Vagina Steaming

Vagina Steaming


Vagina Steaming
“ ” I suppose this […] "vaginal" steam bath is just something that we nasty, allopathic […] doctors just don't understand. To us, it's just shooting a bunch of steam up a woman's nether regions. To the woo -meisters, though, it’s not just steam that's being forced to go places where usually only spouses, lovers, or gynecologists go. Oh, no. It’s super special, extra powerful herbal detox steam, which means that it has super duper magical powers.
“ ” When I first read the articles about V-jay steaming, I wasn’t sure if they were discussing a feel-good technique, a novel treatment for the crabs, or a new venue for cooking your dumplings. But after managing to suspend my disbelief, I finally gathered that this is pure kitsch — a fad touted by uninformed celebs. I checked the medical literature as thoroughly as I could and found no credible evidence of any GYN health benefit from steaming one's junk. Positive health claims appear nothing more than anecdotal.
“ ” Vaginal Steaming: Just a Bunch of Hot Air?
“ ” The formulation of a vaginal steam bath consists of aromatic, cleansing herbs that will penetrate into the uterine wall. The therapeutic effects of thermotherapy and aromatherapy contribute to the effectiveness of this treatment. Overall the bath aids as a uterine lavage or internal cleanse of the membranes that often accumulate incompletely flushed debris/fluids from cycle to cycle.
“ ” The vagina is not regulating your hormones. Your brain regulates your hormones. Nuff said.
Not to be confused with the relaxing sensation of having AIDS .
“ ” Kind of when you were a kid and you pulled your shirt over your legs to sit on the vent during cold winter days. Another way to increase your benefit is to self-massage on your abdomen with your hands… or a vibrator. Yes, I know what I said.
“ ” There is absolutely no way this has any significant health benefit. The illusion that any hot air infused with some herbal spice would penetrate the vaginal barriers of your body and improve fertility, regulate hormones does not hold any water [ pun intended ] with me.
“ ” It's a simple, relaxing treatment. You can imagine people doing this in the forest somewhere.
“ ” [A]sking for scientific citations at a holistic spa is rather like requesting chopsticks at an ice cream parlor: not only will they not have them, they won’t really understand why you’re asking in the first place.
“ ” Not only is there potential to burn yourself if the steam's too hot, went these cautionary tales, but some gynecologists think the herbal steam might mess with good bacteria, which are vital to keeping women healthy and infection-free. [...] But as it turns out, nobody’s yet done a study on the practice. That was enough for us.
“ ” The real golden ticket here is the Mugworth [ sic ] V-Steam: You sit on what is essentially a mini-throne, and a combination of infrared [note 12] and mugwort steam cleanses your uterus, et al. It is an energetic release — not just a steam douche — that balances female hormone levels . If you’re in LA, you have to do it.

Jump up ↑ Sanskrit . Yoni also means "vagina", but sounds more mystic .

Jump up ↑ SKINNEEEER! [2]

Jump up ↑ Korean. Chai yok , interestingly, does not actually appear to be a common Korean practice. [3]

Jump up ↑ Spanish. Bajos means "down low". "Down low" is where your checking account goes after paying for this shit.

Jump up ↑ Some psychotherapists are medical doctors; others are not. Since RW isn't certain, we'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

Jump up ↑ The only way to prevent such a false positive is to have controlled studies; no such studies have been conducted on vagina steaming.

Jump up ↑ Apparently you heal the soul with brain waves. And what's the difference between "deep" and "light" soul level healing?

Jump up ↑ Because you're fucking sitting still for half an hour. Try it sometime.

Jump up ↑ Maybe sexual creativity; aside from that, it's just sitting.

Jump up ↑ What even is the "source of all creation", and do you want to "connect" to it?

