Introduce :

The faster the technology, the sooner the better. With the rapid development of humanity, it is hard to understand when the protocols and technologies in the era have become useless, with many visible drawbacks. The most obvious are the outdated block modules 1.0 and 2.0.

Transaction speed is too slow (only 5 transactions77 per second), because too many users are online, it is difficult to accept in the financial industry that the IBM network can easily handle 20,000 transactions. / Monday.

Security is very high, like two knives, making users feel uncomfortable. If you accidentally forget your password, you want to re-export it as "perfect needle" because the structure is not to verify the Blockchain's third-party user behavior.

Most importantly, the old vulnerable Blockchain platforms use when the total number of users in the same network are grouped together (also known as unconditional attacks).

Many people have speculated whether any new initiatives will help platform 1.0 and 2.0 to improve all the technology adaptation gaps to new heights? And at that time, Blockchain 3.0 technology, with the representative of VANTA project was born


Vanta is a blockchain-based ecosystem that aims to develop a smart network for real-time networking. By using distributed ledger technology (DLT) and pre-electronic economics, the Vanta system sees participating nodes in the network contributing to the transmission and processing of real-time data so it is not dependent on Traditional centralized system. This leads to a functional, low-cost, blockchain-based network that can be used by anyone through the API, SDK or custom modules integrated with currently used applications or platforms. . Vanta can expand its ecosystem through these modules to integrate existing systems that require real-time network connectivity.

Vanta's smart network acts as a decentralized network that performs real-time data transmission, processing, and storage functions by selecting partners to collaborate and evaluate each other. The Vanta ecosystem also includes the Network Frame, which is a non-blockchain framework built on PGP encryption standards, which helps the network achieve high levels of performance when handling communications and data transmission in real time safely. Moreover, the ARKAS protocol, the decentralized P2P network protocol, establishes seamless routing channels through nodes, while the KANUS Chain applies consensus algorithms Proof of Network combining intelligent, self-linking nodes. with verifiable Random Function (VRF) (PBFT) to maintain efficiency besides cost reduction.

VANTA blockchain network :

VANTA's intelligent network is a decentralized network that realizes data transmission, processing and storage. It includes smart buttons to select, collaborate and evaluate each other. All nodes in the network compete for real-time communication based on computational power, network bandwidth, memory, reliability and their contribution. And the buttons that have proved their work successfully can participate in the block making. This process gradually develops the scalability, reliability and efficiency of the network.

VANTA's network frame is a low-end, non-blockchain network framework that delivers network performance for real-time communication while protecting data against malicious attacks. Built on PGP encryption standards and inspired by Namecoin's decentralized space model, this framework provides a solid foundation for VANTA applications. In addition, no-knowledge-based authentication channel and communication channel algorithms allow synchronization and secure data integration across multiple devices.

VANTA architecture :

VANTA has designed an architecture optimized for real-time data. It creates its own platform ecosystem and can be applied as a module for other platforms. Therefore, a range of service developers and users will join and various services with real-time connectivity will be developed.

Vanta is an unlicensed smart network, built on the blockchain platform, including a number of separate classes (detailed below), combined to provide a way to connect and communicate. Safe and expandable real-time. Vanta includes support for older communications technologies, such as PSTN, SMS, VoIP and PBX / SBC.

Provided by a decentralized P2P node infrastructure, providing Vanta Networks core values ​​is cost-effective and easy to deploy for outsiders to build and deliver applications through API / SDK on basic network / blockchain, with additional benefits of increased privacy and security compared to traditional centralized communication networks.

Vanta Network technology stack includes messaging, file transfer, voice and video call development, large-scale real-time video streaming and transmission and processing of various real-time data collected from the sensors turn IoT.

Benefits that Vanta brings:

For developers:

Develop and operate a scalable, reliable and highly secure real-time communication service at a low cost.

For users:

Use different high quality services for free or almost for free without having to worry about privacy.

For organizations:

Build a blockchain-based telecommunications network between different organizations.

Use cases:

The media:

Real-time collaboration, delivery / shopping / vehicle sharing / service services related to bookings require communication between users, customer service in shopping or booking services and social dating service

Broadcast :

Live video streaming services will include online courses, user-generated video content, sports & games broadcasts and more while VOD streaming services include movies, entertainment and music.

Game online :

Online game interaction data will be transmitted via Vanta, which will provide real-time data processing, a necessity for game developers. Items that can trade with currency value will be tracked by Vanta's blockchain.

VANTA token:

The token will be used in the Proof of Stake (PoS) model to ensure that valid tasks are performed on the network. Proof of Stake is an effective way to achieve consensus and network security. A button can verify tasks by taking a certain number of VANTA (VNT) tokens (minimum bet requirements must be specified) and contacting other approved bet buttons or reject tasks. Developers who want to handle work will also have to contribute enough VNT to pay workers and verify the buttons. This is very important to prevent sybil attacks, by applying the cost of computing on the network, otherwise a malicious user can flood the network with useless jobs. There will be incentives and penalties to reward good and bad participants, details will be published in future announcements.

Token information:

Token: VNT

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

Price in ICO: 0.0009 USD

Token for sale: 19,670,000,000

Accepted: BTC, ETH

ICO distribution: 35%

Hardcap: USD 15,000,000

VANTA Network Public Sale Summary :

  • Public Sale begins January 24, 2019 at 12 pm UTC (9 pm KST)
  • Public Sale will conclude on January 28, 2019 at 12 pm UTC (9 pm KST) or when all VNT tokens are sold
  • KYC/AML registration and Public Sale will be conducted via VANTA Network official website ONLY (
  • Minimum Individual Cap: 1 ETH
  • Maximum Individual Cap: none
  • After KYC/AML registration, send a transaction to the VANTA Network address starting from January 24, 2019 at 12 pm UTC
  • VNT tokens will be distributed after the public sale
  • All contributions will be refunded if the participant’s KYC/AML is not approved


- Vanta has a strong team:

Vanta's development team includes the most skilled IT members, marketing, application development, business, management, human resource management, communications, blockchain ... with many years of experience in the areas in which they were active. Along with experienced advisers, the development team is well prepared to provide a perfect platform for the global market.



The VANTA team is specialized in telecommunication & network, data processing and blockchain.

Partner :


In 2019, will be a successful year for VANTA project. It is on the rise, I only know this project at the moment but it has probably convinced me because VANTA has gradually developed, many companies want to invest, above all the extremely enthusiastic team will help the company to stand firm in the bad market.

If you want to invest in Vanta, this is a good time to invest. Join now, access for more details, and remember to buy immediately before all tokens are sold.

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author : hongxiem12345678

URL bct :;u=2400197

ETH : 0xf282528cdcf3d374e32bcda678e68ad1e552ec96

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