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Vaşı Sexs


Vaşı Sexs
Funkcionālās sīkdatnes - funkcionāli un tehniski nepieciešamas sīkdatnes, bez kurām nebūtu iespējama pilnvērtīga tīmekļa vietnes darbība.
Uzstādījumu sīkdatnes – uzstādījumu sīkdatnes ļauj tīmekļa vietnei atcerēties informāciju, kas maina vietnes darbību vai izskatu, piemēram, jūsu izvēlētā valoda vai reģions, kurā atrodaties.
Statistikas sīkdatnes - palīdz mums izprast, kā apmeklētāji mijiedarbojas ar mūsu un citām vietnēm.
Mārketinga sīkdatnes - tiek izmantotas, lai izsekotu apmeklētājus dažādās vietnēs. Mērķis ir rādīt reklāmas, kas ir atbilstošas un saistošas konkrētajam lietotājam un tādejādi izmantojamas šo sīkdatņu izdevējiem un reklāmdevējiem.
Neklasificētās sīkdatnes ir sīkdatnes, kas neatbilst kādai no iepriekšminētajām kategorijām.
Domēnu saraksts, uz kuriem attiecas jūsu piekrišana: [#BULK_CONSENT_DOMAINS#]
Sīkdatņu deklarācija pēdējo reizi atjaunota 20.7.2022 ar Cookiebot
Radiofrequency and numbering manager
Tīmekļa vietnē tiek izmantotas sīkdatnes! Sīkdatnes ir mazas teksta datnes, ko tīmekļa vietne ievieto jūsu galaiekārtā, lai uzlabotu jūsu tiešsaistes pieredzi, nodrošinot savienojuma pastāvēšanu un saglabājot pārlūkošanas informāciju. Lai turpinātu pārlūkot tīmekļa vietni, jums ir jāizvēlas, vai jūs piekrītat trešās puses sīkdatņu ievietošanai jūsu galaiekārtā.
Vairāk par sīkdatnēm - mūsu vietnē sadaļā sīkdatņu politika.
Mēs neizmantojam šī veida sīkfailus
Mēs neizmantojam šī veida sīkfailus
Mēs neizmantojam šī veida sīkfailus
VASES tīmekļa vietne izmanto gan pirmās, gan trešās puses sīkdatnes, kas aptver dažādas funkcijas, piemēram, savienojuma sesijas uzturēšanu un iestatījumu saglabāšanu.
Pirmās puses – mūsu pašu izdotās – sīkdatnes mēs apstrādājam tīmekļa vietnes sesijas uzturēšanai, kā arī funkcionalitātes nodrošināšanai. Trešās puses sīkdatnes - Google Analytics - mēs izmantojam, lai nodrošinātu statistiku par tīmekļa vietnes apmeklēšanu un labāk pielāgotu tīmekļa vietni mūsu un jūsu vajadzībām.
Vairāk informācijas par VASES tīmekļa vietnes izmatotajām sīkdatnēm – sadaļā sīkdatņu politika .
The radiofrequency spectrum is a limited public resource, which has a crucial social, cultural and economic value. Radiofrequency spectrum is used to provide various publicly significant services and functions, for example, radio and television broadcasting, public and private mobile communications, fixed and satellite communications, aviation, shipping, rescue service, state defense, police and emergency aid communications, etc. Radiofrequency management is a precondition for the existence of many sectors of national economy and ensuring of public order and safety. Providing of electromagnetic compatibility service results in reduction of public safety threats, which may be caused by deterioration or interruption of wireless communication network activity.
The Electronic Communications Office of Latvia is a Customer-oriented organization, which renders high quality services up to state-of-the-art standards. Its competences encompass providing quality management of limited resources (radiofrequency spectrum and numbering), creating preconditions for the development of electronic communication market, harmonizing (synchronizing) the interests of the government, community and individual Customers, while keeping in mind the legitimate wishes of each Customer.
ECO is performing the assignment of radiofrequencies by providing electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) services to the usersof the frequency spectrum. 
ECO is operating under the conditions of natural monopoly, but is prioritizing application of operational principle equal to those utilized by the private sector, efficient use and management of resources. It ensures the implementation of high safety standards, using innovations and making efficient investments in infrastructure and technological equipment.
By taking care of the Customers and sustainability of the company , ECO is improving the quality of legally regulated services initiating amendments to the laws and regulations in the telecommunication sector in cooperation with governmental and nongovernmental Latvian and international organizations that render commercial services. The company is actively working on the introduction of new commercial services, as well as on the improvement of the available material-technical facilities on a regular basis. 
ECO considers cooperation with community and electronic communication sector actors as a principal condition for its successful operation.