Jump up ↑ All relevant information: The article states that, in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa , 24.8% of respondents had heard of vagina steaming, 7.6% had practiced vagina steaming, and 3.5% currently practice. Of those who currently practice, vagina steaming is performed on average 2 times per month. Of those who currently practice, 54.0% use traditional materials, 8.0% use alum, 8.9% use mixtures of commercial and traditional materials, and 18.7 use unspecified materials. Of those who currently practice, 2.4% steam during personal hygiene, 32.2% steam around menstruation, 28.7% steam before sexual intercourse , 1.4% steam after sexual intercourse, 8.6% steam in times of discomfort, and 5.5% steam with no particular pattern. Of those who currently practice, 2.3% steam for hygiene, 20.0% steam for wellness, 85.4% steam to treat an infection, 66.4% steam to increase sexual pleasure, 0.0% steam to avoid pain during sex, 0.0% steam to restore a sensation of virginity, and 1.7% steam to provide a sense of femininity. Of those who currently practice, 9.4% report increased cleanliness, 64.0% report odor reduction, 54.1% report a drier vagina, 29.3% report a wetter vagina, 28.7% report a tighter vagina, 4.3% report a looser vagina, 3.7% report a hotter vagina, 4.9% report stimulation of the vagina, 2.5% report relief of symptoms. Of those who currently practice, 0.0% report a health problem with their current practice. Of those who have ever practiced, 7.3% reported genital irritation and/or pain, 1.5% reported genital itching, 0.2% reported genital bleeding or sores, and 0.9% reported Dyspareunia .

Jump up ↑ Vagina steaming does involve heat, which is related to infrared radiation. That said, vagina steaming does not directly create infrared radiation for the purposes of healing. Furthermore, even vagina steaming did involve infrared, it certainly wouldn't cleanse the vagina.

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Vagina steaming is a hot newly revived alternative medicine in which a woman squats over steaming water . The practice is also called vaginal steaming , v-steaming , vaginal steam baths , yoni steaming , [note 1] steamed clams , [note 2] chai yok (차욕), [note 3] or bajos . [note 4]

Vagina steaming supporters, who include noted pseudoscience promoters NaturalNews and Gwyneth Paltrow , claim that vagina steaming has numerous benefits. Vagina steaming is supposed to "cleanse" the vagina , increase fertility , treat bad periods , and remove "toxins" . There is no scientific evidence for these claims. Fully 14 (88%) of the 16 medical professionals who have commented on the practice say that vagina steaming is ineffective or possibly harmful. In short, it's patent bullshit.

However, vagina steaming may genuinely upset that little man in the boat .

It has been reported than an unspecified 8 th century CE Sanskrit document described sitting over a pot of boiling onions as an abortion method, and that the technique was being used in 20 th century New York City . [4] More definitively, The New York Medical Journal in 1897 reported the experimental use of steam on the uterus after an abortion, [5] though unsurprisingly this is known to cause severe burns. [6]

Vagina steaming is cheap and simple, which probably explains why spas delight in charging their customers for the procedure. It goes as follows: [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [7] [16]

Vagina steaming supporters warn against steaming while pregnant , immediately after delivery, or if the vagina has an infection. [17] [9] [18] [19] Supporters also advise that a medical professional should be consulted before steaming. [9] [20] (The percentage of customers who bother is unknown, but the percentage of spas who enforce this is almost certainly negligible.) [ citation needed ]

Most medical professionals (OBGYNs and MDs) are skeptical of the benefits of vagina steaming, not least because of its lack of empirical backing. Currently, the tally stands at 14 (88%) in opposition and 2 in favor.

An easy guide to the impacts of vagina steaming:

Before discussing any specific claims, it's useful to remember a couple of general ideas:

First, it should be noted that no medical studies have been done on the efficacy of vagina steaming, which makes all evidence for these claims anecdotal at best. Further, almost all of reports of the effects of vagina steaming are produced by practitioners of it, which leads to an obvious conflict of interests and may lead to false, exaggerated, and/or selective reporting .

Second, it should be noted that many of the healing effects claimed to be the result of vagina steaming are within the bounds of a regression to the mean , where the ailment was likely to go away even without vagina steaming. Whether a regression to the mean occurred is impossible to tell without comparison to a placebo in a controlled trial, of which none have occurred.

Most vagina steaming claims are based on the transfer of good plants into the vagina via steam.

When practitioners add plants to boiling water and let it steam, it is improbable that any significant amount of the plant rises with the steam, much less enters the vagina, the bloodstream, or the skin. If the plant is truly effective, why not increase the concentration and use it topically (smear it on) or insert it directly? To quote Dr. Siri Khalsa: [40]

Regarding Vaginal Steaming’s proposed health benefits, the vagina has extensive blood flow and mucous membranes, so it absorbs medications easily, but there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of absorbing herbs vaginally.

