Vacuum cleaner or specialized industrial vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaner or specialized industrial vacuum cleaner

Thomas Marks

What is the difference between a construction vacuum cleaner and a domestic or specialized industrial vacuum cleaner? What tasks can be set for him? How to choose a suitable model? What are the nuances to pay attention to first of all? All those who decided to acquire a similar device ask themselves these questions. We hope that this article will help you make the right choice.

The progenitor of all vacuum cleaners was patented in 1860. He worked from manual furs, and his dust collector had, by today's standards, a very innovative design - it was a tank filled with water. At the turn of the century, specimens with a gasoline engine appeared, and a little later (1907) and an electric unit. Despite the imperfection, everyone liked the new miracle of technology; the potential for development was visible to the naked eye. Industrialists rubbed their hands. In 1912, the Swedes launched the serial production of "snorting machines", by the 20s the vacuum cleaner became similar to modern models - something like the good old Soviet "Rocket".

Now we can not imagine our life without vacuum cleaners that are used everywhere. They successfully fight with almost any kind of pollution, it is far from always dust. There are dozens of types of vacuum cleaners, thousands of models, both with a narrow specialization and a more universal orientation. Household, industrial, explosion-proof, low-voltage, pneumatic, gasoline, stationary, backpack, hip, battery, robotic, washing, steaming, automobile, garden you can list for a long time.

We are more interested in construction and industrial vacuum cleaners that help craftsmen while working with hand tools, on machines, and simply for cleaning the territory. The fact is that making the right choice of an expensive device like best garage vacuum wall mounted is quite difficult manufacturers are constantly coming up with something new, forcing us to delve into all the subtleties. Nothing, we can handle it.

What can a construction vacuum cleaner do?

The builders of the European-style renovators have seen from their own experience that the object must be delivered after the general cleaning, otherwise do not wait for “mercy” from the customer. Some of them prefer to keep the workplace clean “in the process”. This habit has a very positive effect on both the health of the craftsmen and productivity. In addition, most types of construction and finishing operations are supposed to be done only after thorough preparation of the base it must be spotlessly clean. This is where industrial vacuum cleaners come to the rescue, whose direct responsibility is the quick and safe cleaning of construction waste. Decommissioned from home service household appliances in difficult conditions die instantly, and for a short time their use is of little use. By the way, successful Cases of artisanal manufacturing of a construction vacuum cleaner based on a motor from Rocket using an automobile (Muscovite) air filter are known.

Wood and metal shavings, glass fragments, remnants of dry mixes, sand, powder abrasives, oils, water, liquid mud, small bolts nuts screws there’s more than enough of this stuff on the construction site, it’s too hard for a building vacuum cleaner. Some "strong men" are able to remove even pieces of broken down plaster or not very large crushed stone. There are vacuum cleaners with which you can collect water, for example, you need to drain the bottom of the pool bowl for work, which is flooded with rain. An electric tool, in turn, generates a huge amount of harmful fine dust, which is best removed immediately. All sorts of grinders, hole punchers, perforators, grinders make a special contribution to this matter To neutralize these hazards, you will need devices with fine multi-stage air purification.

So, if you decide to get an industrial vacuum cleaner, you should first determine the nature of the pollution, and on the basis of this, start the selection according to other parameters. The greater the degree of omnivorousness of the unit, the less likely it will be that the vacuum cleaner will not cope with the task.

Construction vacuum cleaner motor

The heart of a vacuum cleaner is a motor. The performance of the unit as a whole directly depends on its power. If 300 watts is enough for household models, then industrial vacuum cleaners can safely go beyond the 1.5 kW mark (Starmix GS 2078 PZ 2400 W). The more powerful the engine, the better the device sucks in debris, the longer it can work without turning off. Not surprisingly, some vacuum cleaners are equipped with a “soft start” system (Metabo SHR 2050 M). Makitovites proposed an interesting unit with two engines, each of which has a capacity of 1200 watts. Accordingly, the Makita 449 model impresses with its doubled productivity (air consumption 390 m 3 h, discharge 27 kPa) and omnivorous.

Vacuum cleaner performance indicators are the degree of vacuum (indicated in bars or pascals) and air capacity (liters per minute or cubic meters per hour). All other things being equal, the two compared models should definitely take a look at them. The motor of an industrial vacuum cleaner is usually designed for a voltage of 220 volts, but there are “serious” three-phase devices (Sibilia DS 1505) and 28-volt rechargeable “kids”.

An important parameter of the engine is its speed. The high speed of rotation of the turbine allows for better filtration; in some models it reaches 30,000 rpm. For vacuum cleaners designed to work with liquids, well-insulated engines with special air cooling are used, thanks to which moisture does not get into live parts.

Note that a high-quality motor for a construction vacuum cleaner lasts much longer than its graphite brushes. Therefore, in order to avoid shorting of the windings, they must be replaced in time. As a rule, the brush resource is limited to 1–1.5 thousand hours. The low noise level of a working industrial vacuum cleaner, of course, is a sign of the manufacturability and reliability of its power plant.

Vacuum cleaner selection by filtration principle

All vacuum cleaners work in the same way: the engine creates a vacuum, air, along with debris, is sucked into the tank, is cleaned through various filters and discharged to the outside. There are three main principles of filtering, and they all have their pros and cons.

• The first version of vacuum cleaners is those in which garbage and dust are collected by a filtration method in a special bag. Such a dust bag may be cloth or paper. The former are permanent, they only need to be torn out from time to time. They are suitable for collecting large particles, provide only coarse filtration, while very fine dust passes through them or even clogs. Replaceable bags are thrown away as they are filled, made of paper or non-woven composites. They are great for filtering fine dust with a size of about 0.3 microns, helping to remove even allergens and odors. But from particles with sharp edges (glass, metal shavings) such dust collectors quickly collapse.

• The second option is cyclone technology Here, the objects of filtration under the action of centrifugal force are collected in an integrated filter container. Such vacuum cleaners are good for collecting liquids or moistened litter.

• The third group vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter. In this case, the air, being sprayed, passes through a container with foamed water and leaves coarse dust there. Small is sent to a special separator, where it is captured. This technology is quite effective, as it allows the use of a multi-stage filtration system, with a minimum of consumables purchased. However, for the functioning of a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter, a large amount of clean water may be required, which is not always possible to provide in a building site.

It should be said that industrial vacuum cleaners do not exist without a filter at all. It is always necessary to carry out “biological” air purification. The fine filter is periodically clogged, as a result of which the performance drops significantly, an emergency stop has to be made. Manufacturers offer various solutions to this problem. The simplest is manual cleaning of the filter element with a special comb, and it does not need to be removed (RGS ONE22). Advanced models with the help of targeted pneumatic shock are able to give their filterman a “shake-up” (Karcher NT 35/1). The operator presses a button and a powerful air stream flows through the filter in the opposite direction. As a result, the suction power remains stable, the continuous operation time increases, maintenance becomes cheaper, the service life of the vacuum cleaner is extended. And do not disassemble anything!

Many models of construction vacuum cleaners combine various filtering methods. They can be simultaneously equipped with a container, bags, various filters (nylon for disposable dust collectors, corrugated for a container, polyurethane for removing liquids). The user can only choose the right kit for certain conditions. Using filters and dust collectors correctly is the only way to not go broke on expensive consumables.

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