Vacuum Latex

Vacuum Latex


Vacuum Latex



Product code: LX_VB02

Manufacturer: Bright&Shiny (Ukraine)

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Bonjour si je commande le sac pouvez vous ajouter une cagoule à visage ouvert pour que la tête soit recouverte sans le visage et peut ont mettre une valve unidirectionnelle dessus ?
Please add complete details about changes we need to make in notes to order while placing order on our website.
If i order the suit and a mask how will i get in If you glue the mask to the suit? Will there be any extra cost fir this?
If you want to order body bag with mask, we will need to add zipper to body bag for the entry.
Can a one way value be connected to the tube? And can the tube be shifted elsewhere so the person inside the sleep sack can stand up?
We do not have one way valves but we can make tube diameter you need for this, also we can place this tube in any place you want.
Hiya... quick question, can this be made with a penis hole? Like a vacbed.
Yes we can add penis ring or hole with trim.
This latex sack is very well designed and put together, great fun to be in and feels amazing when the air is sucked out and cannot move!
10/10 would recommend!
Thanks again Bright&Shiny. I ordered this amazing latex product for the third time and always in a different version. You have always fulfilled all my wishes regarding modifications to this latex bag. The quality of the design of this product is always at the highest level. This latex bag was a gift to my girlfriend and she was very satisfied, which best indicates that your products and services you provide are perfect.
Bonjour l`entrée du cou peut être faite sur mesure pour éviter les fuites ? Si oui comment faire merci.
Please send us email message or add note while submitting order.
Bonjour l`entrée du cou peut être faite sur mesure pour éviter les fuites ? Si oui comment faire merci.
Please add note to order or send us email for changes.
Bright&Shiny could you make this bag with a attached mask and only with a horizontal zipper at the front of the chest? We already have two of these amazing products from you and we would like to try another variant of this great latex body bag. Thank you for your reply.
Sure, please add comments to order about all changes, after reviewing your order we will send you correct invoice.

The vacuum valve at the bottom between the heels.
Can I play it alone that I can release seal by my self?
It is not recommended and it is a dangerous.

I ordered this amazing product for the second time. This time with a attached mask (with holes only for the nostrils), and the feeling when you are completely enclosed in latex and then the air is sucked out of this bag and you are totally trapped in this latex vacuum, is indescribably exciting. Thanks to Bright and Shiny for this product and for attaching the selected mask to this latex bag. The quality of products and services in this store is perfect and I am always 100% satisfied.
Great experience with this latex bag. Very well cut, a little silicone oil to put on and you feel comfortable inside. And when the vacuum comes on, what a feeling of being trapped, only able to undergo the touching of his partner. I definitely recommend it!
Bright&Shiny, could you produce this body bag with attached mask and two way, double sided back zipper with protection flap? I ordered your vacuum body bag and I was very satisfied. And now my girlfriend would like to try this one with attached mask.
Yes we can attach mask and make bodybag with back zipper also, please order bodybag plus mask and add note to order about this details.
The measures of my wife does not fall well with the measures of the table, make you tailor-made, thank you.
I had been looking around for a latex bag for a couple of hours, and this website caught my eyes. Not only it`s vacuumable, but there`s no fastener so no leakage.
I went ahead and ordered it in L/XL, being 1m88 it seemed surprisingly small, I was especially worried about the neck entry. Turns out it`s both stretchy enough and sufficiently reinforced to accommodate me.
I went ahead and chlorinated the inside yesterday with some bleach and white vinegar (no need to use HCl nor use a gas mask if you know what you`re doing). It`s fairly easy to just chlorinate the inside, that way you can keep the outside shiny. Chlorination will make the latex less transparent, and have a white/milky non-shiny thin layer; the chlorination process probably results in an crystalline structure (as opposed to the amorphous latex) so that would explain everything, but I`m not 100% sure.

What I`m absolutely certain is that the seams are top quality. Usually with poorly glued seams you`d end up ruining everything by undergoing chlorination. I`ve had that happen before, but there`s no sign of it so I`m extremely satisfied with that.

My only gripe is with the vacuuming hole, it can be a bit quirky to work with, but in the end it does its job.