The most commonly used herbs are mugwort, oregano, rosemary, basil, calendula, and marshmallow root. [51] Unsurprisingly, most of the plants used don't do what is commonly claimed (see the main articles for more):

Of course, given its promoters' rather ... well-lubricated grasp of scientific concepts, we must consider the possibility that when they say "plants" they include fungi and microorganisms in that category, and are implying that vaginal steaming will somehow adjust the vaginal microflora.

It's very unlikely to, and even if it did, randomly mucking about with one's own vaginal flora is unlikely to be of benefit. A woman's vagina naturally maintains its microflora in a near-optimal equilibrium, and actively disturbing that equilibrium is seldom productive and quite possibly unhealthy.

Almost all supporters of vagina steaming mention (directly or indirectly) that vagina steaming "cleans up" down there. [27] Because who doesn't want to be "clean"?

Depending on how the woman sits, vagina steaming can either force steam onto the skin of the pelvic region or into the vagina.

If vagina steaming gets water into the vagina, then it is effectively a less-intense form of douching — since in both instances, water is forced into the vagina. [52] [53] Many women believe that douching effectively cleans the vagina, even though little scientific evidence supports this belief; [52] [53] similarly, it's entirely possible that many women incorrectly believe that vagina steaming has the same benefits. In fact, the acidic environment of the vagina effectively self-cleans, making douching and vagina steaming unnecessary. [26] [52] [53]

These and other conditions make vagina steaming drastically increase the risk of vaginal infection .

If, on the other hand, vaginal steam is ineffective in getting steam into the vagina, then there is no benefit (other than a wet ass and some wasted time, of course).

Any claims of cleaning the uterus are even more specious than normal for vagina steaming. Steam has very little access to the vagina, let alone the uterus. [54] To quote Dr. Ghodsi: [24]

Anything put into your vagina does not have direct access into your uterus. Your cervix, which is the bottom of the uterus, sits in the top of your vagina and it does have a a tiny hole in which menstrual blood comes out, sperm goes in, and that also dilates during labor to allow a baby to come out. But it is too small for something released into your vagina to get up into your uterus unless there is an apparatus going into your uterus helping its entry or it has natural propellers like sperm.

Steam isn’t going to get into your uterus from your vagina unless you are using an attachment with some kind of pressure and MOST DEFINITELY NEVER EVER DO THAT.

Alternatively, supporters claim that herbs enter the bloodstream and flow to the uterus: [55]

When the herbs are placed in the hot water, their medicinal properties, including volatile oils, are released and carried to the surface of your skin, and to the inside of the vagina, where they are absorbed into the bloodstream and into to the uterus.

Since blood flows from the heart to the vagina to the heart, not the uterus, we're not quite sure what mechanism is in play here.

Many supporters of vagina steaming argue that vagina steaming reduces vaginal odor. [56] [57] [15]

Douching can mask vaginal odor, but doesn't truly remove it. [53] Similarly, vagina steaming (which often contains good-smelling herbs [58] ) probably can hide the odor of the vagina, without removing its source.

A low level of vaginal odor is natural, and there's no (medically necessary) need to mask it. Strong odor may be the result of infection; if so, it is best to see a doctor before douching or vaginally steaming, because hiding the odor makes it harder for the doctor to diagnose the issue. [53]

Some supporters go beyond claims of "cleansing" and claim that vagina steaming removes "toxins" from the vagina. [29] [10] [59] [15] Because the "toxins" that are apparently removed aren't specified, it's more likely that the term is a catch-all for "gross stuff that supposedly exists in my genitals" rather than anything meaningful.

Vagina steaming is claimed to cure irregular menstrual periods [7] [17] [9] [20] [10] [19] [60] [15] (those which have significantly more or less blood flow, happen significantly more or less often, are accompanied by pain or mental discomfort, or last for a long time).

There are many and varied causes for irregular periods, including stress, exercise, changes in weight, changes in diet, illness, changes in routine, birth control pills, uterine fibroids, uterine endometriosis, cancer , uterine prolapse and many more. [61] [62] This leads to two problems:

Vagina steaming is claimed to treat uterine fibroids (abnormal growths in the uterus), [7] [9] [20] [10] [15] uterine endometriosis (abnormal growths outside of the uterus), [7] [9] [20] [10] [15] hemorrhoids , [9] [10] [15] and/or cancer.

How putting gaseous water in the vagina with a tiny concentration of herbs (sometimes) can fix abnormal internal growths is unknown.

Presumably the steam uses its magical powers to identify the "good" growths from the "bad" growths and then somehow removes said bad growths.

