin your clothes!"


I felt tears falling down my face and removed both, trying to take more time by neatly folding them and carefully putting them in a clean pile. He seemed amuse by my reaction and snapped the whip against the wall to cause me more fear.


"Good girl, now sit where the tape is facing away from me"


More tears fell down my face. "Why are you doing this to me..."


"Because you need a lesson before I let you go" he grinned and shoved me down on the taped spot "now sit still or it'll hurt worse!"


I heard the sound of the whip and cried out with the first hit and fell forward. He ripped the whip from my back nearly causing me to scream.


"Already to weak to hold yourself up?" He asked then laughed "how sad. And this is just the first of all the thinks I can do to you! Now sit up or I'll slowly dig every one of these nails deep into your back myself!"


I whined and managed to sit up as he hit me again. The pain was unbearable and I finally screamed as he laughed hard and loud. He grabbed my arms and shackled my wrists up to keep me sitting up. He hit me 3 more times and the pain was so deep that I truly believed I was going to die.


"Just kill me" I softly whined.


"Wow, I should've trained you better! You are such a whimp!" He seemed so happy by this and was like a kid in a candy store.


I slumped against the shackles as he walked infront of me "you're so lucky I am in a good mood" he unchained my arms and I fell over. I felt something cooling on my back and the pain going away. He dragged me up and forced my clothes on, then carried me upstairs and sat me on a chair "and just so you know, I am selling you today. Be great full I've been nice to you, because for all you know, you might just be tortured and killed by whoever buys you"


I looked down taking in what he just told me. Maybe I would finally die rather than deal with all this. Hopefully...


At about midnight I was taken into a limo with my master and the 8 year old girl he whipped earlier. Her legs had been healed but you could still see the fear and pain in her eyes.


We rode in silence and what felt like 20 minutes later we arrived at a homey looking house, atleast on the outside. The girl and I had collars put on our necks with 2 different numbers. First we had our masters number "877813" and then our number that would be used to call us on stage, in my case "24".


A woman greeted us "welcome, follow me" we were taken to a small room with about 40 other kids who were being sold "if you aren't sold today, you will be held here until someone comes in and buys you or until someone at an auction bets for you."


I sat between "23" and "25". No one spoke, no one moved. 1 was called and the scared little girl was escorted to stage. I quietly told her good luck.


By the time it was my turn, the last 4 kids were not sold or wanted.


"24" I heard and slowly stepped on the stage. It was dark and merely impossible to see as the man spoke "this is Ashley, 16 years old, has beautiful hair, rare blood, and is a virgin. Bidding starts at 10 thousand!"


I was surprised at the starting price and how many people began bidding


"5 million!" Someone yelled and everyone went quiet


"Sold to number 1963!" And I was taken off stage. I was then taken into a bathroom and had the collar and my clothes removed. I was givin a dress to wear but no bra or underwear and I felt so uncomfortable but kept quiet.


I walked out of the bathroom with my arm covering my boobs and stood there uncomfortably. Who is he? What will be be like? Will he kill me?


Good ending? :) hope you like it. I will try to put chapter 2 up tonight!


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