Using Ben Wa Balls

Using Ben Wa Balls


Using Ben Wa Balls


Ben Wa Balls



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A Beginner’s Guide to Ben Wa Balls


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Ben Wa balls have been around for thousands of years, but many women still have not tried them. This may be because they aren’t convinced that Ben Wa balls actually work, or it may be they are too timid or shy to give them a shot.
In any case, Ben Wa balls serve many purposes because they not only help women get more pleasure in the bedroom, but they are also great for strengthening the pelvic floor and easing problems such as incontinence and the ability to reach an orgasm.
Ben Wa balls are simple to use and relatively inexpensive, and once you learn about their many advantages, you’ll likely wonder why you haven’t tried them before now.
Ben Wa balls are usually sold in pairs, and they are marble-like balls that are made out of stainless steel, glass, or even plastic.
The steel ones are weighted to make it easier for them to remain in the vagina, and the plastic ones have weighted steel balls inside the plastic part.
To use them, you simply lay down and gently insert them into the vagina, and they can be worn while doing almost anything, although you’ll want to ease into the length of time you use them at first.
If you’ve never used Ben Wa balls before, you should start out by keeping them in only around 15 minutes twice a day, for a total of 30 minutes per day until you get used to them.
You can gradually increase the time you use them until you get to a timeframe that’s comfortable for you.
And speaking of keeping them inside your vagina, you can keep your Ben Wa balls in while walking, doing housework, and yes, even having sex.
In fact, most couples agree that when the woman is wearing Ben Wa balls, the entire sexual experience is better for both partners.
Many decades ago, women used to wear them while they rocked back and forth to achieve orgasm, and nowadays they can increase the intensity of your orgasms and even make those orgasms come a lot quicker.
Of course, although Ben Wa balls are specifically designed for sexual pleasure, this is not the only thing they are good for, because if you use Ben Wa balls while doing your Kegel exercises, it will increase the effectiveness of the exercises – much like free weights do when you’re in the gym trying to strengthen your muscles by using weights.
Ben Wa balls also come in two main varieties – a standard type and a vibrating type.
The vibrating Ben Wa balls can be wireless or come with a cord, and they are extra-stimulating and are best used by people who have already used Ben Wa balls in the past.
When you’re exercising your vaginal muscles, it is similar to working on any other muscle group and therefore, it is possible to overdo it.
However, this is an extremely rare problem that should go away quickly because like other exercises, all you have to do is give your pelvic floor muscles a rest afterwards.
In fact, some doctors recommend that every time you do your Kegel exercises using Ben Wa balls, you should spend some time after doing the exercises simply relaxing your vaginal muscles for a while.
In addition, if you ever notice any irritation or infection occurring, know that this is usually caused by one of two problems – either the quality of the balls is substandard, which can be avoided by making sure you purchase your Ben Wa balls only from a reputable store; or the Ben Wa balls weren’t cleaned properly.
To make sure they are clean, you should use either mild soap and water or a cleaner specifically made for sex toys – or whatever the instructions on the package tell you to use.
Moreover, Ben Wa balls should be cleaned both before and after you use them, every time, to make sure they stay clean and safe for a very long time.
If you’ve never before used Ben Wa balls, there is no need to be nervous. The process is simpler than you think, and it can be described in the following steps.
A lubricant is not always necessary for Ben Wa balls to slide in there properly, but since you may be nervous your first time using them and, therefore, a little on the dry side, it is a good idea to use some.
After a few minutes, or as soon as you feel comfortable, you can get up and walk around but again, only do this for a short period of time at first.
To remove the Ben Wa balls – at least the ones without a string attached – simply stand up, spread your legs slightly, and push down like you are trying to have a bowel movement. The beads should simply fall out! It may sound complicated, but it isn’t.
In fact, over time you should be able to expel your Ben Wa beads very quickly without even thinking about it, even though at first it might be a little awkward.
One of the most important things to remember if you are new to Ben Wa balls is to limit the amount of time you wear them at first.
After all, the last thing you want to do is go to the mall when you’re not used to your Ben Wa balls and feel them falling out into your panties while you’re out shopping.
The best way to avoid this is to gradually increase the amount of time you keep your Ben Wa balls in, and don’t go out in public until you are used to them and you know what you’re doing.
Choosing a Ben Wa ball can be complex because there are so many types available, but once you decide on some basics, you can easily choose the right one for your needs.
Again, Ben Wa balls can be made of plastic, metal, and even glass, and they come with or without a string.
They also come in various sizes and in many different weights, so it may be confusing the first time you purchase your Ben Wa balls.
For most beginners, choosing a medium to large-sized ball is best, because the smaller balls are a lot more difficult to control once they’re inside your vagina.
As far as the weights are concerned, try the lower ones first, because the heavier ones might be more difficult to maneuver once you insert them.
Once again, the plastic Ben Wa balls with a string attached are perfect for beginners, and if you start with lower weights and larger balls, the rest should take care of itself.
Vibrating Ben Wa balls are definitely not recommended for beginners, because there are just too many things going on at one time for you to be able to concentrate on all of them.
Although some beginners are comfortable with vibrating Ben Wa balls, most are not, which is why it is usually recommended that you start with the standard type before moving up to the vibrating ones.
Even with some research, you’ll likely want additional information on Ben Wa balls before you rush out to purchase a set. For this, the Internet is a great resource (and we have many articles covering everything you might need to know!), both for learning more about Ben Wa balls and for purchasing a set. Here are a few reminders if you’re ready to get down to business but are still unsure how to start.
Ben Wa balls are not likely to disappear anytime soon, and are likely to be around for many more centuries. Once you try them, you’ll understand their popularity, and getting some tips when you’re a beginner is a lot easier than you think.

