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Urgut is a town in the Samarqand Region of Uzbekistan and the capital of Urgut District. It is known for the grove of plane trees, some of which are more than 1000 years old. Urgut is located in mountainous areas.
Urgutlik (also known as Urguti in Tajik) people are a subgroup of ethnic Uzbeks who track their ancestry to people from a town of Urgut. There are almost 500,000 people who describe themselves as Urgutlik. Urgutlik people frequently use Tajik words in their daily conversation. Majority of the population speak Tajik and Uzbek.
Urguti people are heavily involved in basic mercantile trading in their respective locations and in farming. In the town craftsmanship is also well-known which has been maintained traditionally throughout the centuries.
Urgut's biggest market with varied and relatively inexpensive merchandise attracts folks even from Samarkand, the capital of the Region.
Črišnjeva: view of the Vošćica lighthouse and Velebit in the background
Svjetionik Vošćica izgrađen je uz ostatke obalne utvrde Maltempo. Utvrdu su podigli Mlečani krajem 16. stoljeća.
The Vošćica lighthouse was built next to the remains of the coastal fortress of Maltempo. The fort was built by the Venetians at the end of the 16th century.
Rušne rady 131 (E479.1) s prezývkou "Dvojičky" spoľahlivo slúžia na našich tratiach už 40 rokov. Jedná sa o dvojdielny rušeň pre jednosmernú napájaciu sústavu 3kV určený pre ťažké nákladné vlaky na tratiach s náročným sklonom medzi Ostravskom a východným Slovenskom, ktorý sa postupom času stal ikonou Štrbskej rampy. Vyrábala ho plzenská firma Škoda, v rokoch 1980 a 1982, pričom dodnes sa zachovalo všetkých 100 kusov sekcií, respektíve 50 dvojíc. Rekord v najvyššej dosiahnutej rýchlosti dvojičiek dosiahla dvojička 131.011/012, ktorá mezi stanicami Michaľany a Slovenské Nové Mesto pri technicko-bezpečnostnej skúške (TBS) dosiahla rýchlosť až 150 km/h.
Pri tejto príležitosti sa dnes v Spišskej Novej Vsi uskutočnili oslavy výročia 40. rokov prevádzky, ktorého súčasťou bola aj mimoriadna jazda s prvou vyrobenou dvojičkou na trase Spišská Nová Ves - Východná a späť. Na fotografii míňa Dvojička 131.002+131.001
v čele spiatočného Zr 31767 prelomový bod Štrbskej rampy a smeruje naspäť do Spišskej Novej Vsi.
Keeping with the M62 theme. The local train to Ivano-Frankivsk (I think thats right) passes through the idyllic village of Lazeshchyna on the scenic Carpathian Mountain line to Rakhiv.
As I am writing these lines russia is shelling Lviv in western Ukraine. A beautiful city that happens to be where I was born. No need for complex geopolitical reflections and analytics. In the end, the situation we are all facing today is quite easy to comprehend. It is a battle of basic human values. Darkness facing light. Death against life. Evil versus good. Undoubtedly, good has always prevailed and I am sure this will be the case again. But at what cost?
The (back then) freshly overhauled VL80t-1811 arrives at Lviv station in June 2018 with a lengthy service from Eastern Ukraine. Notice the friendly driver waving at the camera. I wonder where he is today.
P.S. Lviv central station (Lviv-Holovnyi) was inaugurated exactly 118 years ago today.
Už druhý rok prevádzkuje mesto Spišské Podhradie spolu s dopravcom LTE Logistik a Transport Slovakia s.r.o osobnú dopravu počas letnej sezóny od konca júna do začiatku septembra na trati Spišské Vlachy - Spišské Podhradie.
Stále krásne naleštená a po technickej stránke veľmi dobre udržiavaná 810.489 sa prejde po tejto trati v jeden víkendový deň celkom 8 krát.
Jej sezóna v roku 2019 sa pomaličky blíži ku koncu a tak som si nenechal ujsť ani ja jej predposledný víkend na klasickom mieste pod dominantou Spiša - Spišským hradom.
Samarcanda es una ciudad de Uzbekistán conocida por sus mezquitas y mausoleos. Forma parte de la Ruta de la Seda, la antigua ruta comercial que enlazaba China con el Mediterráneo. Entre los puntos de referencia más destacados están el Registán, una plaza rodeada de tres elaboradas madrasas cubiertas de mayólica que datan de los siglos XV y XVII, y Gur-e Amir, el gran mausoleo de Tamerlán (Timur), fundador del Imperio timúrida.
Samarkand is a city in Uzbekistan known for its mosques and mausoleums. It is part of the Silk Road, the ancient trade route that linked China with the Mediterranean. Notable landmarks include the Registan, a plaza surrounded by three elaborate majolica-covered madrasas dating from the 15th and 17th centuries, and Gur-e Amir, the great mausoleum of Tamerlane (Timur), founder of the Timurid Empire.
