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Suella Braverman was right for the job and Liz Truss was wrong to let her go, says John Redwood
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Ms Truss may soon be the shortest serving Prime Minister in history with some of her MPs calling on her to go this morning 'in order to stop the shambles'. Her power began to slip away when Suella Braverman quit at 5pm last night, apparently after a 90-minute screaming match that was apparently heard reverberating through the office door and into No 10. And around two hours later it all kicked off in the Commons. Labour MP Chris Bryant said that some Conservatives were 'physically manhandled into another lobby and being bullied' and revealed that he had 'utterly desperate' Tory MPs 'crying on my shoulder'. Chief Whip Wendy Morton and her deputy Craig Whittaker appeared to quit after Miss Truss reversed her plan to expel Tory MPs who voted against the Government on fracking. At 1.30am this morning Downing Street insisted it was a confidence vote only for a minister to go on TV at 7.30am to insist it wasn't, as party discipline imploded. Amid chaotic scenes in the Commons, Deputy Prime Minister Therese Coffey and Business Secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg were accused of 'manhandling' MPs through the voting lobbies - a claim both ministers denied. As Government discipline collapsed, Mr Whittaker was heard telling his colleagues: 'I am f***ing furious and I don't give a f*** any more.' Tory MPs were seen shouting at an ashen-faced Miss Truss: 'It's a shambles.' The PM was apparently seen running after her chief whip begging her not to quit while she was barracked by her own backbenchers. Jacob Rees-Mogg later revealed he had no idea if the party still had a chief whip. And today there is still confusion over whether Ms Morton and Mr Whittaker are in post. Transport Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan said the chief whip did not resign after last night's Commons vote, to her knowledge. Asked if Wendy Morton quit on Wednesday evening, she said: 'Not that I'm aware of, no.'

A woman who took a picture of a teenager who groped her at a bus station was staggered to be told by police that the case would be shelved - due to a lack of evidence. The force reopened the investigation only after the 25-year-old victim passed on her photographs of the tagged groper to her local newspaper. When a journalist contacted Derbyshire Police, officers issued a public appeal and within days, Daniel Oakes had been arrested.

Tory MP Sir Charles Walker was 'livid' tonight as he lashed out at the 'inexcusable' behaviour surrounding the 'chaotic' fracking vote in the House of Commons

The ousted Home Secretary launched an outspoken attack on the PM, accusing her of breaking key pledges and wobbling over manifesto commitments such as reduced migration.

After the interview took place, the live feed switched to the PM's home, and Guru-Murthy believed he was no longer on air, but his comments were picked up by other livestream broadcasts.

Liz Truss has been warned she only has 12 hours to stabilise her administration, with even loyalist Cabinet ministers said to believe the situation is 'terminal'. Yet another day of madness at Westminster culminated in stories of tears and tantrums in the heart of democracy, with Ms Truss allegedly engaging in a shouting match with her own enforcers. Her deputy Therese Coffey was accused of 'manhandling' Tory MPs to vote against a Labour motion that could have killed the government's plans to resume fracking - something she denies. The premier tried to force the issue by declaring that it was a matter of confidence, meaning a defeat the would have collapsed the government. But at the end of the debate a minister declared that it was not in fact a confidence vote - triggering fury from Chief Whip Wendy Morton and her deputy Craig Whittaker. Other whips told MPs they had resigned, but after three hours of silence and frantic wrangling behind the scenes Downing Street announced they were still in post. Despite Downing Street reiterating it had been a confidence vote overnight, Transport Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan was sent out to tour TV studios this morning and said it was not. The shambles came as 1922 committee chief Graham Brady is expected to meet other officers to consider Ms Truss's future.

Even with the Energy Price Guarantee, bills are still going to rise for a lot of households this month - so many of us are looking to cut our energy use.

Police dogs are being issued with new kit to give their handlers live updates on what they can see. They previously relied on dogs barking and wagging their tails to indicate they had found something.

