📝 Відповіді на місії Supra Oracles

📝 Відповіді на місії Supra Oracles

Секрети Інвестора | Телеграм

1 - All of the above

2 - Supra’s performance and security are at par with other oracles

3 - Blocks on Supra cannot be reversed after they are finalized

4 - Tribes and clans randomization method

5 - Dynamic NFTs

6 - All of the above

7 - A method to start a new round of agreement without waiting for earlier rounds to finish

8 - To ensure accuracy in the final result

9 - All of the above

10 - All of the above

11 - Unpredictable, unbiased, verifiable

12 - By utilizing a threshold signature generated by a randomized VRF committee

13 - Ensuring fair and unpredictable outcomes

14 - It secures the protocol from manipulation

15 - 100% off

Тепер відповіді можуть бути у всіх різні:

16.1 - Partly in USDC and partly in SUPRA

16.2 - Any project on available networks

16.3 - There's no limit!

17.1 - Bridges between two or more unique blockchains

17.2 - Over $2 billion USD

17.3 - To move between two unique blockchains

18.1 - The cryptographic proofs of the origin chain’s consensus as well as Supra’s consensus

18.2 - It preserves Layer 1 security guarantees through the entire transaction cycle

18.3 - Yes, you can easily send assets to more than one chain

19.1 - By translating the source chain's proof into a universally

verifiable proof

19.2 - It levels the playing field by removing conventional bridge-related risks

19.3 - By preserving the security guarantees of the source chain

20.1 - Universal translation and communication between blockchains

20.2 - By cryptographically connecting blockchains and their communities across Web3

20.3 - It can expand the player pool across different blockchains

21.1 - Six

21.2 - It rewards loyalty with discounted access to network services

21.3 - Universal translation

21.4 - Users can lock…

22 - By integrating with 40+ different blockchain networks and counting

23.1 - The economic principles underlying the creation and operation of digital tokens

23.2 - By involving the community and active participants in its tokenomics

23.3 - It helps align incentives, promote participation, and foster decentralization

24.1 - They get to skip verification and KYC steps during the public sale

24.2 - ERC-20 $USDC

25.1 - It enhances the speed, security, and accessibility of blockchain transactions

25.2 - It improves performance across all blockchain use cases it reaches

25.3 - Over 54%

26.1 - IntraLayer

26.2 - All of Supras protocols and services

26.3 - It's 54% faster in finality latency and 40% better in block throughput

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