Rich CristBest unis for english literature and creative writing (Oswego) so for this DIY you'll need white acrylic or fabric paint sponge brushes cardboard spray adhesive and any plain t-shirt that you have next you can just find any textured pattern that you want online so they sound you can't sit with us and can copy it too and use an exacto knife and then use scissors to cut out the rest of the you can spray it with spray adhesive also you could stick on the shirt and we didn't outside which was a bad idea because it ended up all drying so once your stencils in place you can start by painting with your sponge brushes Michael have a stencil and from there you can do a couple of coats until it's at where you want it to be and you so that's the final shirt look like and they saw so much for watching this video make sure to LIKE and subscribe Orange County Community College (SUNY Orange).