Vacuum Bag Suffocation

Vacuum Bag Suffocation


Vacuum Bag Suffocation
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Plastic bag asphyxia results from decreased oxygen concentration in the available inspired air and physical obstruction of the mouth and nose (257). The latter mechanism arises when a plastic bag becomes electrically charged and adheres to the face, aided by
(A) Elderly woman. (B) Neck pallor created by condensation (242,257). Alternatively, the placement of the plastic bag on the face may stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in a terminal arrhythmia.
As a method of suicide, plastic bag suffocation is more common among the elderly (Fig. 51; refs. 307-309). This could be because of the availability and easy use of plastic bags (307,309). Death is relatively painless and would appeal to older and more debilitated individuals (307,309). Plastic bag asphyxia has been described in Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying, published by the Hemlock Society, a right-to-die group (56,307,309,310). In the year after its publication, the number of plastic bag asphyxial suicides in New York increased, but the overall suicide rate did not (310). Similarly, after the book had been translated into Danish, this method of suicide rose in that country (56). Three series of plastic bag suicides are summarized in Table 3.
Asphyxiating gases (propane, ether, helium) have been used, and the gas tank is usually situated beside the body (311-313). A modified bag has been described and was removed by the deceased's helpers in an attempt to mask the death as natural (312). A victim can be assisted by a helper who positions the plastic bag. If propane is used in conjunction with the plastic bag, a prominent odor caused by ethyl mercaptan, which is added to propane, may be detected (311,314). A 13-yr-old committed suicide using a bag containing aerosol deodorant (257).
The following scenarios have been described:
• Autoerotic asphyxia (see Subheading 2.7.1.).
• Drug misadventure—volatile inhalants (e.g., chloroform, propane [257,308,315,316]).
• Inhalation of volatile hydrocarbons (e.g., trichlorethane) or fluorocarbon propellants. If the bag does not cover the head, arrhythmia is the likely mechanism of death (315, 317,318).
• Children (e.g., plastic bag in crib [48,114,115,117]).
• Plastic sheet—institutional deaths (e.g., patient's face covered by plastic sheet placed for bed wetting [48]).
A death scene can be altered to make a suicide or homicide appear to be an accident (257). Description of Plastic Bag
In an Ontario series of suicides, the bag was secured in 95% of cases (Fig. 51; ref. 307). A rubber band was most commonly used to secure the bag (22%). A large, clear plastic bag covering the head and secured at the waist has been described (311). Eight cases (7%) studied in Ontario used more than one bag (up to three; see Fig. 51). About one-fourth made additional efforts to assist their deaths, e.g., obstructing the nose and mouth with a gag to ensure death, placing a mask over the nose and mouth to prevent the discomfort of the bag sticking to the face, tying the hands and/or feet to restrict movement, inhaling a noxious substance in the bag (e.g., carbon monoxide, propane), or modifying the bag (insertion of a breathing tube with electrical device/timer to simultaneously pull out the tube and shut off the lights). Use of a breathing tube may also be used to prevent panic by allowing the victim to breathe while ingested drugs begin to take effect.
In a Seattle review, the bag was in place in 65% of cases. In about 80%, a single bag was used (309). It was fastened in two-thirds of cases. Condensation was noted in the bag in half the cases. None of the individuals used additional efforts to assist their deaths.
A Scottish series (27 suicides, 3 accidents) showed 19 bags secured (257). In five cases, two or more bags were present, and in six cases, noxious agents were in the bag (e.g., aerosol glue, chloroform).
One case has been described in which a 40-yr-old woman hanged herself with a plastic bag over her head (308).

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Just because something is viral doesn't mean it's a good idea.
It’s a day that ends in y, so there’s a new, dumb, viral internet trend. This one, known as the Vacuum Challenge, involves videos of people sitting with their legs close to their chest so they can fit into a plastic trash bag. The bags are sealed around the person’s body with the exception of an opening where the hose from a vacuum cleaner has been inserted. Once the switch is flipped, the vacuum cleaner sucks all of the air out of the bag.
This creates a vacuum inside the bag and the appearance of a skintight bodysuit outside. Once that happens, the people attempting the challenge tend to cackle with laughter due to what we can imagine is a really bizarre sensation. They also tend to promptly topple over once the vacuum is created.
It’s just as pointless and dumb as it sounds, but nevertheless, videos of the challenge are all over Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram . Many are tagged with #binbagchallenge, what appears to be the British version of the American hashtag.
As with any social media-based “challenge,” this one should be judged not just on how dumb it is as a form of entertainment but how stupid you’d have to be to attempt it. The Harlem Shake challenge falls squarely on the more innocuous side of things, but stunts like the Kiki and Tide Pod challenges were obviously dangerous yet somehow irresistible to the thousands of people who attempted them.
What’s clear is that, despite the fact that the challenge doesn’t seem to harm most of the people who attempt it, it’s not risk-free. Vacuum-sealed plastic blocking an airway is obviously a suffocation risk , but the vacuum challenge can cause lasting bodily harm even if the bag is kept away from the nose and mouth. That’s why the myriad videos of people doing it to their kids are so infuriating.
So while it’s not quite as dumb as poisoning yourself on camera, there is not a universe in which the risks of the vacuum challenge are worth the rewards, particularly when people risk the safety of kids they’re supposed to be taking care of.
This article was originally published on 6.3.2019

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