(Anggita dewi)

VECAP is an ambitious and very simple project that guarantees the security of smart home networks thanks to blockchain technology.


It is an ambitious and very simple project that guarantees the security of smart home networks thanks to the innovative blockchain technology and intelligent contracts. Each action performed on the user's platform will be recorded in a database that is irreversible and almost invulnerable. To solve it, hackers must obtain administrator access to 51% of individual devices, which is very unlikely because the project is distributed worldwide.

You can combine all smart homes in a decentralized network and protect your data from intruders. This platform uses innovative security standards that are independent of the predetermined security features.

Therefore, thanks, hackers will no longer be able to penetrate smart home data networks and violate their privacy because they will no longer depend on a group of different storage devices on vulnerable corporate servers. At the same time, you can make your data network not only safer but also faster and more efficient.

What does VECAP offer?

VECAP can protect all smart devices in your home or office by combining them in a decentralized network. All transactions made between IoT devices will be stored in the intelligent block chain depending on the contact. Note Blockchain will double in millions of IoT devices in tens of thousands of smart homes and offices, which will make it almost network resistant.


Luckily for them, the founder of Vecap brought together a team of blockchain experts and smart contractors to find a solution. By combining these two technologies, we can ensure all communication between devices in your network. If this connection is protected, you too.

We believe that in all technical areas, safety and efficiency should be a priority, especially when it comes to homes and personal information. This belief supports our work to maintain your privacy. It allows us to unite technological advances and online security without compromise.

The age of smart homes is close. While greed blind the device manufacturer IoT, we focus on ensuring the excellence of privacy rights for all.

By using our software infrastructure and our physical center, Vecap ensures that all communications between external devices in a smart home are secure. With intelligent contract transactions that protect the internal connections of your network, and all the recorded information is stored in decentralized ledgers, no hacker will give you nightmares.

Blockchain technology has opportunities that do not benefit you, so you do not have to choose between your privacy and your progress. The hope that each user must control their own lives from the threat of piracy has guided our founders and teams of experts in building reliable, faster and more reliable platforms.


Inadequate cover

Some devices of companies and known suppliers within their security systems: inadequate encryption, weak approval requirements, external connections issued through VPN. All you need is a device without protection for the security of your smart home. You only need to find a single download point to eliminate your entire network.

Rapid theft

Hackers take less than a minute to access smart home devices, from cell phones and televisions to routers and consoles, all these machines are connected to the Internet. Today, a large device will be launched after being suspended.

Short-term maintenance

Many entry points

Owners of smart homes on average have several smart devices and one that is not sufficiently protected for the security of the entire network.

The features offered by Vecap are:

Intelligent curtains open to let in sunlight.

The music center activates active music to wake you up

The bathtubs began to send a control module to ask for the breakfast of the closest restaurant nearby and a taxi to work in an hour, if the schedule is between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m.

And this is not the weekend and the owner is at home and the smart watch detects that the owner is in the ideal cycle to wake up

Above, you have clarified the most common characteristics in the Vecap bidding process, is not it millennial?

We are directly with any system that is used.


Can you use IoT (Internet Of Think), what is this? Then, the Internet of things (a lot) is a concept where objects with the ability to transfer data through a network and its human-human or human interaction to a computer. Many have developed from the convergence of wireless technology, microelectromechanical systems (mems) and the internet.

The key market for vecap is 2017-2022, in 2018 there is no chart of the Asia Pacific market that reaches 50% of 100% given the uncertainty of the global market. Can you consider the top priority solution?


The second system is that they go up to pedestrians and decentralized systems, with the development of a very rapid growth, the era of decentralized ecosystems can be related to the device, if not to the future.

block chain

They use the third blockchain system, of course known in general that the blockchain security system is centralized, the blockchain reduces the risks of piracy, to protect smart homes and smart offices.

In recent years, there have been many DDo attacks, vecap offers a solution for:

It can protect DDoS attacks by users to protect the devices, so that they can be used by intelligent block vecap block contracts in decentralization.

With a series of smart contracts in this network, it can be hacked confusing because there are tens of thousands registered by smart homes and offices.

VeCap will create a public Blockchain Platform on Etherium that will support smart contracts to ensure the security of smart homes and smart office devices.


* Soft cover: $ 24M * Medium cap: $ 48M * Hardcover: $ 72M * Price: $ 0.12

Distribution Token




Imad Labbadi 

Founder and chief executive

Entrepreneur with experience in strategic conception and business development. 8 years of experience in start-up - technology industry. Blockchain enthusiasts with a deep knowledge of their technology With a passion for Sales & Mindset Coaching

Frank Wobig

Co-founder and Operations Director

Specialist in communication in business models based on technology. Leading our press relations and internal communication with a deep understanding in Blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Claas gnerlich

Entrepreneur with experience in web development and technical products. Specialized in the development of iOS and Android platforms.

Boris Bosnar

Entrepreneur with experience in the development of websites, web applications, content management systems, frontend and backend systems and other web technologies

Sems Samaras

Passionate developer and technical team leader. With experience in the development of Ethereum- Blockchain. Currently working as a software developer and IT consultant.



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