Used Vagina

Used Vagina


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Misogynistic Podcasters are making headlines by telling men about the ‘Value’ of women and what ‘De-values’ them.
And apparently – if a woman has ever had sex (or God forbid, a baby), she has a ‘Used Vagina’ and therefore has ‘Less Value’ as a woman.
Oh but don’t worry – it gets better. These Podcasters talk about being ‘High-quality men’. Their definition of being a ‘High-quality man’ includes having a public persona, lots of money, fancy cars and ‘game’. Going by that definition, the most ‘High-quality Man’ in Australia would be Kyle Sandilands, and I still wouldn’t fuck him if it depended on the future of the entire human race. Ewwwww.
Oh but back to what deems women less valuable.
Lucky for all these people – we found the ‘Highest-quality’ woman in the world. Meet Pam. Now we aren’t sure if she has a hairless badger – but she does meet all the other qualities. Good on you Pam!
Pam is a cabaret singer from the UK who is saving her virginity for her husband-to-be. She is 70 and is still looking for Mr Right!
Another ‘Popular’ Podcast this week made headlines when the ‘man’ (and I use that term lightly) stated that his future wife had better lose all the weight after giving birth or she would be kicked to the kerb. There has been an uproar about it. I think we forget that these podcasters are just children and haven’t yet met a real woman, or had a real deep meaning relationship (except with their hand).
I really hate it when these types of people create an uproar in the media. Because there are girls and women out there who are still growing and learning in themselves, that will listen to this crap. And this is the sort of crap that makes women doubt their own self-worth and that creates eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and deep insecurities.
Let’s talk about our version of a real man huh.
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The advantage of wand vibrators over other ‘normal’ vibrators is one
The female body is ever evolving, ever changing and once we
Most men would say that all sex is good sex, and
Are you wondering if your relationship is on the rocks? This
More Hysterectomies are done in Australia than in any other country
The advantage of wand vibrators over other ‘normal’ vibrators is one
The female body is ever evolving, ever changing and once we
Most men would say that all sex is good sex, and
Are you wondering if your relationship is on the rocks? This
Stay at Home Mum is the ultimate guide for real mums, the perfect, the imperfect, the facts… and just a little cheeky!
Copyright © Stay at Home Mum 2022. All rights reserved.

