Відповіді на вікторину

Відповіді на вікторину

1. Which consensus mechanism model does Tezos use?

- Liquid proof-of-stake (LPos)

2. Which feature allows Tezos to be seamlessly upgradable while also avoiding hard forks like other blockchains? 

- Unique on-chain governance mechanism

3. What are some reasons why people are using Tezos to buy, sell, and mint NFTs? 

- I Low gas/transaction fees II Global community of artists III Energy-efficiency IV Access to Tezos-powered marketplaces I, II, III, IV (B)

4. How do Tezos DeFi DApps disrupt the world of traditional finance? 

- They allow fast and frictionless exchange of value between users across the world

5. Which Tezos NFT platform was used during the video in order to mint an NFT?

- Objkt.com

6. What is an Objkt.com NFT collection used for? 

- Organizing NFTs

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