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Ben Wa balls , also referred to as Ben Wah Balls, Burmese balls, Venus balls or Geisha balls, are small marble-sized balls that can be used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and tighten the vagina. They are sometimes connected by a string or a silicone coating.
They’ve been around for hundreds of years but have recently seen a surge in popularity after being featured in the Fifty Shades of Grey novels.
You’ve probably heard of kegel or ben wa balls (aka orgasm balls, rin-no-tama, Venus balls or Geisha balls). But what are they and what is the difference between the two? It’s simple: kegel balls are used for kegel exercises to help with pelvic floor strength. Ben wa balls can be a type of kegel ball. Ben wa balls are designed to be a sexual product, as well.
Kegel balls are great for pelvic floor training and vagina muscles strength training. They are usually weighted balls that can either be plastic or stainless steel. Ben wa balls are not always weighted since they are designed for sexual gratification.
Learning how to use ben wa balls is important- and there are several ways they can be used:
There are so many different types of kegel and ben wa balls that women and men can use for various reasons and exercises. Some of these balls are made with different materials and weights for those of different learning levels.
Strings are such a great addition for your ben wa balls as they make them easier to remove but can cause even more stimulation when used.
There are a couple of design options that you can choose when looking for the right balls:
The strings are usually made of silicon but various types of string can be used to hold the balls together. These balls are great for someone just starting to use ben wa balls as it makes it a lot easier to remove them once you’re done.
Just like the balls themselves, it is important to cleanse the string before insertion. These balls can be more difficult and time-consuming to clean but once you get the hang of cleaning them, it gets easier.
A vibrating ben wa ball is an absolute treat for the right buyer. These balls do exactly what the name suggests and can be remote-controlled or wired. Sets usually come with two connected vibrating balls. Some of these balls even have an adjustable speed control so that you are enjoying them exactly how you want.
It can also be a fun product to use when with a partner. The remote-control or wire options allow your partner to be in control of the vibration setting while it is inside of you. However, wired options can be bothersome at times since the wire is coming out of your vagina. It might make for an awkward time compared to the remote-control or hands-free options.
One thing to note before purchasing these is that they come at a hefty price compared to a traditional kegel ball and they also are not meant to be performed for pelvic floor muscle training but just for sexual acts. With that being said, these balls are also great for anal pleasure as well.
A kegel ball with adjustable weights can be perfect to help you strengthen your kegel muscle. Adjustable weight options can help you to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
These weighted exercise balls are meant for those who have mastered a basic kegel ball and want to move on to something more advanced. The weights works kind of like how regular weights do when you work out. The stronger your pelvic floor becomes the heavier the weight you might need to sustain this.
It’s best that when you’re starting with weighted balls, you start with the lighter ball and work your way up in weight. If you start with a weight that is too heavy, you can easily cause yourself pain. Weighted balls are a great way to tighten and tone but being cautious will save you down the line.
