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Каннабис в Испании: понятия и нормы законодательства

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While cannabis is not technically legal in Spain, the local authorities have a lax attitude towards it, which has led to many private cannabis clubs across the southern part of the country. These clubs closely resemble the earliest cannabis collectives in California prior to legalization. So, where are the best cannabis clubs in Valencia? Unlike the full-blown commercialization of cannabis culture seen in North America, Spain instead features cannabis social clubs CSCs , which are private organizations that grow cannabis as a non-profit collective and distribute it only to registered members. Because these clubs are not technically legal, however, finding your way into one of them can be a bit of a quest. The members that run these clubs tend to be very discreet, especially in the face of increased police crackdowns, and chances are you will not be permitted if you simply walk up to a cannabis club, especially if you are a non-Spanish speaker. Many of these clubs, while offering only vague or even inaccurate addresses for their physical locations, respond well to either phone or email. When visiting a cannabis club in Valencia, you will often be asked for your Spanish address this can be a hotel address or a similar temporary location and your identification. Once your ID and age are verified, you can then purchase an annual registration to the cannabis club that will cover your entry any time you want to enter the club for up to twelve months. However, note that this fee does not cover the cost of the cannabis you get. Below are some of the best cannabis social clubs in Valencia. While not all of these clubs are available to tourists, most of them will accept tourism as long as prior conditions are met, and the tourists in question are discreet in their behavior. The best option to contact these clubs for further information is to send an email. This can let each individual social club explain its specific rules in more detail since most of this information is private and not public. Be sure if you visit any of these cannabis clubs that you bring your photo ID, your money for purchasing both registration and cannabis, and a gracious, adventurous attitude. Knowing the Spanish language is also a plus, as some of these clubs feature native Spanish speakers only, and having a budkeep who knows your language is not a guarantee. Since these clubs can vary in friendliness to tourism, fluid communication can be the key to getting in. Professional, friendly staff. Email ahead for your registration appointment. Address: The address provided online is deliberately inaccurate for the purposes of discretion, email members for the real address Email: kriticalclub gmail. In order to register and gain access to this club, you must be endorsed by a current member of the organization. This cannabis club is handicap accessible and features security. Ages 21 and up. Handicap accessible; ages 21 and up. It is easy to get an invite via email. Very friendly and charming staff, but native speakers no English. Good price to weight ratio, friendly helpful staff. Clean club with good bud. This club is one of the oldest running cannabis clubs in Valencia, which means getting in can be a little difficult. Ages 18 and up. While getting cannabis in Spain can be a little tricky due to its odd legal status, the country-and Valencia in particular-is experiencing a blossoming of somewhat underground cannabis tourism. Taking advantage of these private cannabis social clubs can be a little difficult in some cases, as many try to avoid the scrutiny of the law and are not well-advertised as a result. Best 5 Cannabis Clubs in Valencia. Facebook Twitter Youtube. Tips for Visiting a Cannabis Club in Valencia When visiting a cannabis club in Valencia, you will often be asked for your Spanish address this can be a hotel address or a similar temporary location and your identification. Kritical Cannabis Club Address: The address provided online is deliberately inaccurate for the purposes of discretion, email members for the real address Email: kriticalclub gmail. Final Thoughts While getting cannabis in Spain can be a little tricky due to its odd legal status, the country-and Valencia in particular-is experiencing a blossoming of somewhat underground cannabis tourism.

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