This is especially ridiculous since steam has very little access to the vagina, and even less access to the uterus , where many of these growths occur.

Vagina steaming is purported to reduce the risk of vaginal infections, including yeast infections, [9] [27] [26] [10] [15] and bladder infections. [9]

Putting steam into the vagina almost certainly cannot alter the body's balance of hormones. Even more certainly, if it does alter them, it probably won't balance them, given all the herbs claimed to be going up there. [24] [54]

Perhaps vagina steaming "releases stored emotions and taps into the energy that is our creative potential." [15] Or perhaps vagina steaming has nothing to do with it. The experience might be relaxing, since you have to stay in a warm, comfortable place for a long time. In this way, it might provide some of the same benefits of meditation .

On the other hand, it's probably a better idea to pursue something relaxing spa visit that doesn't risk vaginal burns and infections .

Some supporters argue that vagina steaming helps increase female fertility. [9] [10] [27] [26] [19] [15] [7] For example, Dalene Barton writes: [64]

Vagina Steam baths bring heat to the womb. … Different herbs have different healing actions. Typically more than one herb was chosen and formulated in a blend, specific to the woman’s unique fertility needs. The combination of herbs work to nourish, tone, heal, bring in fresh oxygenated blood, promote cleansing, and make supple the vaginal and uterine tissues.

The first argument in favor of increased fertility is that "Niki Han Schwarz did it!" Niki Han Schwarz, who was the 45-year-old owner of a vagina steaming spa, had unsuccessfully tried to become pregnant "for three years" -- until she vaginally steamed. (Or, so she says.) [27] [29] [65] This evidence is flawed in numerous ways:

The second argument is that vagina steaming "increases circulation". The idea goes that vagina steaming increases heat (obviously), that heat increases circulation (again true [26] ), and that circulation increases fertility. [9] [64] (Increased bloodflow also increases the flow of oxygen and immune factors, which might be beneficial -- however, they will not aid pregnancy. [27] ) Indeed, increasing circulation in the kidneys has been shown to helps pregnancy; [67] [68] so the idea is not totally insane. However:

Finally, the third argument is that testicular steaming (which is administered in the same way and in the same place as vagina steaming) can also improve fertility. [27]

Simply, warming the testicles inhibits sperm production and reduces fertility. [1]

For a taste of the New Age -i-ness surrounding vagina steaming, we turn to SoulVibrance: [10]

Yoni steaming is about more than uterine health, and it is certainly more than a beauty treatment. The practice brings a reconnection to the female body and to the wisdom of plant medicine. It is an opportunity for women to celebrate and cherish our bodies, and learning to enjoy our wombs as the beautiful, sacred center from which our capacity to change the world radiates. Yoni steaming is also about women taking back ownership of our own health, and utilizing our intuition as well as gifts from the Earth to support and nourish our well-being. Yoni steaming is also about trusting the wisdom of generations of women, elevating their perspectives as not only valid, but integral to our health.

Vagina steaming does have a history in Africa and South Korea:

Other claims of a "vagina steaming tradition" are tenuous at best. [71]

As Dr. Hilda Hutchinson states: [36]

[Vaginal steaming] probably feels good because the heat increases blood flow to the whole vaginal area, including the clitoris, which could turn some women on.

Combining arousal and the placebo effect is a great recipe for self-reported "good feelings" after a vagina steam treatment.

As noted above , vagina steaming is comparable to gaseous douching. [66] Douching may upset the pH balance of the vagina, which upsets the balance of good and bad bacteria in the vagina, which, in turn, increases the risks of infection. [54] [26] [24] [52] [53] Women who douche are more likely to have vaginal infection, bacterial vaginosis , vaginal irritation, sexually transmitted diseases , pregnancy complications, and cervical cancer . [26] [52] [53] [66]

Furthermore, because the vaginal mucosa is highly absorptive, whatever gets shot up there is likely to enter the entire body. [52] [53] [66] This is especially dangerous for vagina steaming, which may occur in public spas with less-than-sterile seating arrangements. [66] This is also especially true for yeast, which loves the warm, moist environment that steam provides. [66]

We don’t know the effect of steam on the lower reproductive tract, but the lactobacilli strains that keep vaginas healthy are very finicky about their environment and raising the temperature with steam and whatever infrared nonsense Paltrow means is likely not beneficial and is potentially harmful. Some strains of lactobacilli are so hard to cultivate outside of this the very specific vaginal environment that growing them in a lab is next to impossible. There is also the possibility that the "steam" from these plants could contain volatile substances that are harmful to lactobacilli or other aspects of the vaginal ecosystem.

