Vagina Self Cleaning

Vagina Self Cleaning


Vagina Self Cleaning
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How To Wash Your Vagina: The Do’s and Don'ts of Cleaning Yourself



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If you have a vagina, you’ve probably learned from a young age that you need to keep yourself clean. A clean vagina is a happy vagina, after all! 
But you’ve probably also heard some advice about cleanliness that maybe isn't the best. Because of the obsession with being perceived as nice and clean, some advice goes way overboard, which can result in damage, discomfort, and disruption to your vagina. 
In reality, your vagina is self-cleaning. Your body has evolved perfectly to keep things running smoothly down there - vaginas are actually “self-cleaning.” 
Vaginas, as discussed already, have a balance of bacteria (sometimes referred to as “vaginal flora”) existing inside the acidic ecosystem. While bacteria might sound bad, these are “good” bacteria, which exist to keep you healthy and running! 
The vagina cleans itself regularly, getting rid of anything that shouldn’t be there in the form of vaginal discharge. Of course, if you notice anything is amiss with your discharge or your comfort level down there, check with your doctor to make sure everything is in balance. 
Meanwhile, while it is not suggested that you do not wash your vagina, lightly and gently washing the vulva is okay, as long as you are being safe. Because this is still a delicate area, use washes and materials formulated strictly for this area; intimate washes developed for safe use around the vulvar region will keep you feeling fresh without putting your vaginal balance at risk. 
After your daily water wash, sticking purely to the exterior vulva region, pat dry with a clean cloth and moisturize with a vagina-safe moisturizer. These products will be specifically marked as being non-disruptive for your sensitive areas. 
Using a moisturizing, protective, revitalizing cream like REJUVENATE is a safe bet for keeping yourself clean and soft post-shower. Just a pea-sized amount of cream brings with it hydration, protection, plumping and tightening effect to the vulva and pubic skin. This keeps you feeling fresh, safe, and clean, without the need for any harsher washes that can be rough on your skin.
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Your Vagina Is Self-Cleaning, But Your Vulva Is Not
Did you know your vagina cleans itself? Yes, your vagina is a self-cleaning canal. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take baths; let’s not get extreme. Your vulva isn’t as independent as your vagina. It needs to be washed. 
Can you name and identify your lady parts? If not, that’s totally fine. No shaming here, but it would be helpful to learn them before moving on. 
Your vulva describes the outer part of your genitalia. It covers all of the structures, from your labia to your vaginal opening. 
While your vagina is internal, it’s the tube that leads from the external genitalia or vulva to the cervix of the uterus.  
The labia are the inner and outer folds of your vulva, located at either side of the vagina. The inner folds are called the labia minora, and the outer folds are called the labia majora. They are there to protect the opening of the urethra and the vagina. 
Now that we have gotten that out of the way, back to the point, your vagina naturally cleans itself, but your vulva does not. However, natural soaps or cleansers should be used to clean the vulva and labia. Soap should not go inside the vagina. This could cause irritation and set-up of infection. Uncleaned vulvas can also cause infection and odor.
Tips for vulva and vagina cleaning and maintenance:
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Amy works with parents and caregivers to transform anger, cultivate mutually respectful relationships, and explore present-moment awareness.
Most men and women would agree that the vagina is a wonderful part of the female anatomy. Sadly, however, it is often misunderstood.
This beautiful orifice welcomes not only the complementary male organ of pleasure and procreation, but also the resulting new life that comes through it from the womb above. The beauty of the vagina also includes self-cleansing and cyclic properties that are commonly referred to on the surface as "vaginal discharge."
Not only is the term "discharge" viewed negatively enough to warrant the production of fragrant pantyliners to "catch" the offending liquid, it is also a misinformed determination of what happens in and through the vagina. Time for a bit of education, or re-education, for the masses.
There is a great focus on body fluids containing potentially harmful bacteria or viruses and this is certainly true at times. Blood, semen, vaginal fluid, sweat, and tears have been given almost a 'bad name' because of this. In actuality, they all have a supreme purpose that is more prevalent than any negative association society has attached to them. Some people have a negative view of the vagina and what it produces for just these reasons!
However, the vagina itself is a host of extremely important fluids. This article is written to banish any idea that the vagina is anything less than sacred and pure, once you understand the way it works. And believe me, you will benefit from knowing just how it works.
vagina is a naturally self-functioning body part that goes
through delicate and sometimes not-so-delicate evolution month after
month. A portion of that includes the self-cleansing and cyclic normalcies noted through the
secretion of vaginal and cervical fluids. The fluid found in and
leaving the vagina is part of its comprehensive life-giving structure.