Sales of spam are up 34 per cent as part of a wider return to tinned food, cheap cuts of meat and even fish heads. Other cost-saving swaps include olive oil being replaced by vegetable oils.

The headline of an article published on September 9 suggested that Extinction Rebellion activists had called on people to glue and chain themselves along the funeral route of Her Majesty Queen...

An article published on 13th October reported that the Saatchi Gallery had demanded an artist remove swear words from his punk rock display featuring the Sex Pistols.

Meghan Markle, 41, 'giggled' and performed 'self-heckling' facial expressions reminiscent of Julia Roberts, 54, as she discussed a wide-range of issues with her favoured US lifestyle magazine Variety (front cover pictured inset while right, the Duchess of Sussex during a photoshoot for the interview). Rocking a string of expensive outfits, including a £4,657 Jason Wu dress and a £2,667 Carolina Herrera garment, Meghan waxed lyrical about her and Prince Harry's 'love story', which she said had inspired the world because 'people love love.' She was filmed laughing and joking and even lying on her stomach kicking her legs with apparent excitement as she declared her love for 'rom coms', in particular When Harry Met Sally, before adding: 'Equally, put Julia Roberts in anything and I'm going to be a fan of those too' (Pictured left: Roberts shooting for her appearance on Friends in 1996). According to body language expert Judi James, the clip shows a 'range of Meghans on display', from the 'cheesy mom' to the 'elegant model'. Speaking to MailOnline, she explained: 'In this new video we see a version of Meghan that has maybe been kept under wraps so far, which is all about coyness, giggles and self-effacing references. Did her meeting with Paris Hilton unleash the 'girly girl' that Paris refers to on the podcast? If so, Meghan seems to be going all out to make it a liberating experience. The feminist and the intellectual, global campaigner seems to have moved off-stage and the body language replacement seems to be channeling Julia Roberts, who she even references as she speaks of her love of rom-coms.'

Lucy Letby, 32, of Hereford, is on trial for the murders of seven babies at the Countess of Chester Hospital, Cheshire, and the attempted murder of 10 more between 2015 and 2016

The 1953 piece depicts throngs heading into Burnden Park football stadium, former home of Bolton Wanderers.

Former culture secretary Nadine Dorries (pictured) said Boris Johnson's flagship policy to limit the cost of care in later life was at risk of being killed off by 'Treasury orthodoxy'.

The Queen Consort's ex-husband represented Camilla, 75, at a funeral on Tuesday, carrying out his first royal engagement - as the pair still enjoy a 'warm relationship' despite their divorce in 1995. It is thought Andrew, 82 (pictured with Camilla in Windsor before their split and inset with the Queen Consort in 2014) would be 'happy' to fill in for the Queen Consort again in the future. Pictured right: The King and Queen Consort together in Dunfermline earlier this month.

Alan Titchmarsh, 73, said 'all good wildlife gardens are managed' and that the craze of rewilding - which aims to recreate an area's natural, uncultivated state - is causing gardens to become 'less biodiverse'.

During the leadership contest Miss Truss also said she was 'prepared to look at' effectively scrapping motorway speed limits by making them advisory, as they are in Germany.

The Government will today introduce legislation meaning a minimum number of services must run during walkouts. It will ensure commuters aren't held hostage during bitter industrial disputes.

ANDREW PIERCE: Never one to miss a photo opportunity, Home Secretary Suella Braverman yesterday joined the National Crime Agency in a dawn raid on a people-smuggling ring. Up at 4am to rendezvous with the police in Oxfordshire, Braverman told the TV crews that accompanied her they had made an important breakthrough in the fight against illegal Channel migrant crossings. 'Today's operation sends a clear message that we are committed to bringing to justice the criminal gangs behind these deadly journeys across the Channel,' she said.

Last month Putin said he was ready to use nuclear weapons if necessary to defend Russia's 'territorial integrity' and yesterday Russia said seized Ukrainian lands are under its nuclear protection.

