V Rising Cheats

V Rising Cheats


Do you want to cheat in V Rising? Well, you're in luck, because best of all, they are fully allowed, so all you need is to learn how to use them. They are console commands, so you just need to learn how to open the console, and know the list of commands

How to open de console

It depends on the language of the keyboard, but it is always the key that is to the left of the "1", above the Tab and below the Esc. You just have to start playing, press it and that's it

What tricks are there?

The truth is that some tricks like god mode or infinite resources are missing, but you have a lot of options to teleport, so going through the game will no longer be a problem. You can go wherever you want knowing the right command. And additionally there are many admin commands, to ban, manage privileges and that kind of thing.

We'd copy the entire list, but other than it's in English, we're not going to plagiarize anyone's work, so you can see it here > V Rising Console Commands

And what about the Save File?

Yes, it is another good way to make things easier. If you use the Save File of someone who has advanced more than you in the game, you will save yourself a lot of hours of farming. In addition to that if you have progress saved on one computer, you may be interested in transferring it to another, so as not to start from scratch and repeat certain parts of the game that can become tedious.

Be it for one thing or another, here you can see where it is and where you have to copy and paste the Save File, the Save Location

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