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Cupping anti-cellulite massage - a professional approach at home
Cupping anti-cellulite massage - a professional approach at home
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Cupping massage is an effective and most affordable element of the anti-cellulite program at home. It is easy to master its techniques, and it is even easier to buy the necessary tools at the nearest pharmacy. Understanding the processes that occur during a session in the body, and methods of exposure will help make the procedure effective and safe.
With all the variety of vacuum massagers offered by various manufacturers, the mechanism of their work is the same. For those who plan to master technology at home, it is difficult to advise a specific type, because it all depends on individual preferences and feelings. Banks may differ:
In the simplest designs, a vacuum is created by pressing down on the body or attached rubber pump before applying it to the skin. There are more technological options: with a pump and a valve - in this case, the tank is first installed on the surface, then air is pumped out of it. The pressure can be adjusted more precisely. The price of the second group of products is slightly higher. Simpler massagers are inexpensive and are sold in sets of one piece. If you wish, you can buy several types without significant damage to the budget.
This is how cans work. At the site of the tank, a low-pressure zone is formed, where part of the tissues is drawn in. Bodily fluids also rush there. The result is:
The impact goes to the skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscles, reflex zones internal organs . Banks are used to relieve hypertension, prevent osteochondrosis, and treat sciatica. Accelerating the metabolism in adipose tissue allows you to improve its structure, eliminate congestion, and get rid of cellulite. With the help of cupping massage, you can correct and improve the figure: form a thinner waist, a clear line of the hips.
Cellulite is a pathological change in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Its appearance is associated with the effect of the hormone estrogen on the blood vessels, which is why mainly women face the problem. The situation is aggravated due to a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, stressful conditions for the body - diseases, of pregnancy , hormonal changes.
Massage is effectively used to influence the subcutaneous fatty tissue. It starts active metabolic processes, restores microcirculation, promotes faster burning of excess fat, formation of the correct tissue structure.
In addition, the skin in the affected areas needs to be restored. She looks rough, constricted. Activation of blood flow during procedures helps to cope with this problem, oxygen is delivered to the skin, more nutrients. substances. As a result, over time, the integument acquires a healthy, toned appearance.
Reviews show that vacuum procedures work best in combination with other methods.
Vacuum cupping is widely used in a professional environment, including in combination with medical massage.
The session begins with the preparation of the skin and other tissues for more intense exposure. To do this, the masseur performs stroking with his hands in the direction of lymph movement (up), as well as several elements of kneading and rubbing, which can alternate. This step takes about 10 minutes for each area (buttocks, one thigh, etc.). The criterion that you can proceed to the next procedure is persistent hyperemia (redness of the skin).
Next, the massage therapist applies oil or a special gel to his hands and, warming in this way, distributes it over the patient's skin in the desired area. The jar should slide well and not cause discomfort. If pain occurs, you need to adjust the pressure. For anti-cellulite procedures, a tank with a diameter of about 50 mm is chosen, it is suitable for the hips, buttocks, and abdomen.
Massage movements should be longitudinal or circular, less often "snake". The jar should not be held in one place for a long time (this leads to the formation of hematomas). Sometimes vibration is used, as if supporting the massager up. This is a more active effect and it is used to work out difficult areas where cellulite is especially pronounced.
Finishing the procedure, the specialist again strokes and rubs the skin with his hands. Then, using a towel, removes excess oil and, covering the treated areas with a sheet, gives the patient a rest.
One session can last from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the tasks, the preparedness of the body and the severity of cellulite. It is not necessary to chase the duration and intensity, it is better to do the procedures regularly. At least once every 3-4 days. The course consists of 15-20 sessions.
Many people easily master anti-cellulite procedures at home using the instructions that come with the banks and training videos. At the same time, self-massage techniques are interesting, allowing you to improve your body without resorting to help.
Before the procedure, the tissues are warmed up and kneaded, as mentioned above. It is difficult to independently perform such manipulations on the back or back of the thighs with your hands. Therefore, in order to make your work easier, it is recommended to take a warm shower before the session. Some women add warming ingredients to the oil, such as cinnamon, pepper, mustard. It also shortens the first stage without losing quality. However, such innovations should be tried carefully, observing the reaction of the skin.
There is a widespread belief that bruises are sure to remain from the first procedures, and this is a sign of an effective fight against cellulite. Many amateurs even publish photos of hematomas as a result of successful work. Indeed, this often happens in the beginning due to a lack of experience in handling cans (pressure set too low, the wrong oil is used or not enough, the tank lingers in place for a long time or moves too abruptly). However, bruises have nothing to do with the quality of the massage. You need to listen to your body and try to make the procedure comfortable.
No need to count on the transformation from the very first sessions and chase for quick results. It will be right to start with a five-minute exposure, observe the body more and work regularly for quite a long time.
Do not forget about contraindications, including: wounds, skin rashes, fungal infections, burns, varicose veins and other vascular pathologies, blood clotting disorders, высокая температура , acute course of chronic diseases.
With a reasonable approach, high-quality performance, as well as in combination with other techniques, vacuum cupping massage allows you to get a visible effect in the fight against cellulite.
With all the variety of vacuum massagers offered by various manufacturers, the mechanism of their work is the same.
Cellulite is a pathological change in subcutaneous adipose tissue.
Vacuum cupping is widely used in a professional environment, including in combination with medical massage.
Many people easily master anti-cellulite procedures at home using the instructions that come with the banks and training videos.

Доступ к информационному ресурсу ограничен на основании Федерального закона от 27 июля 2006 г. № 149-ФЗ «Об информации, информационных технологиях и о защите информации».

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