All in all, I`m extremely satisfied, I don`t even regret not choosing made to measure since it fits surprisingly well (I might order one in the future). I seriously did not expect that high of a quality for such a low price tag. Then again, the vacuuming part could be better, and an option for inner sleeves would be nice, but I`m still satisfied as is.
I just wanna thanks the BrightAndShiny store for providing such awesome product. Very comfortable in the shoulders and vertical direction. Tight in the correct spots and getting better and better with each use. My only disappointment is related to the color, I asked for a claret sleep sack but the one arrived is much lighter than the pictures in the site, almost pink. I think that this is probably related to monitor colors and batch variation of the latex but still a disappointment =( anyway... I love the product and will certainly buy again from the store!!!
This bag far surpassed my expectations! The fit is amazingly snug without being overly tight and hugs the body in just the right places. Many bags exert too much shoulder pressure over time but this bag has the right balance between constriction and comfort. The quality of the construction is one of the best I’ve seen in any latex product (and I’ve amassed quite a collection from all the major international vendors). The only thing I can think to add would be to have the option of a one-way air valve (like the ones used in clothing vacuum bags). Overall, great quality at a great price - I definitely recommend it!
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Long black gloves made of molded latex
Latex mask with back zipper and contrasting eyes and mouth
Long black gloves made of molded latex
Latex mask with back zipper and contrasting eyes and mouth
Long black gloves made of molded latex

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Latex full body bag is glued of sheet latex and is absolutely vacuum. It has an aperture which makes it possible to create vacuum inside. There is also a glued tube made of latex that serves as a valve which can be connected to the vacuum cleaner. Through this latex tube air is pumped out of the body bag after that it is tied up and doesn’t let air pass inside.

The body bag is put on through gorge which easily stretches to necessary size. To put on the bag comfortably we recommend to lubricate the gorge with a dressing aid. Vacuum and pleasant feeling of latex fitting create exciting effect and strengthens seductive sense impression from partner’s touches.

In the picture:

- color T50 (translucent blue), thickness 0,40 mm.
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SeriousKit Vacuum Suits are designed to provide a unique experience – whole-body wet pulsating suction with pneumatic masturbation (when using an SPT). Once the suit is connected to the Milker air is quickly removed and the suit tightens and grips the occupant – this can be quite a surprise the first time! Adding lube to the suit during a session can further enhance the bizarre sensation, warmed or cool liquids can work particularly well. Liquid within the suit can be evacuated into the Milker when required. 
The hermetically sealed rubber suit has a comfortable airtight neck seal, an air tight access zip, a choice of hand pods or wrist seals, and foot pods. The suit is chlorinated and polished, this treatment makes the suit smooth (so easy to get in and out of) and makes it look great. Stainless steel ports allow the air tight entry of three vacuum hoses that quickly evacuate the suit once under suction from the Milker.
A laser cut SPT port is fitted to the font of the suit, allowing the use of any of our SPTs whilst maintaining an airtight seal. The suit comes with an electro-stimulation rubber masturbation bag which fits to the same port.
The vacuum suit is a loose fit garment that tightens to fit the body of each user. For studio users we provide a ‘one size fits all’ suit with hand and foot pods. For individual clients the suits are still loose fit but we ask for a few measurements that ensure we provide a suit of the right proportions. 
The suit comes with the option of either a front zip across the upper chest, or a zip across the top of the back. If you will always play solo then we recommend a front zip. If you will be using the suit with assistance then the back zip can add to the sense of ‘abandonment’ that many users derive from the suit. A back zip is possible for solo users but it is a little harder as pull cords are needed to open and close the zip.
Similarly the suit comes with a choice of either hand pods (pictured) or wrist seals. We recommend wrist seals for solo users – you will not be able to undo the zip with hand pods on!
 Our vacuum suits are all made to order so just email us if you are interested in purchasing. 
SeriousKit Vacuum Suits are highly customisable and designed on a case by case basis to fulfil the desires of each customer. We sell a range of extras so that we can ensure you get the suit you want. Timer control boxes, E-stim panels, anal access ports & probes. If you would like to customise a suit order, or if you have an existing SeriousKit Vacuum Suit that you would like to add to.... 
At SeriousKit we have developed a reputation for listening to our customers. You asked for the impossible and we made it happen!
Supplying innovative vacuum equipment and Milking Machines to professionals and private users worldwide.

Jade Squirt
Cum Kitten

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