THE ORIGINAL LYNGBY VASE See the series here
NEW ARRIVALS Lines to perfection Lyngby Tura
The Lyngby Porcelæn story LINES TO PERFECTION. Read more
Most popular from Lyngby Porcelæn See all
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The Danish porcelain manufacturer – Lyngby Porcelæn was founded in Kongens Lyngby in Denmark in 1936 with the aim of producing porcelain tableware, vases and other decorative art of high-quality craftsmanship. Until the 1920s, ornamentation and decoration dominated designs. The focus was more on how the porcelain was decorated, rather than the shape of the porcelain. But this changed over time, strongly influenced by the functionalist Bauhaus movement in Germany, and soon form and functionality became the preferred focal point instead of decorative elements.
Lyngby Porcelæen is minimalist perfectionism, pure functionalist lines and classic elegance. The series features new icons such as the expressive Tura series and colourful Rhombe Color, as well as relaunches of iconic designs such as the Lyngby vase and DAN-ILD. Explore Lyngby Porcelæn's series here
The distinctive coloured glaze that characterises Rhombe Color from Lyngby Porcelæn gives the service an artistic edge and a modern expression that invites us to be creative with the table setting and explore the service's numerous possible combinations. Created for mixing and matching, the colours can stand alone as an expressive statement, or you can add a fresh touch to your classic white Rhombe service by adding simple colourful elements.
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Even though the Lyngby vase is over 50 years old, demand for it is higher than ever. The white cylindrical vase with its distinctive grooves is a symbol of modern design in Danish porcelain art history. The Lyngby vase comes in many different sizes in porcelain and mouth-blown glass in several gorgeous colours.
Popular Lyngby vases See all vases here
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The Rhombe series is a classic service with a lovely reinterpretation of a familiar pattern. The series includes everything you need to create an attractive and lavish dinner table – and the service plays an important role in Lyngby Porcelæn’s ambition of bringing the elegant, beautifully decorated table into the modern age.
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Lyngby Porcelæn is part of We preserve and develop Danish design icons so that both present and future products can be part of the brands that have helped create our Danish design culture.
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Tel: + 45 89 87 47 29 Monday – Thursday 9–17 Friday 9–16 Dealer: Tel: +45 45 17 37 05
Copyright © Rosendahl Design Group 2022
Lyngby Porcelæn– handmade design since 1936
Clear clean lines, crisp white porcelain and patterns from the archives

