Vagina Suction

Vagina Suction


Vagina Suction
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Gigi Engle
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Try these moves in the bedroom tonight.
Eating out, licking out, cunnilingus, oral sex: whatever you prefer to call it, eating pussy f*cking rocks. In fact, oral sex is widely known as the most reliable way to give a person with a vulva the big O. Studies consistently show that the vast majority of vulva-owners require clitoral stimulation in order to have an orgasm, and oral sex puts the clit front and center. This is just science, friends.
The issue? So many people don’t know what the heck they are doing down there. Given the state of sex-ed in America, we're assuming you didn't hear the word "clitoris" in school. Then there's the fact that the clit often gets ignored in mainstream penetration-focused pornography. So if you're not quite sure how to eat pussy, it's not entirely your fault. How could you possibly know how to do something you’ve never seen done properly before?
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to improve your oral sex technique. From incorporating toys, to trying different positions, to using your tongue in unique ways, we have all the expert-approved information you need to up your game. These are the best oral sex tips for the next time you're going down on your partner.
Instead of diving head-first into someone’s pussy like an Olympic swimmer, opt for a seductive warm up. Start with neck kisses, move down to their belly, inner thighs, and all around the vulva. Run your tongue around their nipples. You can even bring in a feather tickler to run all over their body and up and down the labia. We love this simple one from LoveHoney .
The anticipation can really help bring you both into your bodies and feel grounded in this experience you’re sharing together. No matter how casual a pussy eating encounter is, it deserves reverence and respect.
Lighter is better when you start giving oral. The clitoral glans are hella sensitive, so be mindful of going too hard. Clitorises and vulvas usually require different degrees of firmness when it comes to touching and licking.
"Good oral sex shouldn’t look like a hungry pupper eating their bowl of kibble, ya hear?"
If you’re someone who masturbates with a firm grip on their penis, do not employ this same technique when giving oral sex. Good oral sex shouldn’t look like a hungry pupper eating their bowl of kibble, ya hear? You want to gently tease their clit lightly so it feels like they’ve stepped off a magical cloud into a hot Icelandic spring.
“Go in too hard and fast, and you may feel her flinch or yelp, so go easy! When you start lighter, you can build up the pressure as her arousal builds, but if in doubt, always go lighter first,” Lucy Rowett , a certified sex coach and clinical sexologist.
Kenneth Play , an international educator and creator of the Sex Hacker Pro Series , a 70+ video series for helping people become better lovers, suggests “using the flat of your tongue first, and more your head instead of your tongue. This creates a larger surface space, which feels better initially to most people.” The key is to warm up the entire vulva area before going for the glans clitoris.
One of the main things that stops women and vulva-owners from having orgasms during oral is the fear that they’re “taking too long” or being “selfish.” This means they’re going to need a lot of encouragement from you.
“Let [them] know that you'll be there for as long as it takes, that this is just about [their] pleasure, and there is no pressure to come,” Rowett says. “That in itself can be enough to help a woman [or clit-owners] climax, paradoxically, as one thing that most women find a big mood killer is pressure from her partner to come.”
Showing interest in what brings your partner pleasure is a huge turn-on. Every person's body is different, and people enjoy being stimulated in a variety of ways. Ask your partner what they want you to do to them. If they’re not sure, try touching them in different ways and encourage them to tell you what feels good.
It definitely makes for some sparkling dirty talk . The thing is, you’re not a mind-reader. Ask and then do exactly what they says. Following instructions shows you’re actively listening.
Mouths are amazing, but they don’t need to be the only tool in your kit. Vibrators are a way to up the ante on the whole experience. Try running your tongue around the clitoris while you insert the toy into the vagina , if your partner enjoys penetration. You can also use a vibrator to stimulate the anal opening and perineum while you use your tongue on the clitoris.
If you’ve never used a vibrator on someone before, ask them to show you how they like to use it on themselves. This is like a masterclass in how they like to come.
If your partner likes more targeted, pinpointed pleasure, Play suggests getting the tip of the tongue in your oral game. “The tip of the tongue can apply more targeted pressure and movement, especially once a vulva-owner gets more aroused,” he says. “Remember to pay attention to the tactile sensations of your tongue to make sure you’re actually licking the clit and not just all over the place. This is a more common problem than you’d realize.”
Honestly, mindfulness during oral sex is probably the best tip you could ever receive. Pay attention to where your tongue ACTUALLY is on your partner’s body. And if you’re not sure if it’s working? ASK. Here are some examples of how to solicit oral sex feedback:
Have you heard of the Womanizer or Satisfyer? These clitoral suction toys use a combination of suction and air to circle the clitoris and simulate oral sex. They are wildly popular—which is why it might be a good idea to mimic the sensation with your own mouth.
To use your mouth, “wrap your lips around the clit and suck on it, to form a good vacuum seal, and then lick the clit at the same time while you suck,” Play says. “This takes some practice to be able to pull off for a continuous amount of time, but is worth it. It’s a good finishing move!”
And if you want to bring in a sucking sex toy while you use your hands or tongue for a little penetration, more power to you.
Pay attention to both verbal and physical cues. The things we do, rather than say, can be helpful guides to what someone is liking (or not liking). If your partner is pushing their vulva into your face and moaning, you can be pretty sure what you’re doing is working. If they’re pulling away or are lying there, dead silent, try something else. And once again, there is nothing unsexy about asking someone if what you’re doing feels good.
Cunnilingus is about your partner’s pleasure first , but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself. There is nothing hotter than someone who absolutely loves eating pussy. “In the same way that it's so much hotter when you can tell that your partner actually enjoys giving a blowjob,” Rowett points out, “when you show that you enjoy it and it is genuine, the technique doesn't matter as much.
To give you even more real-ass tips, I decided to ask a bunch of my internet friends who love nothing more than answering all of my intense questions about eating boxes. Keep in mind that all clit-owners enjoy different things, so be sure to communicate with your partner to ensure that they’re having the best experience possible.
Without further ado, here are a few juicy morsels of advice on grade-A pussy-eating.

