Utah Call Girls

Utah Call Girls


Utah Call Girls

Added: 2020-02-04 09:43
Updated: 2020-02-04 09:43
























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CALL GIRLS, LLC (Entity Number: 5318986-0160) was incorporated on 03/28/2003 in Utah.
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I find this the hardest writing I've ever attempted to complete. I want to tell this. I am compelled to write it. But it is damned difficult. Do I even have the language skills to tell about the lifting of the heavy velvet drapery without divulging the unnecessary minutiae of the story? I am not so sure. I shall try. The reader should know that we became acquainted and deeply bonded in 1968. We boyfriend-girlfriended intermittently across four years. We finally walked in opposite directions and didn't know whether the other still existed for 30 years. Reconnecting at ages 50 and 53 led us to realize that there is a deep connection between us that no amount of time will erode. Events in life have caused us to assemble and reassemble what we share now. It doesn't look exactly as it once did. It is different, and some parts of it are yet undefined. When our tapestry began to unravel, we each retreated to maladaptive coping models that were comfortable to us. The most mundane topics were discussed and resolved with a two sentence exchange. The things that mattered even slightly were not discussed at all - these left hanging like shiny decorations on an overloaded, drying Christmas tree. For one of us is terrified of simply slipping the necessary words out into the atmosphere and the other is afraid that the acrid smoke rising from the words will choke and annihilate us. We tried some traditional, well recognized means to reach rapprochement, but drifted from that. After all, it still required the words to be said and the feelings to be dealt with. For an ice age, we have rolled like a vehicle with two round and one square wheel. Roll along, flap, roll again, flap. Ker- whap . Ker- whap . Assumptions made. Accusations tossed. Apologies made. Forgiveness granted. This activity allowed between us, but not that one. By some arbitrary and capricious ruling made by one of us or the other, but rarely by both. We've talked for the longest time about the need to talk about things. But the agenda was not moved forward by either of us. The Badger has asked repeatedly: "Who will ask the hard questions?" And, finally, guided by interested parties wiser than I, encouraged by parties who have witnessed the pain, I said (and meant it), "Badger, I believe I can ask the hard questions. I believe I can get us started." I let him and myself down many times. "Hey, let's plot a really long walk and finally open the discussions." "OK." The walk would happen, but not the talk. Pregnant silences between us. He waiting for me to open the door as I'd said I could do. Me wrapped in knots that made me almost physically ill. And I'd despise myself afterward for cowardice and falseness. To consider about us: we are two extremely intelligent, passionate, emotional, creative, fiery people. Intense and extreme. He calls me "difficult" and I say that he "ain't easy". We don't see everything the same. In fact, there is considerable disagreement about some things. If we were flavors, there would be no vanilla in the mix. He is habanero and I am key lime. Strong. Vivid. We are not identical twins or mirror images, but rather highly complementary beings. What one lacks, the other has in abundance. It has been said that when we are in a room together, the lightbulbs spin. The good times are nearly euphoric. The sad times are almost more than the human spirit can bear. I've mentioned crying quietly in the dark when a song came on as we drove to the Preserve. I cried because I felt pretty sure I'd be false and let us down again. I'm now practised at planning to, but not talking. So please join us now at the campsite at Cow Cove, 8 miles one-way from Gas Food. Dinner has been enjoyed. The Badger had a couple of nice cocktails. The fire had settled from flame-throwing to happily crackling and there was a lot of wood left to add to it. We sat in the chairs bought so long ago at Bed, Bath & Beyond and pulled them close to the fire and immediately next to each other. The campfire prevented us from seeing all the stars, but we knew there were plenty of them. Every now and then, a little zephyr would present itself, puffing smoke at us. We're pretty quick movers and likely looked funny when we'd jump up in unison, lift the chairs one-handed and dash to the opposite side of the fire. The blaze grew quiet, but was still strong and warm, little flames licking out from under the wood rather than walls of flame roaring. We inched closer a few times, absorbing the heat into our bodies. And then I heard a voice. It was my own, although I barely recognized it and struggled to understand the language I spoke. For what I said was stated without tears and was the plainest, straightest thing