Useful plugins for WordPress. Which ones should you install on your website?

Useful plugins for WordPress. Which ones should you install on your website?


Greetings to everyone! Surely, many of you drive traffic using financial offer walls and other internet resources employing SEO. And, many of you may be using WordPress in your work since this platform is very convenient and multifunctional. WordPress is popular across the whole world and people have developed a huge amount of plugins for this service. We’re going to tell you about our favorite ones that can make your job so much more comfortable. 


Yoast SEO

The first place in our list is taken over by Yoast SEO. It is practically necessary for people doing SEO. This plugin helps web resource owners post quality and nicely optimized for search engines content. Searching algorithms are often updated and it’s challenging to follow all of those updates. And this is when this plugin comes in handy, it allows you to be intact with all the new search engine updates.

Yoast SEO shows the readability of your content by users, i.e. everyone will be happy: search engines, as well as your users. Also, the plugin will mark all aspects that you might’ve missed in your promotion, it will create XML maps and more. Highly recommend!


Sometimes websites face such mistakes as when the server cannot find the client’s requested information. This plugin looks for broken links. Using this plugin your website won’t get penalized because you will know about these errors on time to actually fix them.

Broken Link Checker is very easy to use, it analyzes your resource, and if it finds broken any links, it will notify you. Next, it’s your call: you either ignore its notifications or fix your links. It’s a nice plugin for people with multi-page websites and a plentitude of links.


Wordfence Security

And now let’s talk a little bit about security. As the name of this plugin states, it helps to defend your web resource from external internet threats. Its basic subscription package has threat databases that are regularly updated, it can protect your site following the WAF rules. Moreover, the Wordfence Security plugin can add IP addresses to a blacklist which can be helpful if your site gets a lot of unwanted users that use server proxy. The plugin allows blocking website visits from certain GEOs.

It also has a premium version that can set up two-factor authentication for all registered users. Its use for financial offer walls is questionable but perhaps you’re doing something other than this too and this feature is more relevant there. This plugin constantly monitors your website and sends you reports.


Imagify Image Optimizer

Everyone knows that not only does traffic depend on the quality of your site but also on the speed of its loading. Some users won’t even wait 5 seconds before closing a page with your resource and this will deprive you of your potential traffic. This plugin significantly increases the speed of your website loading. 

These days it’s not recommended to post low-quality images on your resources because the majority of users have devices (smartphones, PCs, laptops, tablets, etc.) that support high resolution and they want to look at good pics. The only problem is that quality pictures and many of those especially, slow down your website loading. If your site has many high-quality images then it will load slower, and the more of those pictures you have, the slower it will be. This plugin will compress your images so that their quality remains high but they weigh less. These actions will make your website load much faster. There is also a free version but it sets a limit on the number of pics that can be optimized though it can be enough for a financial offer wall or a small website. In any case, you can always purchase a whole package.


W3 Total Cache 

To continue the topic of the importance of your site’s loading speed for your users, we’ll tell you about W3 Total Cache. Well, it does have to do something with the cache. This plugin will allow those users that have already visited your site previously, load faster. It’s saved in those users’ cache and so that when they open it again, it will load almost instantly. If you want your site to load substantially faster then we recommend you get this one.


Beaver Builder

Many publishers know that conversion depends on offer conditions along with where it is placed on the user’s screen. The CMS system itself has options allowing you to change the elements’ positions but if you don’t really know what to do with it then this plugin will definitely help you.

It will let you change your pages’ look and make it appear more eye-pleasing. Its interface is easy enough for even a child to understand whereas the outcome of its job will be even better than you could’ve imagined. If you agree that visuals are important then you need this plugin.


Google Analytics Dashboard for WP

This installs something like a specific script to your website that can let you analyze your performance anytime. 

You’ll have a special panel for monitoring your progress where you can see how many people there currently are on your website and where they came from.

This plugin has many features and if you liked the sneak peek we gave you above then we highly recommend you learn all of this plugin’s possibilities and install it to your website, you won’t regret it.



This is it. Hope you use our advice and install some of these plugins on your site. Remember, we’re trying to help you!




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