Vagina Wall

Vagina Wall


Vagina Wall

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About 1 in 10 women require surgery for vaginal prolapse. A prolapse of the back (posterior) wall of the vagina is usually due to a weakness in the strong tissue layer (fascia) that divides the vagina from the lower part of the bowel (rectum). This weakness may cause difficulty when passing a bowel movement, a feeling of fullness or dragging in the vagina or an uncomfortable bulge that may extend beyond the vaginal opening. Other names for the weakness of the back wall of the vagina include rectocele and enterocele.
Normal anatomy, no prolapse (left), and Posterior wall prolapse (right)
A posterior repair, also known as a posterior colporrhaphy, is a surgical procedure to repair or reinforce the fascial support layer between the rectum and the vagina. A perineorrhaphy is the term used for the operation that repairs the perineal body. The perineal body (the supporting tissue between vaginal and anal openings) also helps to support the back wall of the vagina. The perineum is the area that is often damaged when tears or episiotomies occur during childbirth. This area may need to be repaired along with the back wall of the vagina to give perineal support and in some cases reduce the vaginal opening.
The aim of surgery is to relieve the symptoms of vaginal bulge and/or laxity and to improve or maintain bowel function without interfering with sexual function.
The surgery can be performed under general, regional or even local anesthetic; your doctor will discuss which is best for you. There are many ways to perform a posterior repair. Below is a general description of a common repair method.
You will be asked about your general health and medication that you are taking. Any necessary investigations (for example, blood tests, ECG, chest x-ray) will be organized. You will also receive information about your admission, hospital stay, operation, pre- and post-operative care.
When you wake up from the anesthetic you will have a drip to give you fluids and may have a catheter in your bladder. The surgeon may have placed a pack inside the vagina to reduce any bleeding into the tissues. Both the pack and the catheter are usually removed within 24 hours of the operation.
It is normal to get a discharge for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. This is due to the presence of stitches in the vagina; as the stitches absorb the discharge will gradually reduce. If the discharge has an offensive odor contact your doctor. You may get some blood-stained discharge immediately after surgery or starting about a week after surgery. This blood is usually quite thin and old, brownish looking and is the result of the body breaking down blood trapped under the skin.
Quoted success rates for posterior vaginal wall repair are 80-90%. There is a chance that the prolapse might come back in the future, or another part of the vagina may prolapse.
About 50% of women who have symptoms such as incomplete bowel emptying or constipation will have improvement in their symptoms following surgery.
With any operation there is always a risk of complications. The following general complications can happen after any surgery:
The following complications are more specifically related to posterior vaginal wall repair:
In the early post-operative period, you should avoid situations where excessive pressure is placed on the repair, i.e. lifting, straining, vigorous exercise, coughing and constipation. Maximal strength and healing around the repair occurs at 3 months and care with heavy lifting (>10kg/25lbs) needs to be taken until this time.
Your doctor can guide you as to time taken off from work, as this will depend on your job type and the exact surgery you have had.
You should be able to drive and be fit enough for light activities such as short walks shortly after surgery.
You should wait six weeks before attempting sexual intercourse. Some women find using additional lubricant during intercourse is helpful. Lubricants can easily be bought at supermarkets or pharmacies.
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Artworks Books Vulva Casting Kits Jigsaw Puzzles Mugs Soaps etc.
Sharing vulva diversity since 2006!
Sharing vulva diversity since 2006!
Showing at MU S-E-X in Lisbon, Portugal until Oct 30 2022
Amor Veneris - Palácio Anjos, Algés, Lisbon, Portugal
The Great Wall of Vagina is made from casts of 400 women's vulvas. Spectacle and education combined. Knowledge is power. Freedom from genital anxiety is the purpose.
British artist Jamie McCartney rose to the challenge to create a monumental wall sculpture all about this most intimate and mysterious of places.
For 400 women their privates parts have gone public.
Jamie was concerned about misinformation leading to increasing genital anxiety. He was adamant that women are not defective. This sculpture is his campaign to normalise and celebrate vulva diversity. Knowledge is power.
Jamie’s exhibition is controversial - there is no doubt about that. As a piece of art, it fulfils all the most basic criteria - a multi-layered experience it informs, it questions and it provokes a reaction, both emotional and academic. Like Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst… the world will be talking about Jamie McCartney for a long time to come.
Please consider making a small contribution to support our genital diversity projects
These projects are entirely self-funded through sales of artworks, gifts & the generosity of patrons
For updates, exhibition invitations & special offers
All text, images and content are © Jamie McCartney and may not be downloaded or reproduced for any purpose without permission

The Great Wall Of Vagina (Yes, It's A Thing)
Procedure of Interest Labiaplasty Vaginoplasty Perineoplasty Labial Augmentation Monsplasty Anal Skin Tag Removal Vaginal Rejuvenation Botox Vaginismus Treatment Votiva/Thermiva MonaLisa Touch Aviva: Scarless Labiaplasty Intimate Lightening Vampire Wing Lift O Shot G Shot BioTE Lichen Sclerosis truSculpt iD Morpheus 8 Injectables Vampire Facial Vampire Facelift Laser Hair Removal Laser Genesis Laser Pigmentation Treatment Laser Vein Treatment Laser Acne Treatment Hair Restoration Other
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Would you let someone cast your vagina in plaster and display it on a giant wall? Believe it or not, that’s exactly what artist, Jamie McCartney has done – and many women are eager participants. We know what you’re thinking: “This is crazy!”, but when you really think about it, it’s not at all crazy.
When the Huffington Post article , written by one said eager participant, came through our radar, needless to say it piqued our interest. The author began describing the experience and her moments of doubt just before the casting “procedure” – something we can all relate to. What she expressed about how she felt after it was all said and done made perfect sense, and frankly, carries quite an empowering sentiment. In short, it allowed her to really embrace the “I am woman, hear me roar” attitude, and we think that’s a very powerful thing. In fact, that’s exactly what the artist was aiming for.
Honestly, there’s no such thing as “normal” or “abnormal” when it comes to female genitalia. The choice is between comfort and discomfort; between confidence and insecurity. Labia and vaginas come in all shapes and sizes, just like breasts. And just like breasts, women now have the opportunity to choose what they want – whether it’s for personal reasons or to improve comfort if their lady parts are interfering with their life. Labiaplasty is a large part of our practice and an area of expertise for Dr. Brady . In fact, she’s performed over a thousand labiaplasty procedures for women making the choice to feel a little bit more confident about their body or a little more satisfied in their life.
Whether you’re choosing to have elective surgery such as labiaplasty or not, it’s important to embrace your body and really feel confident, unashamed and downright proud of every single part it. So if that means having a procedure such as a breast augmentation or a labiaplasty, go for it! If that means loving the way you are, own it! The bottom line is it’s our body, our choice – so love your labia, ladies!
8215 Westchester Dr. Suite #111 Dallas, TX 75225
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