Vagina steaming forces steam onto the pelvic region and potentially into the vagina. Steam definitionally, in a normal room, must be 100° C; getting steam on you is like having boiling water spilled on you. Vagina steaming can cause steam burns. [26] [24] [54]

Steam, just like boiling water, can cause burns; in fact, steam burns are far worse than burns from boiling water. [72] [73] This compounds the fact that the vagina is especially sensitive and not especially resilient. [24] Burning oneself is always lovely; scalding one's genitals is slightly more so.

Many practitioners of vagina steaming recommend allowing the boiled water to cool first in order to attempt to avoid steam burns and lawsuits . [8] This helps prevent burns. It also happens to change the process from vaginal steaming to placing-one's-vagina-over-hot-water -ing. At that point, vagina steaming presumably has the same effects as using a warm compress on the region, but with more potential for infection and irritation.

Even if vagina steaming does not cause burns, it certainly has the potential to cause vaginal irritation. This may occur through adverse reactions to the plant(s) used (if any actually rise with the steam) or merely through the act of pushing heated water into the vagina and uterus. [22] While inflamed genitals may not seem so bad, if there is a precancerous condition in the vagina, then vaginal irritation may exacerbate the condition. [22] Chronic inflammation — by itself — is a known cause of several types of cancers. [74]

Scientific evidence does exist on vagina steaming and STDs.

Vagina steaming is used to "dry" the vagina by limiting vaginal secretions. After "drying" their vagina, women then have "dry sex"; supposedly, a drier vagina increases the sexual pleasure of the male. However, dry sex can be excruciating for the female and lead to tears on the vagina, which makes it easier to transfer STDs such as HIV/AIDS . [75] [76] [77]

As Tinde van Andel et. al. state: [76]

In many African cultures, plants and other intravaginal desiccants are used to minimise vaginal secretions. This practice, known as 'dry sex', creates a vagina that is dry, tight, and heated, which is supposed to generate an increased sensation for the man during intercourse. Although this is uncomfortable and painful , African women express the need to please their husbands with dry sex in order to keep them from leaving and to minimise the number of girlfriends (Baleta, 1998; Kun, 1998). Previous research has shown that dry sex damages the epithelium of the vagina and can lead to lacerations, inflammations, and the suppression of the vagina's natural bacteria, all of which increase the likelihood of infection with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV (Brown et al., 1993; Runganga and Kasule, 1995; Kun, 1998; McClelland et al., 2006). […] None of our respondents were aware that a dry, tight vagina is a risk factor for STDs. On the contrary, they were convinced that a regular cleansing of their intimate parts would protect them against such infections and ensured their partner's fidelity. The Maroon males we spoke to were all positive about genital baths. Their only concern was that some women used not only tightening herbs in the baths but also 'dangerous' plants in order to acquire magic power over them. […] Most Surinamese medical practitioners we interviewed knew of the dry-sex practices and were concerned about the possible relationship between these genital baths and the spread of STDs, HIV/AIDS, cervical carcinoma, and ectopic pregnancy in their country. […] Maroons of both sexes, who were interviewed by Terborg (2001), explained that vaginal dryness and tightness during intercourse was not only preferred, but without it sexual pleasure was not possible. When asked if dry sex caused contact bleeding and pain, the majority of respondents answered positively. Suriname is currently experiencing a serious AIDS epidemic, with HIV being prevalent in more than 1% of the adult population (UNAIDS/WHO, 2005). The vast majority of the HIV-positives are found among the Maroons (Terborg, 2001; Terborg et al., 2005). [....] As both men and women highly appreciate dry sex, education and awareness programmes should discuss the risks of genital steam baths and encourage safe methods, such as avoiding contact bleeding during intercourse by means of a ‘good warming up’ and promoting the use of condoms (Terborg, 2001).

In addition, any intravaginal practices have a risk of transferring STDs. [75]

Douching in general can cause complications during pregnancy, [26] [53] [52] and vagina steaming is comparable to douching . (Or, at least, if vagina steaming proponents want to argue that it's effective, then they must argue that it's similar to douching — or else it does almost nothing, and isn't worth the time.)

