Vagina Dark

Vagina Dark


Vagina Dark

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5 Reasons Why Your Vaginal Area Is Darkening & What To Do About It

5 Reasons Why Your Vaginal Area Is Darkening & What To Do About It

by Shilpa Dubey
| Dec 10, 2020, 11:58 IST

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Darkening of the vaginal area is a common experience for women. However, it is the lack of proper knowledge which makes them panic when they observe it. It is this hush-hush factor that has always kept women’s sexual health under wraps. The darkening of this area is an essential aspect of women’s health and well-being. Although the intimate parts are a little darker than the rest of the body, but if you have recently noticed that your vaginal area has darkened further, then take note.
The first and most common reason is friction. It can be caused due to wearing tight underwear or clothing that doesn’t fit properly, and there is a lack of proper ventilation in the area. It can also happen as a result of everyday activities like walking, exercise, sex etc. Besides, rubbing the area too much can also lead to darkening.
Yes, your hormones can play a vital part in this. It happens as a result of the hormonal changes that take place. As per the view of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, during puberty, there might be a sudden rise in the oestrogen levels might lead to the darkening of the intimate area. In your late 30s and 40s, there might be the same effect owing to the low oestrogen levels as you near towards menopause.
The vagina is the most sensitive part of the body, and women are prone to vaginal infections from time to time. Certain conditions affect the area around the vulva, which might lead to dark patches around the area.
Well, as you age, it isn’t only in terms of elasticity and texture that your vagina undergoes changes, but there might be colour changes as well. Not only the vagina, but other body parts can also darken with age. It might not be the case always, but this factor should not be ignored.
In the present times, we find that many women are affected by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). It is a condition when small cysts are found to develop in the ovaries, and this creates a havoc of the hormones inside your body. PCOS leads to an excess of male hormones (androgen) in the body, and this might lead to the darkening of your private parts.
To restrict the darkening of your intimate parts, you need to know how to best care for them.
Choose products enriched with natural ingredients such as sandalwood and turmeric that are known to help exfoliate the intimate area and lighten it in the process. Such ingredients help bleach the skin of the private parts naturally, without exposing it to potent bleaching agents, chemicals, metals and added synthetics.
Trusted natural ingredients keep the pH levels of vaginal areas intact while giving the sensitive skin lightening, brightening and antiseptic benefits. They even help to remove dead epithelial cells, and dark and stubborn patches.
Make sure to only choose products that do not contain any preservatives or chemicals. In case you notice additional symptoms apart from vaginal darkening, do not forget to consult your doctor for the best advice!
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By BS43026 | 77 posts, last post over a year ago

Christopher Pavlinec, MD
answered this
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I noticed recently that my labia seem to be darker. They used to be a medium-to-dark pink and now they seem to be almost a dark, brownish-pink. I was wondering what's wrong or is this normal? I have been having sexual contact.. could this have anything to do with the change in color?

Have you started taking any forms of contraceptives lately like birth control pills or patches? It may happen that the genital skin changes the color due to hormonal changes or maybe even chronic irritation. Do you have any other symptoms like scratching for example? Do you have problems during sex? Labia could also thicken due to hormonal changes.

Have you started using any new products for maintaining hygiene down there? This is usually connected with itching, irritation and burning but still it could be irritating your skin.

Have you noticed any other changes around the area? It could be nothing special but if you start to have troubles or the color changes again or if you start developing lesions or anything similar, the have it checked with the gynecologist.

If this is just a slight change in color, I don’t think it is a big deal but I am no doctor and can’t tell for sure.

Hi, I am having the same problem. Just recently I have noticed that my labia minora are much darker in color than they used to be. They used to be a dark pink, but are now a brownish-pink or almost purple. I'm not too sure what this could be due to. I don't look down there a lot, to be quite honest, but I did start taking Ortho TriCyclen Lo last year, so maybe this could have something to do with it? I also have had sexual contact. I have had no burning, or itching. They just seem to be a different color. I don't know whether I should be worried or not. What does anybody think?

In reply to Molly453523 on 2006-03-06 - click to read

I don’t know how old you are and how often you look down there but the changes you have experienced are quite normal. It happens during puberty when there is an increase in sexual hormones and when tissue in vulva starts to change and your breasts to develop. By increase in the hormonal levels, the organs in the vulva may grow and become larger and even change in color. It doesn’t happen only to labia but to clitoris, hymen, and the hood as well. Considering that this is when hairs also start to grow, no wonder you didn’t notice the changes when they occurred. So, it has nothing to do with having sex but it could have something to do with starting bc pills considering we get more sexual hormones but I can’t say with certainty. Even if it were possible, it wouldn’t indicate anything abnormal. There is no way we can change the color.

just to let you know I wondered the same thing. I went to the OBGYN yesterday for the 1st time and asked her about that. She said that was very normal...not to worry. It is not just you! God made us beautiful!

In reply to BS43026 on 2006-02-28 - click to read

Iam a i5 year old girl who has the same problem except that i have more syptoms andi am not sexually active. some of my symptoms include itchiness,darkness in the color of the labia minora and slight burning. Please HELP!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Sometimes this happens to me. I found out the labia are just drier than usual and I use moisturizing cream - that usually helps. Be careful that the moisturizer is not too harsh or does not contain steroids (hydrocortisone etc.) though. This may not work with you but its worth a try ;-)

hello 17years old and my labia minora is also dark it freaked me out the first time i discovered this so i decided to do some research i found this site n i must say its very comforting knowing that im not alone...but i do have little bumps on the inside of my labia but i have no pain itchyness or anything but it sometimes has an bad that normal also?

Im 41 and my labia has just changed colour, from pink to pink brown.
fresh yoghurt for itchy vaginas, wear a pad. otherwise chemist antifungal (thrush)creams or tablets.(clonidine)

In class we learned that the color of the labia can change during a woman's cycle and during arousal (changes in hormones). So completely normal. I just freaked out for a moment too looking at myself in the mirror after showering but yea, it's natural.

i am 17 and just recently my friends were talking about clitoris and labia and everything that got to do with girls private part. So out of curiosity i took my mirror and look at mine. I realize that one side of my labia minora is dark in color where else the other side is still pink. Is it something wrong with me?

I am 36 with the same issue, my vagina is pretty bad, the labia is totally dark, I went like 4 yrs without a pap to avoid the doctor looking at my vagina, Its really depresing, my sex life is pretty much over for me unless it's in total darkness or me and the other person are drunk to make it easier, otherwise guys always ask why I only want to do it in the dark and what am I hiding, it's a turn off for men, I think I just have to accept its a reality. I was thinking of plastic surgery, maybe the dark skin can be removed and then it would look more normal because the inside is still pink so I have hope, I would rather have the skin removed and have a weird normal color looking vagina than a very dark normal vagina, trust me thats how desperate I am. :'(

im only 15 and not sexually active but my labia minora recently changed to a dark brown-ish color. My vagina also seems to be loosening and giving out an icky discharge. And my period is a week late. I don't know the cause for this but it's kind of freaking me out. Does anybody else have the same problem as me? :?

OK, having a similar yet completely opposite problem...

after having sex for the first time with my boyfriend of 8 months... about a week after I found my labia and just in general vulva area got quite a bit lighter and very dry. Also, I am off to see the doctor today, seeing as I seem to have managed to get a UTI (urinary tract infection)... could the loss of colour be related to pregnancy?

P.S it was both me and my boyfriends first time together... neither of us are believed to have STD's...


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