Uz nějakou dobu 163.062 působí pod OCÚ střed SÚ Děčín. Mimo ní tam jsou i její sestry 163.072 a 163.078. Všechny tři lokomotivy jsou nositeli "zeleného kabátku", který mají i mimo jiné jejich vzdálené sestry z OCÚ východ SÚ Bohumín. Jedná se o stroje 163.084/091/083/098/082/095/081/075, které mají výkony nejčastěji okolí Olomouce. Dne 22.3.2019 byla do čelo vlaku Sp 1657 postavena právě zmiňovaná 163.062 a zachycena byla při průjezdu obcí Dolní Zálezly
Dit is nu al sinds 2014 in het seperatisten gebied van de Oekraine.
En hier is vanwege het spoorwegknooppunt ook hevig gevochten.
De UZ VL 8 443 met een trein van Lugansk naar Kiev
bij aankomst in Debaltseve op 30-5-2013.
Near dam. Great day, great clouds, heaven for taking photos. Tripod 20 cm from floor, plus polarizer.
One of the back streets away from the crowds of tourists in Dubrovnik, Coatia.
The seaward side of the city is mainly residential and full of narrow alleys and streets such as this one. The street name refers to the Jesuit church set in a square at the top of the steps.
The Registan was the heart of the ancient city of Samarkand of the Timurid dynasty, now in Uzbekistan. The name Rēgistan means "Sandy place" or "desert" in Persian.
The Registan was a public square, where people gathered to hear royal proclamations, heralded by blasts on enormous copper pipes called dzharchis - and a place of public executions. It is framed by three madrasahs (Islamic schools) of distinctive Islamic architecture.
The three madrasahs of the Registan are: the Ulugh Beg Madrasah (1417–1420), the Tilya-Kori Madrasah (1646–1660) and the Sher-Dor Madrasah (1619–1636). Madrasah is an Arabic term meaning school.
ER9P-336 EMU (25 kV 50 Hz) is a commuter train to Mironivka
Keď som pred dvomi rokmi fotil 4062, jazdila ešte v unifiku ´88.
754.062 ČD, Uherský Ostroh - Ostrožská Nová Ves (Rx 892 Šohaj), 19.7.2017
UZ 2TE10UT-0035 arrived Bortnyky (Бортники) with a mixed freight for Ivano-Frankivsk (Івано-Франківськ) on 03.10.2017.
Seasonal train Kyiv-Vorochta arriving at its final destination in the Carpathian mountains
The diesel locomotive TEP70-0088 with a local train follows to the Dnepr-Lotsmanskaya station
Тепловоз ТЭП70-0088 с пригородным поездом следует на станцию Днепр-Лоцманская
Sometimes the cloud that always appears in the right moment for the train is a hole such as on the cloudy 22nd of April 2019 in western Ukraine when the local train from Jaremshe to Kolomyja crossed the bridge south of the station Delyatin. The leading loco is a converted 2M62, still lettered as 2M62 1001.
met deze foto begon mijn allereerste grote Oekraine reis in het oosten.
Ik was op op 6 maart 2013 heel laat op de avond aangekomen in Kiev met met vliegtuig ging in de nacht door naar Oost Oekraine.
En zo was ik op 7 maart 2013 in Konstantinovka .
Een jaar later zou er in dit gebied een hevige oorlog zijn. Wat ik toen nog niet kon bedenken.
Een UZ chs 2 lok uit de jaren zestig met een trein van Mariupol naar Moskou komt aan in Konstantinovka op 7-3-2013.
Mag nu mijn foto s koesteren die ik daar in de jaren heb gemaakt.
Mercedes-Benz Actros F MP5 Big Space
DR1A-199 DMU in Lviv railway terminal
This big, turquoise-tiled minaret was begun in 1851 by Mohammed Amin Khan, who according to legend wanted to build a minaret so high he could see all the way to Bukhara. Unfortunately, the khan dropped dead in 1855 leaving the beautifully tiled structure unfinished.
East of the minaret, beside the medressa, is the small, plain Sayid Alauddin Mausoleum, dating to 1310 when Khiva was under the Golden Horde of the Mongol empire. You might find people praying in front of the 19th-century tiled sarcophagus.
Bujará, del uigur buxār y este del sánscrito Vihara, ​ es la quinta ciudad más poblada de Uzbekistán, y capital de la provincia homónima. Tiene una población de 323 900 habitantes. Su centro histórico fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en el año 1993.
Bujará, from the Uighur buxār and east from the Sanskrit Vihara, is the fifth most populous city in Uzbekistan, and the capital of the province of the same name. It has a population of 323,900 inhabitants. Its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1993.
Since 2007 when the new Quarsi to Termiz line was opened Uzbekistan hosts a very scenic mountain line with steep gradients. Trains are all pulled by heavy locos. Here, train 380 Tashkent - Termiz has already climbed the summit at Okrabot and will soon arrive in Boysun. A giant 3TE10M is leading.
Uzbekistan was visited during a mainly rail-based half-year-long trans-Asia trip. More from this trip in my blog at
End of July 2016, there was a wonderful special service running the on the remaining sections of the Berehove-Vynohradiv-narrow gauge system.
Irshava was the terminus of our journey.
Diesel 2TE10UT-0069 and #218 Znam'yanka – Moscow route
UZ 2M62,1001 ♦ Lazeshchyna >> Yasina ♦ 2020.01.25. 15:20

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