Most practitioners of vagina steaming warn against vaginally steaming while pregnant. [17] [55]

Spas that offer vagina steaming services tend to have prices that range from about $20 [78] to about $100. [63] Considering that this service is the equivalent of (1) boiling water and (2) letting somebody sit over it for a little while, this is a pretty nice way (1) for spas to make money and (2) for customers to lose it.

Unfortunately, no available studies have scientifically tested the efficacy of vagina steaming.

The closest approaches to such a study are self-reported surveys. Unfortunately, such studies are inherently unreliable. Furthermore, women report both positive and negative effects from vagina steaming.

As such, it is impossible to say that true empirical scientific evidence on the medical impacts of vagina steaming exists.

Prevalence and self-reported health consequences of vaginal practices in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: findings from a household survey [81]
This article contains a wealth of self-reported information about vagina steaming. [note 11] For our purposes, a few statistics stick out: Of those who currently practice vagina steaming, 9.4% report increased cleanliness, 64.0% report odor reduction, and 2.5% report relief of symptoms. Of those who have ever practiced, 7.3% reported genital irritation and/or pain, 1.5% reported genital itching, 0.2% reported genital bleeding or sores, and 0.9% reported Dyspareunia . It should be noted that this study is entirely self-reported, and thus does not avoid any potential (positive or negative) incorrect self-diagnosis.

Study Effect of Satureja bachtiarica Alcoholic Extract on Some Components of Complement System and IgM in Rat Serum [82]
This article, while describing some of the known qualities of Satureja bachtiarica , states:

[M]assaging vertebral column with plant creams containing extract of this plant ( Satureja bachtiarica ) accompanied by foot baths and vagina steaming is very effective to reduce orgasmic dysfunction in women (Lewis and Elvin-Lemis, 1977).

This would seem to support claims that vagina steaming, when accompanied with a herbal massage, can increase sexual satisfaction.

For this claim, the article cites the book Medical Botany: Plants Affecting Man's Health (1977), however this species of Satureja is not actually mentioned in the book. [83] :331,390,510

As a final warning, one should note that this article's publisher is a bit sketchy. [84]

A multi-country study on gender, sexuality and vaginal practices: Implications for sexual health [75]
The WHO noted that:

The article also noted, in general, that some recent studies suggest that those who perform intravaginal practices (such as vagina steaming) and especially those who have "dry sex" (for which people vaginally steam) have higher rates of sexually transmitted infections and HIV .

Dry sex in Suriname [76]
This article mentions that vaginal steam baths, particularly steam baths that contain drying and tightening herbs are used to dry and contract the vagina in order to improve pleasure during sex. However, as the article notes, such a practice can harm the vagina and spread STDs .

The article provided insight into another reason (besides dry sex) that people vaginally steam:

Being clean is essential in the Afro-Surinamese culture and is reflected in its ethnobotany. Menstruating women and mothers in childbed are considered unclean (Price, 1993; Fleury, 1996). Vaginal baths are seen as a way to purify the female body and make it attractive again for the opposite sex (Fleury, 1996).

The articles also, interestingly, stated that vagina steaming after delivering a baby may be better than no treatment at all:

These baths also caused the uterus to return to its former shape and prevented childbed fever and a sagging waist. If a woman refrained from cleansing her uterus after childbirth, she ran the risk of contracting ‘cold in the belly’. According to our respondents, this dangerous illness, caused by ‘dirty blood’ left in the uterus after delivery, could lead to severe abdominal pains, fever, and ultimately death. This description suggests serious uterine infections and puerperal fever. […] Given the popularity of dry sex, its important role in AfroSurinamese culture, and the limited understanding of infective mechanisms in Maroon society, a general prohibition of genital steam baths in Suriname is no option. Moreover, prohibiting traditional midwife practices could have negative effects on women’s health, especially in remote areas where health centres are poorly staffed and equipped (Terborg, 2001; Ticktin and Dalle, 2005). […] Our results show that genital steam baths are frequently used to facilitate the removal of placental remains after birth, miscarriage or abortion. In the major Maroon settlements, where 58% of the deliveries take place without an officially trained birth attendant (United Nations Population Fund, 2007), knowledge of medicinal plants that contract the uterus and prevent puerperal fever can save lives. Cleaning out the uterus after a miscarriage by means of steam and herbs is preferable to receiving no treatment at all.

That said, the article isn't an empirical study and doesn't jibe with the idea that it's hard to get steam into the uterus .