I've ever asked out loud. "Why did you ____?" I waited only a moment for his reply, but I felt myself cringe for the asking it and I steeled myself for an answer that might be painful. For I was pretty certain I knew why, but I needed to have it confirmed, even if it nearly ruined me. "Here is why: _____." Oh. Not at all what I'd thought. He intention was kind and gentle, loving and caring. Not mean, not biting, as I'd interpreted it. How long had I flogged myself replaying it all, when I could simply have asked him . . . we sat in silence for awhile. I didn't know what he was feeling. I was feeling trepidation mixed with a fierce determination to keep going . . . I decided to try a few "I need" statements. That is very difficult for me, as I wear a mask almost every moment of life. You know the mask. The tough-guy, hard-case mask. "I don't need anything from anyone." But I do. I need. I need things from someone I care for. I choked and gagged the first such statement out. "I can do that for you." Oh. The next statement from me came out a little smoother. "All right. Agreed." Oh. And then I pulled out the big guns: "You hurt me when you _____. I don't want you to ever do that to me again." "All right. I won't." Oh. Lest the reader think that only one of us had things to say or ask, I will tell that the Badger checked off a few beads from his own pain rosary. They're not mine to tell. I will simply say that the energy flowed both ways. And, in the end, from this man who can be both a wonderful communicator and taciturn (but not at the same time), two overarching, powerful statements that felt a whole lot like cornerstones for the foundation of a structure being built ~ our next phase in life? Finally. A man and a woman with a long history and deep, abiding affection for one another . . . . communicated, made agreements, made commitments. It may not be remarkable in your world, but it is in ours. That fire flamed and flared, glowed the most glorious colors ranging from golden amber to crimson. We had inch-wormed very close to it, on opposite sides of it. The conversation was so excruciatingly emotional, we were each pulled in by the fire to be dazzled and comforted. At some point in the evening, I noted that my back was very cold and when I assessed my position, I learned why. Each of us had assumed the oddest posture in our chairs - seated, bent very low at the waist, face almost in the fire. My back was exposed to the cold night air and seemed to have been for quite awhile. Our talking had taken on the most unusual cadence. We'd speak about one subject, talk it to completion and then lean into the fire, sometimes for a long time. We'd comment on the fire - the changing shapes in the hottest burning parts, the little blue lick of flame. And then we'd take up the next topic for discussion. More than once I said I'd like to reach out and touch the warmth of that fire. "Don't do it, Limes." I didn't. People who are not emotional, not romantic, not gentle, might say, "Great, enough time passed and these lame people finally began talking." I am emotional and romantic and gentle, however. So I will tell you what I felt and how it was for me . Struggling for words in the night, I thought I could hear tinkling windchimes - the sort with small glass rectangles that clink together. I thought I could see twinkling glitter in the night air - some fairy offering of strength-giving magic. I thought I could smell the fragrance of dirty laundry rendered fresh. I thought I could taste the peace of a heart unburdened. I thought I could touch my heart and find it nearer to whole. For, as I've written before, there was magic in the air, some enchanting presence that made a couple of wonderful people start, finally, taking care of their business. We talked. And maybe now instead of simply being in one another's presence, we can actually spend time together . There's a difference. In my ears right now: Indigo Girls again, Power of Two. " . . . . for if we ever leave a legacy, it's that we loved each other well. Now the steel bars between me and a promise, suddenly bend with ease . . . ." Something that charmed me: That picture above of the squalling kid on the funny tricycle. No, it is not the Badger in his youth. Youthful Badger wouldn't have sat bawling in the saddle of such a funny 3-wheeler. He'd have been greasing the bearings and checking the hubs, getting ready for the next race.
CALLING IN THE ONE: Lesson 3 – Love Letter to Myself
I have been waiting all my life for someone like you. Someone who sees each day as a new day for learning something – something about oneself, others, the world. Someone who is fully in touch with one’s emotions, thoughts, needs – and expresses them clearly and gently and easily.
I revel in who you are for it challenges and inspires me to find out, and be, more of who I am – both as a human being and as my own unique version of being human.
What you bring to my life, I find a constant inspiration. Thank you so much for being who you are….and sharing that so completely and lovingly with me.
