Vagina Tickling

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Notes on Weird Tingling sensation in my Vagina


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5 years ago ,

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This started 2-3 days ago, I've been feeling weird tingling sensation in my vagina after I pee. I doesn't burn nor do I have pain it just after I feel I have a weird sensation. I been having an urge to pee and pressure on my bladder.Β It feels like an orgasm but then again I don't know. I seriously need help!! I've been looking it up and the most recent study I've been seeing is UTI or yeast infectionΒ 
You must have your urine analysed to determine whether you have indeed a UTI!Β Go to your Gp and get this checked out. You could have a yeast infection. To determine this visit your GP! Good luck. (I have a history of recurring UTI's unfortunately so any help I can give you please ask). I subscribe to Bladder Health UK. Should you deem it fit do subscribe (free) and read the forums. Take care and good luck. Don't forgot go to your Doctor!
I woke Friday December.1 with that orgasm feeling,but mine was all the time. As the day went by I started having real bad pains in lower stomach and side. What was so funny was that the girl I work with just went to the Dr. 2 days prior to mine for UTI ,so I asked her what was her symptoms,and it was what I was feeling. So I went to Dr and yep i had a UTI. Today is 12/05/17 and I still have that orgasm feeling,and this is third day of antibiotics . Since your post was 2 months go , you have any input
Did you ever figure out what this was? I was diagnosed with a bladder infection a month ago, the weird 'tingling arousal' sensation stayed even after the infection was gone. I was told that my bladder is possibly inflamed/irritated. Basically to drink loads of water! Fast forward to today, and the feeling is still there. No pain, or throbbing, no buring during urination! Just the weird sesation driving me nuts!! I'm seeing a urologist in two weeks! But I'm so nervous! The only thing I've read up on is IC! Please let me know of you have had any success with figuring out what this could be! Tia
Hi Kay, do you recall what your urologist said?
I have been experiencing something like this on and off for years. No doctor has yet been able to help. Usually the assumption is UTI but that's just not it. There is no pain just that discomfort that after a while starts to feel unbearable. If anyone does find a solution I would love to hear from you
I just started having this also! Was doing some independent research and came across persistent arousal disorder, or something like that, have you heard of it? look it up, it sounds similar to what I'm feeling!
interestingly enough I commented something similar below on this thread earlier today! I'm so scared I really hope its not PGAD 😦 I was also doing some research and came across an excerpt about a woman that was talking sbout her experience with PGAD: "Then when I thought it could not get worse, a weird arousal feeling in my private parts when I was sitting, constant vaginal lubrication, throbbing, pressure on the clitoris, a feeling that there was urine trapped in my urethra and genital congestion. I also started experiencing spontaneous orgasms in my car. I was totally panicked. I did not dare to sit near my son and my loved ones. What did this medication do to me". minus the spontaneous orgasms which sound devastating, alot of the symptoms seem quite similar to UTI symptoms. It's so hard to tell and i'm terrified.
hi i know this is a few years later! did any of you learn what it was as suffering with the same for a few months now
Hi kim! did the pelvic floor dysfunction treat it? I am having the same issue as you and anti biotics didnt help.
has this been resolved? I have this and it was not a uti.I saw a urologist then covid happened so haven't had anything since.
im having a similar situation, Im treating a UTI and just took my last dose but its been about a montht that Ive been feeling that weird tingly sensation too! Did you ever find out what it was?

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