Interventions to improve vaginal health for reducing the risk of HIV acquisition [85]
This article explores HIV-avoiding techniques for females and mentions vagina steaming. Unfortunately, any interesting relevant information is not in the abstract.

Prevalence, Motivations, and Adverse Effects of Vaginal Practices in Africa and Asia: Findings from a Multicountry Household Survey [86]
This article surveys numerous women across a large area in order to attempt to determine how many and why women perform vaginal practices, as well as if they have any adverse impacts. Vaginal practices in Africa were often explicitly linked to increasing sexual pleasure and maintaining partner commitment, while vaginal practices in Asia were more often linked to maintaining femininity and health. The article also notes that very limited evidence of the biomedical consequences of most vaginal practices exists.

Why is vagina steaming a thing? Blame celebrities and clickbait .

In the West, vagina steaming was not popular until the late 2000s. However, it had a following in the alternative medicine community, especially "traditional" Korean and Mesoamerican practitioners, who offered vaginal steam baths (then often called chai-yok or bajos ). These spas played up vagina steaming as an ancient and exotic practice and customers trickled in. Eventually, nontraditional spas began offering vagina steaming (likely because boiling water and letting customers pay to sit over it is lucrative).

Vagina steaming hit the limelight in December 2010, when Niki Han Schwarz (owner of a traditional Korean spa) persuaded journalists to boost her fame report on her claim that vagina steaming helped her become fertile . [27] [69] [87] This started a (short-lived) period where journalists (usually female) got vaginally steamed and wrote about the experience. In turn, this briefly increased vagina steaming's broader popularity.

After the hubbub died, vagina steaming quietly established a growing niche in spas, especially alternative-medicine spas. [88] [26]

In 2013, twin actresses Tia and Tamera Mowry got vaginally steamed [26] [29] and claimed it reduces menstrual cramps , prevents yeast infections , and treats infertility . [89] [90] This again sparked a burst of popularity. This time, vagina steaming was more widespread, allowing more people to actually do it — and write about it. As a result, vagina steaming's broader popularity continued to exist (at low levels) until 2015. [88]

In January 2015, Gwyneth Paltrow (a fashion guru and alternative medicine promoter) got a vaginal steam bath and preached its virtues (see quote). [26] [91] Gwyneth defended vagina steaming against the torrent of Internet ridicule by arguing that vagina steaming " is a thousands-of-years-old practice in Korean spas ". [93] Eight months later, Paltrow changed her story and claimed that the piece on vagina steaming "actually came from her editorial director, Elise Loehnen". [94] Right.

On the greatest scale yet, another phase of journalists got steamed and wrote about it. Vagina steaming underwent a large, apparently permanent jump in popularity, [26] maintaining almost Paltrow-era popularity 15 months later. [88]

Against allopathy Alternative medicine

—Roxanna Asgarian, proving Saunders right [80]

