Vagina Tendinum

Vagina Tendinum


Vagina Tendinum

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vagina communis tendinum musculorum fibularium

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vagina communis tendinum musculorum peroneorum — TA alternative for v. communis musculorum fibularium … Medical dictionary
Vagina — The muscular canal extending from the cervix to the outside of the body. It is usually six to seven inches in length, and its walls are lined with mucus membrane. It includes two vaultlike structures, the anterior (front) vaginal fornix and the… … Medical dictionary
common tendon sheath of peronei — vagina communis tendinum musculorum fibularium … Medical dictionary
sheath — 1. Any enveloping structure, such as the membranous covering of a muscle, nerve, or blood vessel. Any sheathlike structure. SYN: vagina (1). 2. The prepuce of male animals, especially of the horse. 3. A specially designed tu … Medical dictionary

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[TA] SYN: tendinous sheath of extensor carpi radialis muscles.

Anatomy: The tendons around the wrist are surrounded by tendon sheaths, as are the tendons located externally (radial) on the wrist which contribute to the movement of the thumb (M abductor pollicis longus and M extensor pollicis brevis).
Symptoms: Slowly commencing pain along the wrist on the side of the thumb. The area can occasionally feel swollen, and crackling sensation felt upon movement of the thumb. The pain deteriorates when twisting a rag, and when the thumb is moved away from the index finger against resistance.
Examination: Slight cases do not necessarily require medical examination. The doctor should be consulted if there is lack of progress despite relief. The diagnosis is usually made from a normal medical examination, however, in the event of doubt in connection with the diagnosis an ultrasound scan can be performed which will easily and quickly detect the inflammation (Ultrasonic image) (article) .
Treatment: The treatment primarily involves relief, stretching and strength training of the muscles around the wrist. It is imperative for the treatment that the triggering load factor is reduced (article) . In cases with a lack of progress following relief, a medical treatment can be considered in the form of rheumatic medicine (NSAID) or the injection of corticosteroid in the tendon sheath. Since the effect and the risk is dependant on the injection being performed correctly, the injection can advantageously be executed under ultrasound guidance. Surgery is rarely indicated.
Bandage: It will often relieve the injury if a wrist splint is used.
Complications: If there is a lack of progress it should be considered if the diagnosis is correct or whether complications have arisen:
All rights reserved Ulrich Fredberg
SportNetDoc should not replace a sports-medical assessment by a physician or physiotherapist,
nor treatment with the preparation of an individual rehabilitation program.
(Tenosynovitis styloideae radii, De Quervain)

Anatomy: The five fingers on a hand consist of a total of 14 small, tubular finger bones (phalanges). Above the fingers (dorsal) runs the stretching tendons and below (volar) runs the flexor tendons. In most places the tendons are surrounded by a tendon sheath.
Symptoms: Pain along the tendon sheath, which can sometimes feel swollen and crepitating upon movement.
Examination: Slight cases do not necessarily require medical examination. The doctor should be consulted if there is lack of progress despite relief. The diagnosis is usually made from a normal medical examination, however, in the event of doubt in connection with the diagnosis an ultrasound scan can be performed which will easily and quickly detect the inflammation (article) , (Ultrasonic image) .
Treatment: Relief from the triggering load factor. In case of lack of progress with relief, a medical treatment in the form of rheumatic medicine (NSAID) or the injection of corticosteroid i in the tendon sheath can be considered. Since the effect and the risk is dependant on the injection being done correctly, it can advantageously be performed with ultrasound guidance.
Rehabilitation: Usually fitness training in the form of cycling, running and rehabilitation according to the guidelines under rehabilitation, general can be started immediately.
Bandage: With many tenosynovitis cases a support splint can be used to advantage as needs require.
Complications: Lengthy periods of tenosynovitis can cause damage to the tendon resulting in a rupture of the tendon, following which the functions of the fingers (stretching, bending) can suddenly be lost.
All rights reserved Ulrich Fredberg
SportNetDoc should not replace a sports-medical assessment by a physician or physiotherapist,
nor treatment with the preparation of an individual rehabilitation program.

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