Visual Analysis of Swallowing Efficiency and Safety (VASES)
Visual Analysis of Swallowing Efficiency and Safety (VASES) is a standardized approach for rating pharyngeal residue, penetration, and aspiration during FEES. It establishes clearly defined anatomic and temporal boundaries within which to rate functional swallowing outcomes. VASES is intended to increase the transparency, sensitivity, reliability, and generalizability of FEES ratings and analysis for clinical and research purposes. For written instructions on how to interpret FEES using VASES, please refer to the original publication ( copy-edited version ; free self-archived version ) and the free supplemental training document to learn more. After you have read the aforementioned material, you may consider viewing the below videos.
Below is a video recording of a YouTube live stream webinar event. This VASES training webinar was given online, for free to the public on August 25th, 2021. Feel free to view the below recording and share it with others as you begin to train your FEES interpretation skills using VASES.
How to Use VASES in Clinical Practice
Ideally, each bolus that is part of your standardized FEES protocol should be rated using VASES. However, as you first begin to use VASES and balance FEES interpretation with workflow, you may consider starting off with rating just one swallowing condition (e.g., all trials of a patient preferred volume of thin liquid cup sips) or one trial for each swallowing condition (e.g., the first trial of each bolus volume and consistency). As you get faster and more efficient with ratings, you should consider rating every swallowing trial. On average, it is estimated that rating all seven outcome measures with VASES will take ~1 minute to complete. See the below video of me interpreting a FEES video clip using VASES using an (older version) unofficial VASES scoring sheet. Note that the time to rate the video clip is less than two minutes when including the viewing time of the entire video clip ~1 minute when considering only the amount of time it took to rate VASES.
To assist with rating FEES using VASES and writing up reports , you may consider downloading an unofficial VASES scoring sheet ( updated February 20 th, 202 2 ) and a written report FEES template (uploaded March 15th, 2022). Just click File > Download. Check back periodically for updates as errors and modifications are inevitable.
Below is a 60-minute video w here I review with some graduate interns that I am supervising how to use the unofficial scoring ( developed October 2021) . In the video, I also review the anatomic and temporal boundaries of VASES. Please note that views expressed during this video are my own, as I am casually discussing FEES interpretation with graduate interns that I am training.
Below is a video you can use to further practice FEES interpretation using VASES. In this video, you will hear a few graduate students, who are relatively new to VASES, and myself talk discuss VASES ratings for several FEES video clips. This was recorded in October 2021 immediately after the "VASES Unofficial Scoring Sheet Overview" video above. Be aware that typical VASES rating goes much quicker, but that the ratings in this video are much slower to allow for discussion with the trainees. Also note that views expressed during this video are my own, as I am casually discussing FEES interpretation with graduate interns that I am training.
The following are updated/additional VASES rules not previously outlined in the original VASES manuscript. Last updated January 30th, 2022.
If absolutely no view of a certain structure, then keep it blank. However, if you see even a partial view, rate what you see. Rate the amount of residue seen, expressed as a percentage of visualized and non-visualized anatomic area
Rate residue relative to the superior surface of the membranous vocal folds
Vocal fold residue can be greater than 100 (e.g., if entire superior surface is covered and medial edges are covered)
Residue ratings can be greater than 100 (e.g., if entire subglottic shelf is covered and residue is also seen in the trachea)
Bolus location at swallow onset is a new outcome measure that can be integrated using anatomic and temporal boundaries outlined by VASES.
For bolus location at swallow onset, indicate each and every anatomic landmark containing the bolus at the onset of "during" the swallow. This means, more than one anatomic landmark may be selected. As with all VASES outcomes, the bolus should be directly observed in/on the anatomic boundary, and not inferred.
As a standard rule, if patient does multiple swallows, then use the first swallow to describe bolus location at swallow onset. This may be adjusted to describe each swallow, if desired.
If the onset of “during the swallow” is not observed due to whiteout, then do not rate bolus location at swallow onset
PAS ratings should be made for each of the four temporal boundaries.
The max PAS across these boundaries could used if desiring only one PAS rating per swallow.
PAS scores for “during” the swallow can (and likely will) be judged by what is seen “after/between.” This should be done if there is no observable change in airway-related bolus flow in the "after the swallow" or "between bolus trials" t emporal boundaries.
PAS scores should be “1” by default
PAS scores do not get repeated across temporal boundaries without a change in bolus flow or ejection effort. For example if a patient demonstrates a PAS 3 during the swallow with no changes "after" or "between", then the patient will have a PAS 1 for after and between. Only in instance where more events of penetration into the vestibule without ejection are observed, perhaps from pharyngeal residue, would a patient get another PAS 3 after or between.
PAS scores change across temporal boundaries only if there is a change in either bolus flow from one anatomic boundary into another, or the presence of an ejection effort response to new bolus flow.
Rate what you see. For example, if penetration into the vestibule was observed "before", and subglottic aspiration was observed immediately after (presumable occurring "during"), then the patient will have had PAS 2-3 "before, and PAS 6-8 "during", pending on ejection response.
If penetration to the vocal folds occurred “during” the swallow with residue remaining on the vocal folds “after” the swallow and “between bolus trials”, then PAS ratings would be 1 (before), 5 (during), 1 (after), and 1 (between)
If penetration to the vocal folds occurred “during” the swallow, with the vocal fold residue spilling into the subglottis “after” the swallow with no effort to eject, and residue remaining in the subglottis “between bolus trials” with no effort to eject, then PAS ratings would be 1 (before), 5 (during), 8 (after), and 1 (between)
If penetration to the vocal folds occurred “during” the swallow, with the vocal fold residue spilling into the subglottis “after” the swallow with no effort to eject, and residue remaining in the subglottis “between bolus trials” with an eventual effort to eject in this temporal boundary, then PAS ratings would be 1 (before), 5 (during), 8 (after), and 7 (between)
If penetration to the vocal folds occurred “before” the swallow, with continued penetration of more bolus to the vocal folds “during” the swallow, and with the vocal fold residue spilling into the subglottis “after” the swallow with no effort to eject, and residue remaining in the subglottis “between bolus trials” with an effort to eject, then PAS ratings would be 5 (before), 5 (during), 8 (after), and 7 (between)
Curtis, J.A., Borders, J.C., Perry, S.E., Dakin, A.E., Seikaly, Z.N., Troche, M.S. (2021). Visual Analysis of Swallowing Efficiency and Safety (VASES): A standardized approach to rating pharyngeal residue, penetration, and aspiration during FEES. Dysphagia . DOI: 10.1007/s00455-021-10293-5
Curtis, J.A., Borders, J.C., Troche, M.S. (2022). Visual Analysis of Swallowing Efficiency and Safety (VASES): Establishing Criterion-Referenced Validity and Concurrent Validity . American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology . DOI: 10.1044/2021_AJSLP-21-00116

Call today to speak with a Vasesource sales representative! 718-752-0424

In House Sales Event! August 22-26, 9am-4pm. NJ Location, Fairfield Showroom. Drinks, food, music, raffles & DEALS!


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