Vaginal Steaming : Use, Safety, Benefits, and More
Vagina steaming - RationalWiki
Vagina steaming : Benefits, risks, and why you shouldn't do it | Metro News
Vaginal Steaming – Why You Shouldn’t Steam Your Vagina
Vaginal Steaming : Does It Work For Cramps, Fertility & Healing?
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We hope to one day live in a world where we don’t have to say this: please don’t steam your vagina.
Vagina steaming is not a new concept by any stretch of the imagination.
It’s been around for yonks in holistic health circles who believe they have to ‘cleanse’ the ‘yoni’ by shoving hot air up there, but has been massively popularised thanks to celebs praising its claimed benefits.
Gwyneth Paltrow mentioned vaginal steaming on Goop (home of other brilliant advice such as using a spray to get rid of vampires and walking around barefoot to treat depression ) and Chrissy Teigen shared a photo of herself squatting over a special steaming stool.
Have a quick Google and you’ll find endless articles about vaginal steaming, varying in accuracy, and if you take a browse through Etsy you’ll find products expressly for the purposes of shooting steam up your nether regions, from herbal infusions for the water to special ‘spa’ towels with vulva shaped holes.
Pretty self-explanatory, but vaginal steaming involves steaming your vagina the same sort of way you’d steam your face when you’re bunged up.
You have a bowl of steaming hot water and you sit over it so the steam is pointed directly towards your genitals.
Does that sound like a bad idea? It is! We’ll explain why in a bit.
Fans of the treatment claim that vaginal steaming ‘cleanses the uterus’ (the steam would have a hard time getting in there), detoxes the vagina, rebalances hormones, tightens the vagina, reduces cramps, and even provides people with more energy.
All evidence points to these claimed benefits being total nonsense.
And not only is there no scientific backing to suggest that vaginal steaming is beneficial in any way, but aiming steam at your vulva can be harmful… and yet people are still doing it.
This week a case was reported in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada which detailed a woman who was left with severe second-degree burns on her genitals thanks to vaginal steaming.
The journal reports that the 62-year-old woman was seeing a traditional Chinese doctor, who advised her to try steaming at home by mixing a herbal medicine with a pan of boiling water and then sitting over it for 20 minutes.
She decided to give the treatment a go as she was suffering from a vaginal prolapse and believed that steaming could be a way to avoid surgery.
After trying it out for a second time and feeling quite uncomfortable, the woman went to doctors for a second opinion. They found that she had second-degree burns. The woman still had to have surgery to treat her vaginal prolapse, but had to wait for the burns to heal first.
Evidently – despite all the articles and experts saying that vaginal steaming is not a wise idea – people are still going ahead and trying to treat their vagina with steam.
Clearly we need a reminder of why you definitely shouldn’t do such a thing. Let’s have at it.
First off, let’s get rid of the idea that steaming is an effective way to ‘clean’ the vagina.
The vagina (the internal bits of the genitals, that you can’t see) does not need to be cleaned. It’s a magical part of the body that takes care of itself, maintaining its perfect pH balance to keep good bacteria there and kick bad stuff out. The vagina is perfectly capable of looking after itself, and anything you do to attempt to clean it will end up disrupting that process and likely leave you with an infection.
‘It’s a myth that the vagina needs extensive cleaning as it is designed to clean itself with natural secretions,’ Dr Vanessa Mackay, spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, tells
‘The vagina contains good bacteria, which are there to protect it. If these bacteria are disturbed it can lead to infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or thrush, and inflammation.
‘Steaming the vagina could affect this healthy balance of bacteria and pH levels and cause irritation, infection (such as bacterial vaginosis or thrush) and inflammation.’
Water of any sort shouldn’t go into the vagina as alongside disrupting the vagina’s healthy bacteria, it also wrecks the vagina’s natural lubrication.
If you’ve ever attempted to have sex in a pool or shower, you’ll know that water definitely doesn’t make your vagina wetter. Instead it dries it out, leaving the vagina more at risk of cuts, irritation, and discomfort.
Even steam produced from plain old water would disrupt the vagina’s delicate ecosystem, but most steams will incorporate some sort of herbal remedy – which can cause even greater irritation.
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We repeat: the vagina does not need to be cleaned internally, ever. If you’re wondering how to clean your genitals, it’s very simple. Use warm water only on the outside bits, the vulva. That’s it.
So even lukewarm water used internally would be bad for the vagina. If you then heat it up to the point of steam, you’re facing even more risks.
You could get severely burned, as demonstrated by the woman we mentioned above. That would cause a lot of pain and discomfort and require an embarrassing trip to the doctor.
Heating the vagina isn’t a good plan because it really should be kept at its normal, happy temperature of 37C. If you warm up your vagina you’re making it a lovely hotbed for bad bacteria, causing yeast infections. The heat will also make your vagina itch.
So that’s all the bad stuff that vaginal steaming will bring… what about the good stuff?
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While sitting down for 20 minutes and doing nothing could reduce stress, the actual steaming of the vagina has no scientifically proven benefits.
The vagina doesn’t need to be ‘detoxed’ – as we mentioned, it looks after itself – but steam of any sort wouldn’t do anything to rid you of ‘toxins’.
Steam up the vagina cannot alter your hormones. It could perhaps temporarily reduce cramps in the same way a hot water bottle on your tummy does – warmth relaxes the muscles – but it will not provide a radical change. Steaming definitely cannot treat a prolapse, which requires surgery. Hot water or steam will do nothing to tighten the vagina. The warmth will probably make you sleep, rather than providing you with energy.
If you’re experiencing an issue with your vagina, whether that’s discomfort or worries about how it feels, looks, smells, tastes, don’t faff around with steam and herbal treatments you found online. Go to your GP or a gynaecologist and get checked over.
Attempting a vaginal steam will do you no good, it could do you harm, and it could cover up a problem that has a far simpler explanation than your vagina needing some herbs.

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