Using Traditional Chinese Medicine to Combat the Epidemic

Using Traditional Chinese Medicine to Combat the Epidemic


(13 Mar) Online news circulated in mainland China of Dr Zhong Nanshan's dismissal from leading the national task force combatting the Wuhan pneumonia. The official reason for his dismissal is unknown. There is online speculation that Zhong resisted Chinese President Xi Jinping's mandate to use "Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to combat the epidemic"and that he stubbornly adhered to Western medicine principles. This led to dissatisfaction within the Chinese medicine industry and complaints to President Xi.

Zhong's statement, "using TCM against the epidemic is unhelpful," and other similar comments are unpatriotic. Not only does he blatantly discriminate and trample on TCM culture passed down by Shennong*, Hua Tuo+ and Bian Que++, it is not sure if Zhong still identifies himself as Chinese. President Xi should remove this kind of allopathic slave to boost morale, and may also gratify to the public. 

However, experts familiar with China's temperament foresaw this earlier. Regardless of whether TCM is a miracle cure or garbage, this old man Zhong possessed an online presence in China for three months, commenting on national affairs everywhere and trending much higher than President Xi. Netizens uncovered old photos of a young Zhong playing basketball, exclaiming how handsome he was. His nationwide cult personality was an unhealthy trend. Knowing Chinese society's penchant for punishing nonconformity, regardless of his background, Zhong was certain to step down.

Within the misfortune was a silver lining. Zhong was only removed from his leadership position but remained in the task force as an inspector under the leadership of others. He still retains some freedom of speech and has not been detained, thus far. Handed over to the aunties to denounce, society already seems to have progressed.

Zhong had previously spared no efforts to serve his country, declaring "the virus' discovery in China did not necessitate its origin in China". Deliberately left blank, Chinese netizens understood the declaration as "the virus is a biological weapon from an American lab". After completing this mission of foreign declaration for China, Zhong retired. In fact, because of the paranoia triggered, the US government felt slandered.He is no longer able to apply for an American visitor visa, a huge sacrifice on his part.

Not only is TCM to join in the research against the epidemic. After successful integration, TCM would have authority while Western medicine would take a back seat.The lengthy path of the virus, from mice to dogs to the people of Wuhan in a series of experiments, may have taken a decade. Even if the WHO's Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an African leader, were bribed to get the propaganda machine going for TCM to strengthen its professional credibility, it would still take half a year. China's epidemic situation shall be stable at that moment, but I am afraid that Iran and Italy may not be able to wait for the "common destiny of Chinese herbs" to save lives.

What is more, male fertility seemed compromised in seekers of TCM treatment for the Wuhan pneumonia. In this respect, TCM should consider randomly prescribing some combination of barrenwort+++ and Viagra to immediately counter those side effects. Finding the right dosage combination may take a decade's worth of expertise or two. I fear that there is no cure.++++

Editor's Notes:

* Shennong, or "God farmer", is a mythical healer and ruler of prehistoric China. He is believed to have given rise to using herbs in TCM.

+ Hua Tuo was a Chinese physician from the late Eastern Han dynasty who pioneered the usage of anaesthesia for surgery in China.

++ Bian Que was, according to legend, the earliest known Chinese physician.

+++ Barrenwort is a genus of flowering plants used in TCM. TCM practitioners believe the plants help to boost sexual performances of male.

++++ This article's writer is well known for his sarcasm and dark humour. His intention is to mock the lack of evidence-based practice in TCM as well as the patients' insatiable libidos while on their deathbeds. Unfortunately, there is no cure to getting one's priorities in order.

Source: Apple Daily

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