How to Use a Pussy Pump (And Why You Should)

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Pussy pumps. Don’t let the name fool you, it’s not a variation on the ‘fist pump’ for female sports athletes. It’s not the female equivalent of a ‘penis pump’ for tiny vaginas, either. Rather, it’s the name given to an ingenious sexual device designed with both physical and aesthetic pleasure in mind. Intrigued? You should be.
It might look like a slightly unusual oxygen mask you’d normally put on your face, but as the name suggests, a pussy pump sits over the vagina and/or clitoris. Here’s everything you need to know.

Despite the name, a pussy pump isn’t designed to pump air into the vagina (which we’re sure isn’t fun). Instead, it creates a vacuum over the vagina which will cause the tissues to swell, encouraging blood flow and making the area much more sensitive. So, while they might look like a medical device, the result of using them is an ultra-sensitive, receptive pussy, just waiting to be touched.
This product is ideal if you have difficult orgasming and you’re looking for something to increase stimulation. The added blood flow and tissue expansion can help you achieve stronger orgasms and enhance intercourse for both partners.
Many people find the unique sensations and markedly puffy appearance of the labia and clitoris a real turn on. And the actual process of using one with your partner can be a type of foreplay in itself.

Though they come in many different shapes, sizes and styles, pussy pumps are, in general, very easy to use and all follow the same method. A great one to start with would be the Lovehoney Supreme Sensation Pussy Pump , which has a large seal to fit most sizes. You can check out stacks of other options here .
First, you’ll need to lubricate the outside edge of the pump using a water-based lubricant . The edges are normally made from a soft, skin-sensitive material like silicone, for maximum comfort and sensation.
Lubing the outer edge helps to create an air-tight seal. It works even better if pubic hair is trimmed or kept to a minimum so that the edge can seal on to the skin. Ensure that the quick-release valve (if there is one), is closed to allow air out and not in.
Once you’ve decided on the positioning of the pump, press it against the desired area, making sure you achieve a firm seal. Depending on the type of pump you’ve purchased, the chosen area can be over the entire vulva, just the clitoris or a both.
When you’re ready, with one hand on the pump chamber, compress the bulb until you feel the suction begin. This should spark sensations straight away as the vacuum begins to build in pressure. At this point, the pump chamber should be held in place through the suction only.
If it hasn’t yet sealed against the skin, just keep holding it in place and continue to pump. Keep pressing and releasing the pump bulb until you can see the labia begin to swell inside the chamber.
Once the skin is pressing against the chamber walls, it will prove difficult to pump any further, so that’s the time to press the quick-release valve and allow air to enter. Then, gently remove the pussy pump and enjoy the exciting sensations given by the engorged tissues.
Pussy pumping should be pleasurable and not painful in any way. If you experience any discomfort, stop pumping. Also, do not try to over pump as this can lead to injury.
Coco Cameron is a blogger and sex toy expert who writes for Lovehoney Australia . You can see a list of their best-selling products here .

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An Easy Way to Tell If Your Hairline Is Receding
13 Types of Headaches and How to Treat Them
Pro40 Rechargeable Clitoral Stimulator

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Gigi Engle
Gigi Engle is a writer, certified sexologist, sex coach, and sex educator.

Zachary Zane
Zachary Zane is a Brooklyn-based writer, speaker, and activist whose work focuses on lifestyle, sexuality, and culture. He was formerly the digital associate editor at OUT Magazine and currently has a queer cannabis column, Puff Puff YASS, at Civilized.