The flow, consistency, color, scent, and purpose of the liquid changes throughout the monthly cycle of life, as does the vagina's tenacity for sex. Knowing what happens when allows you, man or woman, to make the most of the time and circumstances that you have.
As a woman's
ova begin to ripen in preparation for popping out of her ovary, her womb, cervix, and
of course vagina all have their accompanying role. In the Universal
magic of procreation, the womb prepares a bed for the fertilized ovum
as it lines itself with blood rich tissue. The cervical opening of the
womb begins to widen and actually point itself in a favorable angle to
receive the blessed sperm. Equally important, the production of a slippery fluid begins.
When looked at under a microscope, the cervical fluid actually has dimensions of direction that allow the sperm to swim quickly to their destination. There is no doubt that a specific goal is in mind and that a woman's vagina is well positioned and lubricated for one reason: to assist the achieving of the goal.
During this phase a woman's vagina may produce various amounts of this fluid as it makes its way down and out in hopes of a further union with that of the opposite sex (or just plain slippery sex.) As shown in the photo, when placed between the fingertips the cervical fluid stretches and has a consistency much like an egg white.
Natural family planning methods such as the Creighton Model System (which I successfully used for 15 months) are based on this information. It ought to be taught to every person having sex on the planet for the purposes of not only planning, but enjoyment as well.
As the ovum makes its way along the fallopian tube into the uterus and disintegrates from lack of union with the perfect sperm (assuming it didn't take this time), the cervical fluid reduces. The vagina returns to its non-ripened phase of self-cleansing with a healthy bacteria rich creamy fluid that is sometimes white or light yellowish tinted. The smell may be slightly sweet, vinegary, or even take on aspects of a food she ate since it is coming from her body.
Of course when the time comes, the lining of the uterus will begin its cleansing process as it removes and exits the cervical opening and down the vagina as well. This is the time where women may experience cramps and call it "the flow." The menstrual cycle is in full force. The release of fluid now can vary in color and odor anywhere from metallic to fresh blood, red, orange, or brown—or a color in between.
Abnormalities of the cycle and its properties manifest as pain, foul odor, and very heavy flow. Sexually transmitted diseases can also affect the female anatomy and its healthy functioning. Contact your health care provider if you are in question.
The vagina takes care of itself when left alone. Not that type of alone—I am talking about douches, fragrances and other "stuff" that is used to mask, spruce up, or otherwise change the natural state of the vagina. It is a myth that women need any products to take care of their sacred love area, and in truth, they can upset the delicate natural balance that exists. Self respect and confidence are all you need.
If you find yourself feeling shame, guilt, or inhibition around sex or your body, seek assistance from someone who can help you in move through those feelings so you can appreciate yourself, sexuality included. You deserve to love yourself and your experience in this body completely!
The important point to remember is that these cyclic properties all have their purpose, and they are what brought you here. Whether you are thankful for your life or not, you may choose to simply be grateful for the female vagina's process and notice where you have misinformed biases against it. Liberate yourself and the women in your life from these biases, and be grateful for this beautiful part of the female anatomy.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.
RainbowRecognizer (author) from Midwest on March 07, 2013:
Thank you for your input, Secretmemoir! Probiotics are very helpful, too.
RainbowRecognizer (author) from Midwest on March 07, 2013:
Sorry, I missed your response, Memilna. Yes, these are the natural cleansing properties of the female anatomy.
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