The Oscar-winning actress blamed it for 'crude sensationalism' and blurring fact and fiction in a dramatic intervention in the row over the show's rewriting of history.

Activists have called for Prince William's Duchy of Cornwall to scrap the plans, warning the 320-acre development could threaten protected bats, lizards, butterflies and wild orchids.

Hearn's interest in buying the £15.75 million Trevalga estate as a 'family investment' has set the villagers aquiver, fearful that an invasion by this celebrity dynasty will destroy their gentle way of life and that many of them - who are tenants - will be evicted. After all, Hearn didn't get where he is today - bright white Essex mansion with its own helipad, private lake, stables and swimming pool - without putting a few noses out of joint. But in an interview with the Mail this week he was in mellow mood. The villagers 'are 100 per cent secure', he says. 'The No 1 most important thing is no one - no one - would be evicted. I'm probably the best news these tenants have had because I want to keep it the way it is.'

Today Tory MP Julian Knight said Lineker (pictured) 'runs roughshod' over the corporation's guidelines' and insisted the BBC needed to bring him to 'heel'.

Welsh Bullseye killer John Cooper, pictured, has been linked with the further murders of Martha Thomas and her brother Griff who were found dead at their farmhouse just 24 miles from Cooper's home.

Meghan Markle appeared to distance herself and Prince Harry from their upcoming and controversial Netflix documentary.

Jessica Baker, 20, (inset) has avoided jail after she struck her boyfriend's ex in the head with a stiletto shoe-shaped designer perfume bottle during an ugly row in a Poundbury park (right). Baker was in a relationship with the ex-boyfriend of victim Amelia Duckworth (left) when the two women got into a social media spat about him. Their rivalry 'heated up' to the point where Baker met Miss Duckworth for a showdown in a park. She told Miss Duckworth 'I'm going to do you in' and then produced the glass bottle and lunged at her with it, striking her twice across the head and slashing her face. The victim, covered in blood and suffering a concussion, was rushed to hospital where she received stitches for a gash between her eyes and her scalp was glued. Baker appeared at Bournemouth Crown Court where she pleaded guilty to one count of actual bodily harm and another for possession of an offensive weapon. She has been sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment, suspended for two years on condition of a two-month curfew between 9pm and 7am.

Jason Stein, a special adviser to the Prime Minister, will reportedly face a formal investigation by Whitehall's propriety and ethics team.

Backbenchers have suggested that Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, predecessor Rishi Sunak, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace and Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt could run the Government.

Former barrister James Esses won the right to sue the UK Council for Psychotherapy for discrimination over allegations he was kicked off his degree course for gender critical views.

The Duchess of Sussex has spoken to Variety about a wide-range of issues including 'misconceptions' about her since she married her royal husband in 2018 - especially after the Oprah interview - and claiming their 'love story' had inspired the world because 'people love love'. Meghan took part in a glamorous photo and video shoot for the magazine where she wore a £4,657 Jason Wu dress and spoke about her recent trip to the UK with Harry where their pseudo-royal tour was interrupted by Her Majesty's death aged 96 on September 8. But in a hint that her death had been troublesome for Harry, who reportedly found out about the passing of his grandmother the just five minutes before the rest of the world, she said of the days and weeks afterwards: ' It's been a complicated time, but my husband, ever the optimist, said: "Now she's reunited with her husband".' Harry had looked heartbroken as he arrived at Balmoral after learning the Queen had died on a private jet travelling alone without his wife. He stayed for 12 hours, apparently refused to have dinner with King Charles and Prince William and also took a backseat at the funeral where he was not allowed to salute irrespective of his military service. But despite claims that she and Harry have set out to damage the Royal Family since emigrating in 2020, Meghan told Variety that she remains 'proud' of her relationship with Queen and had a 'nice warmth' with her, calling Her Majesty a 'matriarch'. She said: 'There's been such an outpouring of love and sup
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