I look forward to hearing you express your feelings, thoughts and discoveries on a daily basis…for many years to come. I receive so much enjoyment from the life we share together – living together, being together, doing together, and most of all – loving together.
May we love each other all the days of our lives – even when that loving feeling is not there.
CALLING IN THE ONE – LESSON 5 A Fairy Tale about My Life
A Fairly Tale (fairly ridiculous? fairly possible?)
Once upon a time, there lived a Woman who had grown up believing that everything in Life had to be worked, fought and struggled for. Oh….and that She had to work, fight and struggle for it On Her Own .
You see, in Her childhood, a spell had been cast on Her by Her parents. And She so wanted to be loved by Her parents that She did work, fight and struggle Her way through Life.
Consequently, She didn’t have a lot of Fun in Her Life….She didn’t even really know what Fun was….or Love for that matter. But slowly, through Her Life and especially Her many relationship experiences, She began to learn what Fun….and Love…. was. For you see, this Woman was very passionate about learning about Life – especially those things that related to the spiritual/energetic/emotional aspects of Life. Slowly, She opened Her heart to others. And even more slowly, She opened Her heart to Herself . Each person in Her life, each relationship, taught Her more and more about Herself. She saw how so much of Life was about letting go/releasing what She DIDN’T want – to be or have in Her Life – in order to open up and make room for what She DID want.
And as She became more and more consciously aware of Her choices and what She wanted, She began to draw into Her Life new people and experiences. These people and experiences were emotionally intelligent, loving and consciously aware – everything She was growing to be Herself. She could share Her energy and emotions and intellectual insights and epiphanies with these people and they shared theirs with Her. They talked shadow and light, “good” and “bad”. And with this new community of friends, She also met a special Man to whom She felt particularly drawn. And He felt drawn to Her. He was gentle yet direct in His communication with no fear of “bad” emotions versus “good”. He brought Her small gifts of treats, flowers, books, little trinkets – things He thought She would enjoy. Soon They started taking little trips together – He had places He wanted to share with Her and She had places She wanted to share with Him. And They found new places to experience together. She was so happy . She could openly discuss and share both Her positive and not-so-positive human traits. This Man was not afraid of not-so-positive human traits...Hers or anyone elses..... for He had his too. And They accepted that in Each Other; though at times, They had to consciously communicate Their feelings of not feeling connected so They could respect that too. He was so taken with how fascinated She was with being human…and thinking about and interacting with that. It stimulated and inspired Him.
They were so excited to introduce Each Other to Their friends and family, who saw how much They cared about Each Other and were so happy for Them. In the past, They had both had such struggles in Their personal intimate relationships. So much fighting and arguing. But with Each Other, when upset (and especially when upset with Each Other), They could just express Their feelings. The Other would acknowledge and express Theirs…and then They would work toward a mutually acceptable solution. There was no need of fighting…or defensiveness.
And the best thing of all, even when They were upset with Each Other, They could still feel a connection of Love. That was the connection that drove Them to talk about what was bothering Them. And when They did, that connection strengthened – like the sun coming out after a cloudy day.
Wow! This Woman felt so blessed to have this network of friends and this special Man in Her Life. She felt so valued and wanted by Him – sexually, socially, emotionally, mentally and energetically. He had women friends that He was close to but She felt so secure in Her relationship with Him and He was so attentive to Her emotions that She had no problem with them. And all of these women friends opened themselves to Her and She to them so they became friends also.
They never got married but They lived together in a beautiful house with a beautiful yard and traveled together and read together and enjoyed Their friends and family together until the end of Their Life together. And the Woman saw how so much of Her Life had been about experiencing what She didn’t want just so She could get more and more clear about what She did want. And in Her 40s, She finally did. And that was when the struggle, fight and work in Her Life just dropped away…and Her Life intersected with His…..

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