Kopisusu 4000


Secure All Communication Between Devices on your network

Is that right?

It’s an ambitious and very simple project that guarantees the security of smart home networks thanks to innovative blockchain technology and smart contracts. Every action taken on the User platform will be recorded in a database that is irreversible and almost invulnerable – to solve it, hackers need to get administrator access to 51% of individual devices, which is very unlikely because the project spreads around the world.

You can combine all smart homes into a decentralized network and protect their data from intruders. This platform uses innovative security standards that are independent of the default security features.

Thus, thank you, hackers will no longer be able to penetrate smart home data networks and violate their privacy because they will no longer depend on a group of different storage devices on vulnerable corporate servers. At the same time, you will be able to make your data network not only safer but also much faster and more efficient.

What does VECAP offer?

VECAP will be able to protect all smart devices in your home or office by combining them into one decentralized network. All transactions made between IoT devices will be stored on the smart-blockchain based on contact. Note Blockchain will be duplicated on millions of IoT devices in tens of thousands of smart homes and offices, which will make it almost network-resistant.


Luckily for them, the founder of Vecap gathered a team of smart blockchain & contract experts to find a solution. By combining these two technologies, we can secure all communication between devices on your network. If this connection is protected, you too.

We believe that in all technical areas, safety and efficiency must be a top priority, especially when it comes to homes and your personal information. This belief supports our work in maintaining your privacy. It enables us to unite technological advances and online security without compromise.

The age of smart homes is near. While greed blinds the IoT device manufacturer, we focus on ensuring the excellence of privacy rights for everyone.

Using our software infrastructure and physical hub, Vecap ensures all communication between external devices in a smart home is safe. With smart contract transactions that protect your network’s internal connections, and all recorded information is stored in decentralized ledgers, no hackers will give you nightmares.

Blockchain technology has opportunities that don’t benefit you, so you don’t have to choose between your privacy and your progress. The hope that every user must control his own life from the threat of hacking has guided our founders and expert teams in building reliable, faster, and more reliable platforms.


Inadequate cover

Some devices from well-known companies and vendors within their security systems: inadequate encryption, weak approval requirements, external connections issued via VPN. All you need is one unprotected device for the security of your smart home. Only need to find a single drop-off point to drop your entire network.

Fast burglary

It takes hackers in less than a minute to get access to smart home devices, from cellphones and TVs to routers and consoles, all of these machines are connected to the internet. Today, a large device will be released after being suspended.

Short-term maintenance.

Many entry points

Smart home owners on average have several smart devices and one that is not protected enough for the safety of the entire network.

The features offered by Vecap are:

  • Smart curtains open to let sunlight in
  • The music center turns on active music to wake you up
  • Bathtubs began to submit a Control module ordering breakfast from the closest restaurant nearby and a taxi to work in one hour, if the time is between 7am and 8am

And this is not the weekend and the owner is at home and the smartwatch detects that the owner is in the perfect dream cycle to wake up

Upstairs has clarified the most common features in the bidding process by Vecap, very millennial right?

We are directly with whatever system is used.


Can you use IoT (Internet Of Think), what is this? So the internet of things (a lot) is a concept where objects with the ability to transfer data over a network and it’s human-human or human interaction to a computer. Many have developed from the convergence of wireless technology, micro-electromechanical systems (mems), and the internet.

The key market for vecap is from 2017-2022, in 2018 there is no graph of the Asia Pacific market reaching 50% from 100% given the uncertainty of the global market. Can you consider the top priority solution.


The second system is that they climb to pedestrians and decentralized systems, with the development of very rapid growth can, the era of decentralized ecosystems can be related to that with the device, if not the future.

block Chain

They use the third blockchain system, of course known in general the blockchain security system is centralized, the blockchain reduces hacking risks, to protect smart homes and smart offices.

In recent years, many DDo attacks have occurred, vecap offers a solution for:

  1. It can protect DDoS attacks by users to protect devices, to be used by smart vecap blockchain contracts in decentralization.
  2. With a number of smart contracts on this network, it can hack confused because there are tens of thousands recorded by smart homes and smart offices.

VeCap will make a public Blockchain Platform on Etherium that will support smart contracts to ensure smart home security and smart office devices.


* Soft Cap: $ 24M * Medium Cap: $ 48M * Hard Cap: $ 72M * Price: $ 0.12

Distribution Token



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