Using Freelancers to Save You Thousands

Using Freelancers to Save You Thousands

Freelancing can be mutually beneficial for both the contractor and the employer. In an economic recession, employers are reaping numerous benefits from contractors that are offering quality work for incredibly low prices. Currently, freelancing work is akin to a "buyer's market" in real estate. Employers are outsourcing tasks to freelancers and paying 75% less than they would to a full time employee. This is an incredible opportunity for new business owners that have little capital, but an idea that must be introduced to market.

Search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM) and keyword rich content are the areas where clients are receiving a significant deal. Salaried employees performing the same amount of work will may be paid five times the amount or more for the same amount of work and consultation. Business owners that need to build their clientele on the web are truly at an advantage with the services that are provided by freelancers.

Salaried versus Freelancers

Freelancers are hired on an as needed basis, whereas employees are hired and paid a salary. Freelancers providing SEO content may be paid 25% to 75% less than a salaried employee, depending upon the quality of work provided. Typically, companies must change their SEO content monthly or more to continue to rank high in the major search engines. This is a significant investment to have someone on staff to complete these assignments monthly. A freelancer may be hired to perform these tasks for a fraction of the cost. Many companies using freelancers for this type of work save thousands.

Companies are able to hire freelancers for less, because most of these people are desperate for an income. Most freelancers are waiting for a permanent position with a company or are waiting for the next major project. While they are waiting, they perform these jobs in order to maintain their finances. Business owners capitalize on their need for work and offer them less money to save their company money. In the age of the "green" company, business owners are cutting costs wherever they can.

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