Vagina Musculi

Vagina Musculi


Vagina Musculi




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Catriona Harvey-Jenner
Digital Features Editor
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Vaginismus is a medical condition that affects more women than you'd think.
Sex can be a daunting enough experience as it is, without vaginismus getting in the way. Vaginismus is the medical condition that causes vaginal muscle spasms whenever penetration is attempted, or a tampon is inserted. These vaginal spasms can make sex impossible.
One brave sufferer, an an anonymous 23-year-old Reddit user known only as her account name, ' Heatherroneous ' took to the forum site to explain a little more about the condition .
The thread author describes how the spasms she endures "basically close the vaginal opening, and pushing against this closure causes lots of sharp pain. Some couples also describe a feeling like 'hitting a wall' – this is because the vagina becomes an impenetrable fortress when it's in spasm," she adds.
"All throughout adolescence, I was unable to use tampons due to pain. It was mildly annoying, but I didn't think much of it," she recalls. But it was only when she left school and met the man that would go on to become her husband that she noticed something unusual.
"We tried to have sex when we were dating, and disaster struck," she said. "It was very painful, he couldn't get past the ring of PC [pubococcygeus] muscles, and after trying everything we could think of, we just gave up."
The couple got around the issue by simply doing "other things" while trying not to think too much about the problem. However, at Heatherroneous' first gynecological exam, she experienced what she describes as a "traumatising experience" when her doctor tried to insert the speculum.
"I screamed in pain the entire time," she said, adding: "It was around then that we decided we really needed to look into this."
The writer and her husband went on to get married, "knowing we would not be able to consummate our relationship," and after a while and a whole lot of Googling, she ended up self-diagnosed herself with vagismus.
As part of her steps towards recovery, Heatherroneous went to see a sex therapist, which frequently proves useful given the fact that the condition tends to be tied up in psychological angst.
She was also given a recovery kit, which consists of a dilator to help sufferers slowly build up to allowing something to enter their vagina.
"Recovery was a bumpy road," says Heatherroneous, "but this last March we were finally able to have sex for the first time! Our fourth wedding anniversary was last August. The time elapsed between the purchase of the kit and our first shag was about three years."
Sounds like a success story to me, spasming vagina muscles and all.
It's often caused by psychological issues. "Causes of vaginismus are multiple and can include sexual abuse, fear of pregnancy, fear of being 'hurt'," explains Dr Alpert.
But it can be caused by physical issues, too. "Relationship problems or damage caused during child birth can also be a cause," the expert explains.
It's not just related to sex. "Vaginismus can be spasming at the penetration of anything at all including tampons. Sometimes penetration is impossible and in milder cases it can be very painful," says Sarah.
It can be overcome. "Vaginismus has one of the best success rates of all the conditions. Treatment can be offered from a psychosexual therapist using a combination of therapies including, CBP, Psychoanalysis-relaxation exercises, Pelvic floor/kegal programmes."
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Vagismus: when vaginal muscles spasm and you can't have sex
linea arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis — с английского на все языки
Vagina Real Female Anatomy Gynecology Visual.. — Видео | ВКонтакте
Arcuate line of rectus sheath — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2

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linea arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis

transverse section of muscles recti abdominis abdominal muscles , transverse section of muscles recti strainght abdominal muscles
Linea f semicircularis [ Douglasi ], Linea f arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis
Lamina f posterior vaginae musculi recti abdominis
sheath of the rectus abdominis [ muscle ]
Vagina f musculi recti abdominis , Rektusscheide f
transverse section of muscles recti abdominis abdominal muscles , transverse section of muscles recti strainght abdominal muscles
Linea f poplitea ( musculi solei )
Linea f poplitea ( musculi solei )
Linea f poplitea ( musculi solei )

vəˈdʒaɪni: pl от vagina
vaginae pl от vagina
■ Bauchmuskel , der die Lenden - und Brustwirbelsäule beugt .
■ An abdominal muscle whose action diminishes the capacity of the abdomen and draws the chest down .
■ Bauchmuskel , der die Lenden - und Brustwirbelsäule beugt .
■ An abdominal muscle whose action diminishes the capacity of the abdomen and draws the chest down .
■ Gerader Muskel der vorderen Bauchwand , der die Rippen senkt , den Rumpf vorwärts bewegt und das Becken hebt .
■ A muscle whose action flexes the vertebral column and draws the chest downward .
■ Gerader Muskel der vorderen Bauchwand , der die Rippen senkt , den Rumpf vorwärts bewegt und das Becken hebt .
■ A muscle whose action flexes the vertebral column and draws the chest downward .
◊ leer entre líneas to read between the lines
a ) ( gama , colección ) line , range ;
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transverse section of muscles recti abdominis abdominal muscles

semicircular line ( of Douglas )

posterior sheet of the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle

sheath of the rectus abdominis ( muscle )

transverse section of muscles recti strainght abdominal muscles

Musculus obliquus externus abdominis

linea arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis — [ TA ] arcuate line of sheath of rectus abdominis muscle: a crescentic line marking the termination of the posterior layer of the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle , just inferior to the level of the iliac crest ; called also semicircular line of …   Medical dictionary
linea — SYN: line . [ L .] l . alba [ TA ] a fibrous band running vertically the entire length of the midline of the anterior abdominal wall , receiving the attachments of the oblique and transverse abdominal …   Medical dictionary
arcuate line of sheath of rectus abdominis muscle — linea arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis …   Medical dictionary
line of Douglas — linea arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis …   Medical dictionary
semicircular line of Douglas — linea arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis …   Medical dictionary
Arcuate line of rectus sheath — Linea semicircularis redirects here . It is not to be confused with Linea semilunaris . Arcuate line of rectus sheath The interfoveolar ligament , seen from in front . ( Linea semicircularis labeled at center top .) Latin …   Wikipedia
line — 1 . A mark , strip , or streak . In anatomy , a long , narrow mark , strip , or streak distinguished from the adjacent tissues by color , texture , or elevation . SEE ALSO: linea . 2 . A unit of …   Medical dictionary
Arcuate line ( anterior abdominal wall ) — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = linea arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis GraySubject = 118 GrayPage = 416 Caption = The interfoveolar ligament , seen from in front . ( Linea semicircularis labeled at center top .) Caption2 = System =… …   Wikipedia
Douglas septum etc . — Doug · las septum , etc . ( dugґləs ) [ James Douglas , Scottish anatomist in London , 1675â €“ 1742 ] see under septum , and see excavatio rectouterina , plica rectouterina , and linea arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis …   Medical dictionary
Douglas fold — 1 . plica rectouterina . 2 . linea arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis …   Medical dictionary
КРОВЕНОСНЫЕ СОСУДЫ — КРОВЕНОСНЫЕ СОСУДЫ . Содержание: I . Эмбриология ................. 389 П . Общий анатомический очерк ......... 397 Артериальная система ........... 397 Венозная система ...... ....... 406 Таблица артерий ............. 411 Таблица вен ................… …   Большая медицинская энциклопедия

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