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It might be time to forget the old vibrator , everyone. Just kidding. Don’t do that. But recognize that times have changed since the creation of the famous Hitachi Magic Wand over 50 years ago. Sextech has come a long way, and now there are clit-sucking sex toys to use with your partner. Yes, these are a thing. We’re talking toys that simulate oral sex . It’s the revolution and we are here for it, guys.
Clitoral suction is one of the most effective ways to increase the intensity of clitoral orgasms while still being able to have great penetrative sex with your partner. And you might even find out your partner is multi-orgasmic in the process. No joke. It’s like giving your partner all the joys of cunnilingus while adding in penetrative sex. (And no matter how hard you try, you cannot suck your partner’s clitoris while inserting your penis at the same time. I mean, not without getting your ribs removed…)
“Given that the majority of women require clitoral stimulation to orgasm, this is almost a guaranteed fun time for both of you,” says Bryony Cole, CEO of Future of Sex and sextech expert .
So, let’s talk clitoral suction vibrators and sex, because the game is changing, and you should get on board.
A clit-sucking vibrator works by using a combination of air, suction, and a little vibration to deliver orgasms on the fly. Companies like Womanizer and Satisfyer are the leading brands of the moment, making some of the best toys on the market. Some women have even reported having orgasms in less than sixty seconds.
A clit-sucking vibe looks a bit like one of those ear thermometers doctors use on children. It’s shaped like the number 8 with a nozzle on the top. This nozzle goes over the glans clitoris (the part on the outside of the labia). It then suctions onto the clit with a variety of optional patterns.
Megwyn White, a sexual wellness expert and resident sexpert for Satisfyer , says that these toys “use an incredible wave-like pulse to coax the clitoris into orgasms that are off the charts. Many [clitoris-owners] say that this is unlike any other stimulation than they have ever felt and actually draws out the clitoris to play and partake in deeper levels of trust and surrender while inviting the whole body to open to receiving waves of orgasm.”
Cole says these toys have both ergonomic designs and are quiet, which are key components in couple’s play. You won’t be distracted by the buzzing of a vibrator, and won’t run the risk of feeling #intimidated by a sex toy. It’s a win for everyone.
For some clit-sucking toy recommendations we reached out to quite a few experts: Ashley Cobb , a sexpert for Lovehoney , Taylor Sparks, erotic educator and founder of Organic Loven , Sofiya Alexandra, co-host of Private Parts Unknown , a podcast exploring love and sexuality around the world, and Courtney Kocak, Alexandra's co-host at Private Parts Unknown .
Here are the clit-suckers they recommend:
“One of my all-time favorites is the Womanizer X Lovehoney Pro40 Rechargeable Clitoral Stimulator,” Cobb says. “It’s somehow both a very gentle yet intense experience. You can also use it on your nipples, which actually feels great.”
“The newest air-suction toy on the market, the Satisfyer Love Triangle, is a delight as it combines the air-suction technology with deep vibrations,” Sparks says. “Better still, it can be controlled via the Satisfyer app.”
“I also love recommending the Romp Shine to those who are seeking a less pricey option,” Sparks says. “It has 10 intensity levels and a discrete motor.”
“If you like all the pleasure and want something that penetrates in addition to sucking you off, Zalo’s Rose Series Vibrator combines a girthy g-spot vibrator with air-suction clitoral stimulation,” Kocak says. “The toy comes in yellow which is a unique color for a vibrator and the insertable part of this vibe is thicker than most dual-stimulation models, making it perfect for size queens.”
“My next personal favorite is the Womanizer Liberty,” Cobb says. “It’s petite and easy to travel with. It also has a magnetic travel cover for discretion. You can literally drop it in your pocket, and no one would know it was there.”
“Dame Aer is more accessible under $100, and with the larger mouthpiece is more inclusive for different clit sizes,” Alexandra says.
“I’m a huge fan of LELO, in general, but I absolutely love their SONA 2 Cruise because it’s super high-quality, the design is stunning, and it’s got built-in ‘cruise control,’ a.k.a the intensity automatically increases when it’s pressed hard against the body,” Kocak says.
“There are now many companies who have similar technology in their toys,” Sparks says. “I recommend the Baci by Lora Di Carlo because, in addition to the pleasure air technology that stimulates the clitoral hood, it vibrates down the ‘legs’ of the clitoris.”
Cobb recommends the Womanizer Duo. “It’s the best of both worlds,” she says. It's a clitoral and G-spot stimulator that creates explosive blended orgasms.
Just like in any sexual situation, you have to start with the warm-up first. Foreplay is so important. You should not, under any circumstances, be putting anything inside a person’s vagina without it being wet and ready ( and with lube ).
White suggests using some of your partner’s favorite all-natural lube or vagina-friendly massage oil to stimulate her clitoris m
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