Medically Reviewed by Carol DerSarkissian, MD on March 06, 2022
The age-old question of whether or not size matters is typically directed at men. But although they might not talk about it, some women may worry about the size of their vagina and how it affects sexual pleasure, particularly after having a baby .
Not a lot of research has been done in this area. Because so many things affect women’s sexuality, it's hard for researchers to know if vagina size and sexual pleasure are linked.
“Our ability to understand size as it relates to sexual function is poorly understood,” says Christopher Tarnay, MD, director of the division of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at the UCLA Medical Center.
The vagina is a very “elastic” organ, says Christine O’Connor, MD, director of adolescent gynecology and well women care at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore.
It's small enough to hold a tampon in place, but can expand enough to pass a baby through. This is because the walls of the vagina are similar to those of the stomach in that they have rugae, meaning they fold together to collapse when unused, then expand when necessary.
“It doesn’t stay one particular size,” O’Connor says. “It changes to accommodate whatever is going on at that time.”
The most commonly used measurements regarding the size of vaginas come from Masters and Johnson’s work from the 1960s. They looked at 100 women who had never been pregnant and found that vagina lengths, unstimulated, range from 2.75 inches to about 3¼ inches. When a woman is aroused, it increased to 4.25 inches to 4.75 inches. Regardless of how long the vagina is, the area that is thought to be important for most women’s sexual response is the outer one-third.
So how does length relate to sexual satisfaction? No one seems to know for sure.
Tarnay says the main issues women report is discomfort during sex. This typically happens if the vagina is too short or tight or if they have a prolapse. In prolapse, the uterus, bladder , or other organs fall out of place, typically after childbirth.
But in general, vaginal length "probably doesn’t matter,” Tarnay says. “There is such a wide range of normal. One can be completely assured that in the absence of prolapse, length has no impact on sexual satisfaction.”
What may make a difference, Tarnay says, is what he calls the genital hiatus -- the vaginal opening. If there's a problem, it typically happens after childbirth.
The vaginal opening likely changes only slightly after birth, Tarnay says. In 1996, doctors began using a measurement called the pelvic organ prolapse quantification system as a way of helping them see how well they were doing repairing that area after childbirth.
This was the first time there was a true before-and-after measurement, Tarnay says. Doctors have used the system to look at populations of women and found that there is a slight increase in the size of the opening after vaginal deliveries. The issue may be more related to muscular weakness or injury in that area, Tarnay says.
“Women who are able to contract the pelvic floor muscles can increase or decrease the size of the hiatus,” he says. “Increasing pelvic floor muscle tone can reduce looseness.”
Kegel exercises can be very effective at strengthening these muscles, Tamay says may generally improve sex .
A study published in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2008 found that women who regularly did Kegel exercises reported greater sexual satisfaction than women who didn’t do Kegels.
To find the muscles you use to do Kegels, you can either insert a finger into the vagina and squeeze the surrounding muscles or stop the flow when urinating. After you’ve found the muscles, practice contracting them for five to 10 seconds, and then relax. If you can’t hold for that long, work your way up. Repeat the process 10 to 20 times, three times a day. While doing these exercises, breathe normally and try not to use the muscles in your legs, stomach, or bottom.
Some women sustain nerve injury during birth and can’t feel these muscles. Tarnay says there arephysical therapists who specialize in helping women learn how to do Kegels.
Worrying about vagina size and whether or not it changes over time is the wrong concern, O’Connor says. She notes that other things -- like lubrication, arousal, and having and a good relationship with your partner -- have a much greater impact on sexual enjoyment for women.
A 2010 study published in the International Urogynecology Journal bears out her opinion. Researchers used medical records, an exam, and questionnaire of 500 gynecological patients aged 40 and older to see if there was a correlation between vaginal length and opening size and sexual satisfaction.
The researchers found that desire, arousal, orgasm, pain, and sexual satisfaction weren't linked to vagina size. 
“It is not an exact physical fit you are looking for in terms of sexual function,” O’Connor says. “It is more about the communication between the two partners and making sure both are getting what they need out of the experience and are comfortable.”
Christopher Tarnay, MD, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology; director, division of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, UCLA Medical Center.
Christine O’Connor, MD, director of adolescent gynecology and well women care, Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore.
Schimpf, M. “Does vaginal size impact sexual activity and function?” International Urogynecology Journal , April 2010.
© 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved.
WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Remember that scene in Broad City when Ilana sees police officers in the subway station, so she stashes her weed in her vagina? She dubs it “nature’s pocket” and it turns out she’s not the only one using this pocket in unexpected ways.
People with vaginas have attempted to smuggle or hide loaded pistols, Rolex watches, marijuana pipes, crack, lighters, money, cellphones, cigarettes, makeup, fireworks (yes, really), alcohol and a host of other drugs and stolen items in their vag. Of course, few people would actually consider inserting things like loaded guns and fireworks inside their vaginas. But sometimes, in an attempt to make things more interesting in the bedroom, some do make questionable decisions about what actually goes in there.
Sure, your vagina can stretch and accommodate quite a few things, but being able to do it doesn’t mean you should . Putting the wrong thing in can result in a host of health issues, from major injuries and tears in your vaginal canal to infections and irritation… not to speak of the embarrassment at your OB-GYN’s office .
Turns out, the list of approved things to put in your vagina is short and easy to remember.
Penises are totally allowed to enter mouths, vaginas and buttholes. But remember to put a condom on it to avoid STIs and unwanted pregnancies. A note: Flavored condoms should only be used for oral sex , as the flavor chemicals can irritate your vaginal lining.
Fingers (attached to hands, of course!) also feel pretty good. As long as the person’s nails are trimmed short with sharp corners filed away and kept clean, digits are a good time. You can improve your safer sex practices by wearing latex gloves (easily purchased in drugstores) and adding lube.
Watch: 5 Things Your Ob-Gyn Wants You to Know About Your Vagina

Speaking of lube, there are still lots of myths about lubricants . Oil-based lubes are actually OK, according to Lilly (who goes only by her first time), a sex toy expert and blogger at Dangerous Lilly .
“Synthetic oil-based lubes have been proven to cause vaginal infections in some, but there is much less chance for an interaction when a natural oil is used,” she tells SheKnows. “They shouldn’t be used by anyone relying on latex or polyisoprene condoms for STI and pregnancy protection, though.”
She adds that silicon-based lubricants are actually safe to use and that contrary to popular belief, “many water-based lubes are incompatible with vaginal pH or have irritating ingredients that make some folks more susceptible to vaginal infections and can increase STI transmission.”
According to recent statistics , the global adult sex toy market is poised to reach $29 billion by 2020. That’s a lot of sex toys… although not all of them are safe.
Sex toy materials are a complex and wide-ranging topic, bu
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