When you use them, make sure that your pelvic muscles are tightened and hold onto the string as it is inserted to ensure a complete insertion. The string will start lifting away from your hand as you tighten. After this, you can go on with your exercises without worry.
These balls usually have a hollow plastic outside with a smaller weighted metal ball on the inside. This type of ball creates a subtle vibrating sensation when used. They are a popular option since they can come in a variety of different styles and can be used for both intimacies and exercise.
Because of this subtle vibration, it can be a great pleasure ball for your sex life. This is not the only thing they are good for, however. Many people use duotone ben wa balls for their kegel muscle as well. Since some options have balls with weight inside of them, it’s perfect for your exercises.
There are also silicon options but note that these should only be used with a water-based lubricant. Most of these balls are between 1 to 2 inches and work for most women. These balls are a very popular option since they can be used by a variety of women.
Since these balls will reside within your vaginal walls, you must learn about anything that could put your body at risk.
When using the balls, make sure to:
You should contact a health professional if you run into any severe pain, unusual discharge or odor. It’s also advised that before using this product, you may want to contact your health care provider if you:
Also, make sure to not overuse the balls as it might lead to overexertion and tearing that can lead to further discomfort and pain.
Kegel balls are a great way to enhance your sexual health but it is important to keep these things in mind. You are working with a very sensitive part of your body and you must be taking care of it as well as you can.
Before using a ben wa or kegel ball, make sure that it is thoroughly washed. You can use antibacterial, mild soap and warm water. Once done with the kegel balls, repeat this step to clean them.
To store the balls, make sure they have a case or some type of packaging that they can be stored in. You want to make sure that the kegel balls are completely clean and stored correctly to keep any bacteria from growing on them. This can lead to vaginal infection down the line.
It’s important that if your ben wa or kegel balls have a string, that you clean that properly as well. You want to make sure that every single part of your ball is completely clean before use.
Check out more ben wa ball FAQs here
You can start seeing results from your pelvic floor exercise and other kegel workouts in just as little as three weeks.
You might notice that you have better control over your bladder and stronger pelvic muscles.
These results may vary if you have outstanding issues like:
Pelvic floor training and other exercises are a great way to strengthen your pelvic muscles that support your uterus, bladder and other important functioning organs in your body.
The kegel muscle exercises can be important in preventing:
It’s also important to note that women are not the only ones that can benefit from kegel exercises. Men can also partake in them and it can actually be a great way to keep healthy.
A lot of women ponder whether or not these exercises can help make a tight vagina. Yes, these exercises can help to tighten the vagina while also improving sexual satisfaction.
These exercises are a great way to increase pelvic strength that will tone and tighten.
There is some research out there that suggests using kegel balls after giving birth as a way of increasing sexual gratification and confidence. The balls are also known for helping to strengthen orgasms as well.
Can you walk around with Kegel balls or Ben Wa balls in?
You might want to optimize that kegel muscle to the best of your ability. The idea of walking around with the kegel ball in might make you think you’re putting in extra work.
In reality, you should stay still while doing kegel exercises. You can
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